The terrifying momentum gradually increased, as if the God of Hell crawled out of the abyss and stretched out its five rugged claws from the ground.

Lin Yuan frowned, trying to suppress the desire for living things in his body, but after trying some times, he found that he had no way to control his body's instinctive reaction.

Devouring became uncontrollable.

The spiritual power in the air condensed into the shape of Taotie, like a lush bamboo, rushing unstoppably into the chaos of humans and beasts, raising its head, screaming towards the sky, resounding majestically throughout the sky.

Everyone felt the overwhelming anger, and their bodies couldn't help but tremble.

The Monster who was still fighting now seemed to be holding the back of fate, trembling in the direction of the phantom, its forelimbs slightly bent, and its head slowly approaching the ground.

Everyone suppressed the fear in their hearts and raised their heads to face the shadow in the sky, but after just a glance, their breathing suddenly stopped.

"Then...what is that..."

Before they had time to react, Taotie opened his bloody mouth and started his feast.

Bang bang bang!

Countless blood mist bloomed in its mouth. The light mist finally intertwined together and condensed into a rain of blood that fell down, soaking the ground under its feet. Under the water of blood, a coquettish flower blossomed. Flowers bloomed under everyone's feet, swaying.

At the same time, the light on Lin Yuan became more intense, and the spiritual power injected into the light was mixed with a bit of red mist.

He panted lightly, expanded his Dantian, and absorbed all the energy swallowed by Taotie.

The momentum was still rising, and the white fish-belly-like sky on the horizon was also shrouded in black mist. The earth fell into silence, the depressed wind sounded in the ears, and everything became solemn.

Under the shadow, it had already turned into a sea of ​​blood.

Those who still have the ability to protect themselves are still lingering, but they are just struggling before death. After all, the devouring is going on all the time. Their life now is just a clear awareness of the gradual passage of power in their bodies. .

Luo Qinghan looked at Lin Yuan's growing aura and felt some worries in her heart, fearing that Lin Yuan would die violently due to excessive devouring, because Lin Yuan was now like a bottomless pit, greedily sucking in all energy. The spiritual energy turned into strength did not even have the slightest thought of stopping.


The thunder hidden in the clouds has begun to follow, and the sense of intimidation from heaven is pressing on everyone, so that the people who were dying just now can't support it anymore, and fall to the ground, looking at the dark clouds and what caused this The confused man showed fear in his pupils.

After brewing for a long time, the first thunder fell.

It struck down with lightning speed, giving Lin Yuan no time to react.


The thunder was so fast that even when it disappeared, it still left an afterimage in the sky, which lasted for a moment before dissipating.

Lin Yuan was disrupted by the unprepared thunder and almost lost his mind.

There was a bit of surprise in his heart, and then he quickly stuck to his heart and prepared for the next thunder strike.

This scene was watched by everyone not far away, and their expressions were full of shock.

That young man must be a monster. A breakthrough in this level can cause thunder. Who is this? It is really shocking. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would believe it.

Boom boom boom——

After the first thunder, the remaining thunder was like a downpour, and they all struck him without giving Lin Yuan any time to react.

The numbness caused by the violent electric current made Lin Yuan's heart itch, as if a bug was clinging to his body, eating away at his flesh.

The Monsters and monks not far away were all swallowed up by Taotie, and turned into energy to replenish Lin Yuan's deficient Dantian, and a silence dispersed.

But Luo Qinghan did not relax his vigilance, but kept looking in a certain direction.

There was a powerful aura coming from that place just now, even if it was only fleeting, it was still caught by Luo Qinghan, who was concerned about Lin Yuan's safety.

Luo Qinghan curled her fingertips slightly and stared over there.

This smell... is a bit familiar...


Another thunderbolt fell, and Lin Yuan, who had withstood more than a dozen thunderbolts, gradually got used to the intensity of this thunderbolt. Although he no longer had a piece of complete clothing on his body at this time, his exposed body was extremely tight. The well-defined muscles particularly highlighted his current unruliness.

Lin Yuan snorted coldly and raised his eyes to look at Tiandao with disdain.

"That's it? It happens every time. If you don't find it annoying, I'll find it annoying."

Luo Qinghan was stunned when he heard this. He rubbed his temples with a headache. The next second, the corner of his mouth curved into a smile.

It seems that the worry was in vain.

Unlike Tai Ruo, the two old guys not far away who were still holding on were shocked by Lin Yuan's words.

How arrogant, he dared to challenge Tianlei directly.

Tiandao, who was hiding behind the clouds, seemed to have heard Lin Yuan's words clearly, and was instantly irritated. Tianlei, who was originally considered "gentle", was now even more irritable. Without the tone of his previous preparation, he went straight He slashed at Lin Yuan's Tianling Gai.

"Nether King Body!"

Lin Yuan shouted loudly, and his body's aura suddenly changed. A gloomy chill crawled out from the ground, making everything around him tremble.

Boom boom——

The sizzling sound passed over Lin Yuan's body without leaving any trace.

Lin Yuan lowered his head and glanced at himself, feeling very satisfied with his current state.

It seems that with the improvement of his realm, Jiuyou Nether King Body has also reached an unimaginable level.

The angry Tiandao saw that Lin Yuan was unharmed, and the thunder suddenly intensified. Unfortunately, it underestimated Lin Yuan's ability to withstand it, and Lin Yuan did not fall until the thunder was over.

Transcending Tribulation Realm...

Lin Yuan looked at the dark clouds that had dispersed in the sky, and something complicated flashed in his eyes.

He gently exhaled the turbid air in his mouth, and then with a thought in his mind, a flash of light flashed and wrapped him up. The next second, the clothes that were hanging on his body suddenly took on a new look and recovered. The original Huajin.

Lin Yuan stood up, and the aura contained in his dantian suddenly dissipated. Luo Qinghan, who was standing aside, was affected by it and staggered back a few steps.

"Is this... Transcending Tribulation Realm..."

A trace of disappointment appeared in Luo Qinghan's eyes, but the emotion disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Congratulations, you broke through."

Lin Yuan looked at Luo Qinghan's appearance and softly agreed.

"Master, you will also make a breakthrough."

He knew what Luo Qinghan was thinking.

Cultivating the Tao depends on talent. Except for geniuses like Yun Qianxue, or Long Xi's innate physique, the rest of the people are like her, pursuing the ethereal Tao all their lives.

Luo Qinghan smiled.

"I'd like to lend you some good words."

At this time, the ground suddenly began to shake. The two of them looked at each other and focused on the yellow mist in the distance.

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