Suddenly, the originally peaceful environment changed drastically. A fishy smell spread, and violence filled everyone's senses.

Shan Zan moved his fingers in vain, his eyelids so heavy that he could hardly open them.

He tried his best to open his eyes and looked up, Xiao Fan's figure flashed in the tiny gap, and the blood mist jumped into the air with the light, and fell down in a pitter-patter.

Xiao Fan's body was covered in blood, and he looked like the son of a devil.

While he was killing people, he spread his voice to various places in Luoshen Palace, trying to force Lin Yuan to show up.

"Lin Yuan, where are you? Come out and fight with me if you can, and hide behind others. This is not your style!" Xiao Fan smiled proudly, "Or do you think you can't beat me? Why did I run away with my tail between my legs so early?”

"I thought you were so great, but in the end you are not at my mercy!"

Xiao Fan talked for a while and felt a little dry. He cast his gaze not far away, and his indifferent eyes became more sinister.

No matter how provocative he was, Lin Yuan seemed to have no intention of coming out to fight...

Xiao Fan looked down at his blood-stained hands and at the corpses lying on the ground. His angry red eyes flashed a bit of confusion, but soon the confusion was hidden under his eyes. , never appeared again.

He then sneered, took out the long sword hidden in his waist, pointed the tip of the sword at Luoshen Palace, and said coldly: "Lin Yuan, since you insist on being a tortoise behind others, then you Take a good look at how these people died in my hands!"

After saying that, Xiao Fan's figure flashed and turned into a ray of light, quickly shuttled among the crowd, holding a sharp blade to harvest something from everyone.



Shan Zan raised his hand that was embedded in the mountain and pointed at Xiao Fan tremblingly.


He roared angrily and just struggled out of the mountain, but was spotted by Xiao Fan who was not far away. Before he could even take a step away from the center of the depression, he was violently slapped in by Xiao Fan.

Xiao Fan smiled coldly and looked at Shan Zan's embarrassed look through his fingertips, feeling a little bit of pleasure in his heart.

"Don't worry, it will be your turn soon. Speaking of which... the people from Luoshen Palace didn't come out, is it probably because of you? This is the newly appointed deputy palace master!"

"Everything here should be mine, but because of that troublesome guy Lin Yuan, everything that should belong to me has been taken away. However, I'm afraid he will never have the chance to be in my words again in the future. Things were taken away.”

Xiao Fan approached step by step, with a dangerous light flashing in his eyes.

"Whether it's you or..."

Just when Xiao Fan was about to approach Shan Zan, a ball of spiritual power flew quickly from the air and fell straight down.

Xiao Fan's pupils shrank and he retreated suddenly. The spiritual power balls that followed were like continuous raindrops, following the direction of Xiao Fan's retreat.

Boom boom boom——

The dense spiritual power balls rippled together, forming a barrier of abilities in the air, which stood up, and then a series of explosions exploded. The explosion wave was so wide that even the mountain gate was not spared.

Xiao Fan was not careful and was knocked over by the explosion wave. He staggered several steps before regaining his balance.


He looked at the direction of the attack with fear, and the anger that had not subsided just now started burning again at this moment.


Xiao Fan was startled when he heard this. A familiar voice came from the rolled up gauze mist, which made his expression become solemn.

Suddenly, a strong wind rose from all around, blowing away all the smoke. At this time, Xiao Fan could clearly see the true face hidden in the smoke.


Xiao Fan gritted his teeth, his face suddenly darkened, and there was a sinister light in his eyes, like a blade full of venom. Once touched, he would bleed to death.

"You are finally willing to let it go."

Lin Yuan met Xiao Fanzheng's gaze with some confusion.

He didn't know what was going on here, but when he led Luo Qinghan across the void, he noticed that the spiritual power fluctuations here were unusually large, so he took action to stop this strange movement.

After all, the Luoshen Palace was in front of him. No matter what this force wanted to do, he would never tolerate the slightest danger wandering around the Luoshen Palace. It was not until the smoke dissipated that Lin Yuan saw clearly that the person in front of him was Xiao Fan.

Lin Yuan raised his eyes and glanced a little casually.

"As expected of a person blessed by destiny, you are not dead, and you have escaped to the Transcending Tribulation Realm."

During these days when he was out, Lin Yuan did not forget about Xiao Fan as a runaway. On the contrary, he was still calculating Xiao Fan's strength in his mind.

Unexpectedly, even if his Dantian collapsed twice, he could still reach the level in the original plot in a short period of time. It seems that Xiao Fan's storyline has already been planned.

The way of heaven is really crazy and goes against itself.

When Xiao Fan heard Lin Yuan speak, the anger in his heart grew stronger. Especially when he saw Luo Qinghan still standing next to Lin Yuan, the nameless anger in his heart could no longer be contained.

"Suffer death!"

Xiao Fan was too lazy to say another word to a scum like Lin Yuan, so he directly raised the weapon in his hand and stabbed him head on.

Lin Yuan's mouth curled up, and his body flashed left and right, steadily and orderly widening the distance between him and Xiao Fan, while Xiao Fan's angry guy was driven away by anger, getting closer and closer. If he couldn't defeat Lin Yuan, his position would become more chaotic.

Xiao Fan was so angry that his face turned blue and white.

Lin Yuan kept the distance just right every time. Whenever he thought he could touch the corner of Lin Yuan's clothes, the fluttering corner of his clothes blew open with the wind and fell on him as if by accident. of the corner of my eye.

"Are you teasing me?" Xiao Fan was so angry that he was shaking all over. He held the sword in his hand, abandoned his swordsmanship, and slashed at Lin Yuan simply and roughly.

Lin Yuan chuckled lightly, not forgetting to provoke Xiao Fan.

"Isn't this going to work?" Lin Yuan's lips revealed a playful smile, "It's a pity that the Saint Weapon in your hand was dropped as if it were a machete."

Xiao Fan yelled: "It's all your nonsense!"

"Don't be angry. Our Young Master Xiao is a first-class genius. He claims to be the best in the world in talent. I'm afraid even Yun Qianxue will be outclassed by you."

It was a good thing that Lin Yuan didn't say these words. Once he said it, it touched on something that had been depressed and puzzled in his heart.

Xiao Fan's aura suddenly rose, and his face became very ugly.

"Are you irritating me?"

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