Xiao Fan's laughter filled the entire environment, causing many people to frown.

Shan Zan held the knife in his hand and still pointed the tip of the knife at Xiao Fan.

"I don't care if you are a Transcending Tribulation Realm or something else, but if you want to attack Luoshen Palace, you must get through me first!"

“Don’t overestimate your own capabilities.”

Xiao Fan snorted coldly, and landed on Shan Zan's body.


Shan Zan groaned, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. Even so, his eyes were still fixed on Xiao Fan, and he never moved his eyes away even if he received a heavy blow on his chest. Shan Zan's lower leg was very stable, and his figure didn't even tremble slightly.

A bit of surprise flashed in Xiao Fan's eyes, and he raised the corners of his mouth with a ferocious look in his eyes.

"It's quite bearable..."

No one around responded to his words, and everything was silent.

"But your integrity will only harm you. I really don't know what kind of poison Lin Yuan gave you. You all seem to be possessed and obey him. It's a pity..."

Xiao Fan showed his weapon and looked down upon everyone.

"You are loyal to him, but in the end, when the disaster comes, you all fly away, and you are all here. Why haven't you seen Lin Yuan come out to save you? Could it be that you were afraid and hid early?"

Having said this, most of the turbid breath in Xiao Fan's heart was relieved, and his whole mood suddenly became better.

Shan Zan swallowed the breath in his throat and looked calm, not affected by Xiao Fan's momentum at all.

"Master is not something a villain like you can discuss."

"Master? That guy? Are you kidding..."

Xiao Fan's anger rose little by little. Many people present could no longer withstand Xiao Fan's pressure. Faced with this sudden increase in intensity, some people with lower levels were suppressed to the point of vomiting blood, and the remaining people also They were not much better. They pursed their lips tightly and struggled hard, but the cold sweat on their foreheads revealed their difficulty at the moment.

The people in Luoshen Palace endured all this silently, but no one bowed to Xiao Fan, which made Xiao Fan extremely angry.

However, the surrounding group of melon-eating people who had been innocently affected were suddenly a little dissatisfied. One of them gritted his teeth, met Xiao Fan's gaze, and said with trembling teeth: "This is a grudge between you, and it involves us. What are you doing!"

One person spoke, and the others naturally followed his words.

"That's right, we have nothing to do with you, why are you imprisoning us?"

Xiao Fan looked at the people chirping on the ground indifferently. After listening for a while, he felt his ears hurt from being pulled, so he raised his hand slightly and fired a beam of light from his fingertips.

The beam of light locked directly on the people who were speaking at this moment.


Several beams of light penetrated the bodies of those people, and the words they had not yet had time to say could no longer be said. Those who were closer could clearly see that their throats were opening and closing. .

Blood flowed out from a hole in his neck and fell gurglingly on the soil beneath him. The earth was instantly dyed a bright red color.

"you you you!"

Everyone was in an uproar. No one expected that Xiao Fan would start killing without saying anything.

Looking at the dead eyes of the people on the ground, Xiao Fan looked at the questioning people disapprovingly.

"What, is there anything you want to say?"

Those people were given a cold look by Xiao Fan and immediately fell silent, daring not to make any more noise, otherwise their fate would be the corpses lying next to them.

Huh, a bunch of guys who are very adaptable.

Xiao Fan calmed down his expression and no longer focused on those losers. The purpose of his trip was to kill Lin Yuan so that he could eradicate the inner demons on his way to practice.

"Hand over Lin Yuan quickly, or I will make you suffer a lot."

No one dared to answer.

"If you don't make a choice, then I will make the choice for you."

Xiao Fan shot out an air blade from his hand, randomly selected a lucky person and chopped it down.

A groan of pain arose in response, lingering desolately in the mountain, and the surrounding woods also made rustling sounds.

"You!" Shan Zan glared at the red frame angrily, pulled out the weapon in his hand and rushed forward, "Don't even think about it!"

Xiao Fan chuckled lightly, with disdain in his eyes.

"You alone want to touch me?"

When Shan Zan was about to rush in front of Xiao Fan, he laughed evilly, grabbed Shan Zan's arm with one hand, and then buckled his arm inward with his backhand.

Click, click, click.

The crisp sound of bone fragments sounded. Shan Zan frowned tightly and his lower eyelids couldn't help shaking slightly.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Xiao Fan's voice passed by Shan Zan's ears like a ghost. The next second Shan Zan felt that he had become weightless, and the whole world began to look a little confusing in his eyes.


Xiao Fan grabbed Shan Zan's arm, drew Shan Zan's whole body in the air with his palm as the center of the circle for a month and a half, and then kicked him out of the air as if he were kicking a ball.


The mountain suffered such a huge impact that even the land at the foot of the mountain shook twice.

Countless sand and stones were rolled up where Shan Zan fell. Only when the sand and fog disappeared did everyone see clearly what was inside.

A hole was carved out of the thick mountain by the shock wave, and Shan Zan's body was firmly embedded in the center, unable to move.

Shan Zan felt that all his internal organs had been misplaced, and there was already a turmoil under his chest.

He looked a little painful, and his lips turned pale, without any blood.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and a cloud of blood mist formed in front of him.

Xiao Fan glanced lazily and patted the dust on his hands.

"That's it?...It's boring..."

He looked at the horizon and saw that it was getting late, so there was no need to waste too much time here.

"If you don't hand over Lin Yuan, then I will find it myself!"

Xiao Fan's figure was very fast, and he flashed into the crowd in an instant. Before many people could realize what happened, they felt that their bodies had lost strength in an instant, and they fell softly, and their eyes fell into a blur. After the darkness, there was no movement.

At first, only people from Luoshen Palace were attacked by Xiao Fan, but as time went on, Xiao Fan's attacks became a little out of proportion. He originally attacked people on the periphery unintentionally, but he brutally killed everyone present until the end. Included in his own attack range.

"Since you've come here, don't even leave."

Xiao Fan was like a demon emerging from bloodthirsty, with a grin on his face, harvesting insignificant human lives almost crazily. Under his excitement, the shackles exuding ancient aura on his dantian were also slowly moving. Running.

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