A completely different aura swept over him.

Lin Yuan glanced at Luo Qinghan solemnly, "Master, it's the breath of a ferocious beast!"

Luo Qinghan also sensed the changes and stared in that direction with a serious face.

What was different from what they imagined was that the sound seemed to be to attract the attention of Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan. After they noticed that direction, there was no movement.

Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan looked at each other and immediately followed the direction of the movement with their swords.

When we rushed to the center of the earthquake, a huge pit was exposed underneath us. The pit was as big as a bottomless abyss, and we didn't know where it led.

Luo Qinghan's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Is it leading us there?"

"It should be..."

Lin Yuan felt that Yaozhu's behavior was beyond his understanding.

First, he restrained all his aura at first, and still launched the Monster wave in this generation area. Perhaps others could not detect what was going on behind the scenes, but in Lin Yuan's eyes, these tricks seemed to be transparent. There is no covering up at all.

The reason why all the Monsters in the deep forest felt scared and hurriedly fled the deep forest was probably because the monster was behind it. Lin Yuan didn't know what it wanted to do. All kinds of strange behaviors pointed this matter to strange places.

Now, Yongzhu showed up on his own initiative, attracting the two of them to come over. What was his intention?

The two stood at the edge of the big hole for a while.

Luo Qinghan bit her lip, feeling a little uneasy.

"This can't be a trap..."

Lin Yuan couldn't make up his mind. After thinking for a long time, he finally spoke up.

"Otherwise... let's go down and have a look."

You have to go down and take a look to find out whether it is a devil or a ghost.

The two jumped up and fell down.

The pit looked bottomless when viewed from above, but the depth inside was beyond Lin Yuan's expectation. It was exceptionally...short. Before they could fully understand the surrounding environment, their feet touched the solid soil below.

There was silence all around, and solemnity permeated the black earth.


While they were looking around, a sound of nothingness slowly fell from the air, as if it was there or not, as if a wind blew up at the next moment, it might not be able to blow away the sound.

Lin Yuan's eyes were a bit wary, and he touched the Black Demon Halberd behind his back. Ling Ran said, "Who is it?"

There was a hint of laughter in the voice, as if he had heard a joke.

"Could it be that you are looking for me?"


"It seems that the human race is not too bad."

"You..." Lin Yuan was about to speak, but found that he had so many questions in his mind that he didn't know where to start, so he changed his question, "Why do you want to help us?"

The voice that came from the scene paused and responded to Lin Yuan's words with some vicissitudes of life.

"Whether I'm helping you... or helping myself... I can't figure out..."

Its voice was mixed with doubts, like a child, helpless and helpless, unable to tell the direction.

"That's all, it's all in the past. You just happened to be here, so you can add some changes to my unchanging life."

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows.

"you know me?"

"Our thoughts are the same and we can share each other's consciousness."

Lin Yuan smiled softly, no wonder...it's normal for Yao Zhu to recognize them like this.

"Human, I can't understand what's going on in you, but if you can untie the shackles on me, it's no longer important."

What Yao Zhu says is usually inconsistent, but fortunately, what it says is not difficult to understand.

Luo Qinghan understood what Yaozhu said and didn't think it was anything, but these words fell into Lin Yuan's heart and set off a storm.

Yao Zhu can actually detect the existence of the system? !

Lin Yuan suppressed the shock in his heart: What is going on in this world? Why can one or two of them notice something strange about themselves?

Seeing that Lin Yuan was stunned, Yongzhu laughed.

"You don't have to think too much. I'm not interested in you. All you need to do is help me untie my shackles. I owe you a favor."

Lin Yuan frowned, and suddenly thought about something, as if he had thought of something.

"If I help you unlock your shackles and let you go, is it an investment in your freedom?"

"Of course, in return, I can grant you a request, anything."

Lin Yuan curled his lips and smiled. In this way, the investment was established.

"Deal, where are you? I'll go find you right away."

As soon as he finished speaking, the deep forest everywhere rustled, and then they all fell in one direction.

Lin Yuan understood it in his mind and walked in that direction with Luo Qinghan.

On the way, Lin Yuan kept thinking about what was the difference between Yaozhu and the other two ferocious beasts, and why Yaozhu could control everything around him so freely, but Taotie and Chaos seemed unable to do so.

After thinking about it, he roughly came up with an answer - Taotie was used by the Dragon Emperor, so naturally he was not so unrestrained. As for Chaos... his state had already determined his survival.

Just like Schrödinger's cat, whether alive or dead, in comparison, it still feels more comfortable.

The dappled sunlight shines in from nowhere. As we walk deeper, we see a bit of brightness in the dark forest, as if we had a sense of "after walking dozens of steps, suddenly enlightenment".

Following Yaozhu's guidance, Lin Yuan clicked his tongue twice in his heart: He didn't expect that Yaozhu was not an ordinary person who enjoyed it.

The sun room is reflected on the sparkling water. It's a comfortable little life. If you can ignore the iron shackles on Yongzhu's body...

Seeing the two people coming over, Yongzhu shook his hand, and the iron rope jingled in the air. However, before he could be happy for a second, the purple electric current followed the iron chain and stimulated Yingzhu's body directly. .

Zila Zila—bang!

Yong Zhuo's expression suddenly became bleak, with a trace of evil in his eyes, staring at the iron rope that had already penetrated into his flesh and blood, and growling lowly in his throat.

After venting some of the anger in its heart, it turned its attention to Lin Yuan and said with some command: "Hurry and help me untie this thing."

While talking, it bared its teeth from time to time and made a hoarse roar.

Lin Yuan stepped forward, not worried at all that Yongzhu would go back on his word.

With the blessing of the double buffs of the system and Yan Jiuxi, even if Yuanzhu wants to escape, it will probably be a little difficult. After all, the world is different from the past, and Yuzhu's ability is not at its peak, so there is nothing good about it. Terrified.

A bit of surprise flashed in Yongzhu's eyes, and he watched Lin Yuan walking towards him silently.

Lin Yuan put his hand on it.

In vain, a few rattling sounds came from Yaozhu's body.

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