After hearing this, everyone looked at Lin Yuan in confusion, and their expressions became weird.

"Brother Lin, what are you talking about? Does Moyo want to run away?"

"I know you are powerful, but this is a critical moment. If you don't come out to help, forget it, and you want to encourage us to leave together. What's your motive?"

"If you want to leave, you can go on your own. We will definitely not retreat at this time."

Several people in the crowd suddenly became emotional and fiercely refuted Lin Yuan's words.

After Lin Yuan silently listened to the condemnation of these people, he cast his eyes on Wu Ren and said calmly: "Are you leaving?"

Wu Ren touched the magic crystal in his pocket, thinking that he still had a younger sister who needed to be taken care of by himself. His attitude was not as firm as the previous one. He hesitated for a while and asked half-openly.

"Brother Lin, why do you insist on asking us to leave? There are so many Fellow Daoists fighting with us. It is really inappropriate for us to be deserters at this time."

He didn't understand why Lin Yuan wanted them to do this, and it was still in full view of everyone. If they didn't meet each other in the future, it would be okay, but the people here couldn't avoid the scene of looking up and not seeing each other, and if they ran away this time, When the arbitration of the Tianbang comes down, no one on their field can escape.

Lin Yuan breathed out a sigh of relief.

"What's scary is not the wave of Monsters, but the beasts hiding behind them."

"A ferocious beast?"

Everyone paused and looked at each other.

"Where did the ferocious beasts come from here? I grew up in this place and have never heard of any ferocious beasts. Brother Lin, please stop joking... Anyway, I didn't expect you to be a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death."

With that said, he angrily abandoned everyone, turned around and threw himself into the tide of Monsters, and started fighting with them.

Lin Yuan looked at all this indifferently, then withdrew his gaze and fell on Wu Ren in front of him.

"You want to leave too?"

He might not care if others wanted to leave, but Wu Ren... After all, he couldn't bear to let Wu Ren fend for himself. If he couldn't go back from this trip, what would happen to the people who stayed at home waiting for him?

Facing his teammates leaving one by one, Wu Ren looked solemn, his legs seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn't move any further.

For a long time, he held the magic crystal in his hand tightly and murmured: "I'm not leaving, my sister is still waiting for me..."

Lin Yuan's eyes were slightly relaxed, and he held the dragon scale knife in his hand.

"Then you leave quickly. If it's later... you won't be able to leave..."

As he spoke, Lin Yuan's aura surged, and the spiritual energy that was about to be unleashed rumbled in the air.

Wu Ren's pupils shrank suddenly and he left without looking back.



The sky gradually darkened, and apart from the sounds of fighting, there were also low roars mixed in with the beast tide in the distance.

A ray of light appeared in Lin Yuan's eyes, and his other hand covered the Black Demon Halberd behind his back.

The low roar hidden in the noise is different from the chaotic roar of the beast tide. Instead, it seems to be dormant in it, staring at the prey in front of you, ready to wait for the opportunity to move, so as to capture the prey in one fell swoop.

The clanging sound of the blades and the muffled humming were intertwined, and the scene instantly became chaotic.

The two people who sent Wu Ren away did not immediately jump into the battle. Instead, they retreated to a corner and observed the situation in front of them.

Monsters and monks fought hard, with countless vitalities intertwined among them.

The rich spiritual energy of life is like a plate of delicious food, waiting for others to pick it up.

Lin Yuan secretly released his ability, devouring the life force within it.

Little by little...

He felt like his body was almost full.

Luo Qinghan felt the chaotic spiritual power in the air, and thought it was a new situation in the center of the battlefield. However, after a week of patrolling, she discovered that the source of the chaos was actually beside her.

"Are you...are you okay?"

Luo Qinghan clearly saw the abnormal redness on Lin Yuan's face, his lips were tightly sealed, and there was a faint redness in his eye sockets.

Lin Yuan gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words with difficulty.

"Master... I may be about to break through..."


Luo Qinghan's eyes flashed with a somewhat confused look, and his brain was working rapidly.


Luo Qinghan, who had always been calm, was now a little uneasy. Breaking through in itself was not an easy task. Now that he breaks through in this dragon's pond and tiger's den, wouldn't he show his most vulnerable point? Once he breaks through, All Monster's attention will be on Lin Yuan.

This is a hard target.

Luo Qinghan looked around, but didn't see any better hidden corner, and felt a little anxious.

"Why don't you... endure it for a while? Master, I will take you away right now."

In the past, Lin Yuan's breakthroughs were always accompanied by catastrophes, and this time was no exception. If those Taoist priests knew about Lin Yuan's vision, it would not be a good thing for Lin Yuan or her.

When Luo Qinghan's hand first climbed up Lin Yuan's body, the scorching temperature of Lin Yuan's skin startled her.


Lin Yuan's eyes were bloodshot, and his black hair was swaying in the wind.

"Master, it's too late..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a beam of light burst out from his body and shot straight into the sky.

The sudden intrusion of spiritual power broke the solemnity of the battlefield, and everyone looked in the direction where Lin Yuan and the two were standing.

Suddenly, someone shouted.

"No, that person is making a breakthrough."

When many people saw this, they spat and muttered a few curse words.

"Holy crap, is that guy doing something? If you don't break through early, you won't break through later, but you choose to break through at this time, does he want to kill all of us?"

Lin Yuan's breakthrough made Monster suddenly become excited. They were all breathing heavily. When they looked at Lin Yuan, there was a bit of desire in their eyes.

Boom boom boom——

The attacks of the Monsters suddenly increased to a new level, causing everyone to scream in agony.

Farther into the depths of the jungle, the lush woods suddenly began to tremble, and countless birds resting among the branches were frightened and flew up, suddenly flapping their wings and leaving.

Luo Qinghan's eyes became more solemn as he looked at the movement there.

Something was drawn to it.

Lin Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, didn't know what was happening outside. He mobilized all his spiritual power to resist the rampant violence in his meridians.

The veins visible to the naked eye under the skin first started to move, and then it seemed as if something had penetrated into the blood, and the originally docile blood vessels were stretched to the point of bursting.

Lin Yuan felt a sweet taste well up in his throat, and then the rich taste of rust lingered in his mouth.

After a few sizzles, the fabric on his body had already been torn, revealing what was underneath his skin.

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