"Luoshen Palace?!"

Xiao Fan behind him was shocked when he heard this. What happened during his absence?

Xiao Fan patted the man on the shoulder, "What happened to Luoshen Palace?"

The man was concentrating on talking to others, but when Xiao Fan touched him like this, he was immediately startled.

"I'm going to fuck you... uncle..."

He turned his head and saw Xiao Fan's unfamiliar face. Just when he was about to curse, he found that the man's aura was gradually rising, like a thorny thorn, entangled in his arm, gradually tightening , which made him breathless.

"Young...young hero...spare your life...spare your life..."

The man's face turned red and he was breathing heavily.

Xiao Fan said in a calm voice, "What did you mean by Luoshen Palace just now?"

"The senior brother of Luoshen Palace, his name is... his name is..." The more he spoke, the more anxious he became, and the more anxious he became, the more he could not speak. His tongue was so busy that it became knotted, and he was even more speechless.

Xiao Fan's eyes were so heavy that they could shed water, and he gritted his teeth and said the two words that had made him resentful for a long time.

"Lin Yuan."

"Yes, yes!" The man quickly echoed Xiao Fan's words as if he had grasped a life-saving straw, "Young hero, if you know, it would be easy to say. Lin Yuan of Luoshen Palace is a genius. I heard that he Transcending Tribulation At that time, there was a thunderstorm. Looking around, who can do it now?

Therefore, as long as he is given time to grow up, it may not be difficult to become emperor in the future. Besides, there is also Yun Qianxue. With the two of them here, the value of Heavenly Jade Sacred Land will naturally rise. "

"Lin Yuan, genius?"

There was a chill in Xiao Fan's eyes, and the hands hanging by his legs secretly clenched tightly.

"Humph, impossible!"

He suddenly let go of his hand, and the man lost his balance and fell directly to the ground.

"Are you sick!"

The man cursed, but when he looked up, Xiao Fan had already disappeared.

"There's something really wrong!"

His companions helped him up, each with lingering fears.

"Just stop saying a few words. That young man just now seems not to be trifled with."

The man pursed his lips and said, "I wonder if he is not easy to mess with?"

He touched his heart that was about to jump out of his chest, recalling that the feeling of being intimidated just now was still vivid in his mind... It was so terrifying!

However, that young man just now always felt familiar?

At the mountain gate of Luoshen Palace, there was a long queue from the way into the mountain to the mountain gate.

Nowadays, Luoshen Palace is gaining momentum. People who have no affiliation in the world want to try their luck in Luoshen Palace. If they can join Luoshen Palace, it will be like having a strong backer.

As a result, there is no shortage of people coming to the door every day asking to join, but when there are more people, everything becomes difficult.

The disciple dressed in red flew into the air with his sword and maintained the order of the team.

"Don't crowd. If anyone violates the order, don't blame us for being rude!"

“Get in line!”

The people in Luoshen Palace who were registering in front were a little embarrassed.

As expected of someone who came from the Blood Demon Sect, such a hot temper is really not something they can learn. Sure enough, it is a very right choice to give them the responsibility of guarding.

At this moment, a roar exploded directly in the crowd.

The surrounding disciples immediately took up arms and looked warily at the direction of the source of the explosion.

"Who are you, please don't cause trouble in Luoshen Palace!"

Almost at the same time, everyone pulled out the blades from their waists and made a defensive posture.

With a bang, the space was torn apart, and a person stepped out from the void, crushing the universe.

Everyone stared at the figure and saw that the figure gradually became clearer. Many people recognized the figure instantly.

"Xiao Fan!"

The melon-eaters who were waiting on the side retreated to the side, silently watching the battle that was about to be triggered in front of them.

They knew more or less about Xiao Fan and Luoshen Palace, but the current power of Luoshen Palace was too terrifying. Even knowing it can't stop them from wanting to hug her.

Xiao Fan snorted coldly, feeling a sense of solemnity. Everyone felt that there was tremendous pressure on their heads, as if a huge cauldron fell on their heads.

"Where's Lin Yuan?"

"Where is Senior Brother? It's none of your business, you traitor!"

As soon as they saw Xiao Fan, everyone in the Luoshen Palace almost gritted their molars. They remembered that Xiao Fan had killed most of the fellow disciples in the Luoshen Palace because of Xiao Fan's selfish desires. The crimes were too numerous to describe, and no disciple of the Luoshen Palace would do it. Give him a good look, he doesn't deserve it after all.

After hearing these words, Xiao Fan's anger burned up in his heart, and the pressure he exerted on everyone became a little heavier.

"I don't have that much patience. I'll ask you again, where are the Lin Yuan people?"


Everyone looked at Xiao Fan with disdain and spat on the ground a few times. Even though they were almost overwhelmed by the intimidation, they still held on for dear life and never bowed to Xiao Fan.

Xiao Fan looked at the group of people struggling to death below him and sneered.

"What a great act of justice, don't tell me..." He raised his hand, and the sky suddenly changed, "Then don't blame me for being rude. If you want to blame... blame Lin Yuan for not having the ability to stand up!"

The aura around Xiao Fan exploded, everyone's throats began to tremble, and their bodies began to tremble uncontrollably.

The spiritual power floating in the air condensed into the shadow of a palm, and it was about to land in front of the mountain gate, making everyone under him want to be slapped in the palm of his hand.

At the critical moment, a ray of red light shot out from the main hall of Luoshen Palace, penetrated the phantom, split Xiao Fan's attack move into two halves, exploded in the air, and the whole mountain trembled.

Shan Zan's figure flashed, stood in front of everyone, and drew out his big sword.

"Your Excellency, Luoshen Palace has no intention of being your enemy. If you insist on provoking a fight, don't blame us for being rude."

Xiao Fan glanced at Shan Zan, his eyes full of contempt.

"A person from the Cave Ruins Realm dares to stand in front of me?"

As soon as he said these words, everyone in Luoshen Palace was shocked. Only then did they notice Xiao Fan's state.

"He...he actually broke through to the Transcending Tribulation Realm..."

Shan Zan didn't understand why everyone looked surprised, "What's going on?"

The disciple who was closer to Shan Zan took a step forward and said with a somewhat unhappy expression: "Deputy Palace Master, this traitor had his Dantian destroyed twice by the Palace Master. I didn't expect that he could not only reshape the broken Dantian. , and he can still cultivate to this level at such a fast speed..."

When Shan Zan heard this, his expression gradually became serious.

His dantian was destroyed twice, but he still reaches this level... This kind of person can no longer be described as a genius, he is simply a monster...

Xiao Fan heard their conversation and raised the corners of his mouth proudly.

"Why, do you know you are afraid now?"

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