Fantasy: Unlimited Investment, The Heroine Becomes The Villain

Chapter 223 The Aura Of Ancient Ferocious Beasts Is Revealed

Lin Yuan faced the overwhelming anger in front of him with a calm look, and was not frightened by Xiao Fan's posture.

He raised his eyebrows and smiled playfully.

"I'm just irritating you, how about that?"

"court death!"

Xiao Fan sacrificed his Saint Weapon and covered the sword with a part of his soul.

The blade of the sword, oozing with cold light, shook in the air and let out bursts of sword chants. The chirping sound that should have been crisp now became dull, mixed with a trace of roar that did not belong to it.

The aura of the Transcending Tribulation Realm spread out without restraint, oppressing everyone everywhere.

Xiao Fan grinned wildly, and when he thought that Lin Yuan would succumb to his heels in the next second, he became even more arrogant.

But after waiting for a while, Xiao Fan's smile suddenly froze.

Not only did Lin Yuan not kneel on the ground as he expected, but he stood not far away with ease, looking directly at him.

" could you..."

When Xiao Fan asked, his voice was slightly stuttering. Perhaps he was too shocked, making him unable to believe what he saw in front of him.

Lin Yuan broke his hands, loosened his stiff limbs, and breathed a sigh of relief slowly.

"Xiao Fan, you don't think you are the only one in this world who can break through to the Transcending Tribulation Realm."

Xiao Fan's eyes fell firmly on Lin Yuan, and a bad premonition welled up in his heart.

The next second, Lin Yuanshi released his own realm, which was also the Transcending Tribulation Realm, and even had the momentum to overpower Xiao Fan.

Xiao Fan frowned, an unhappy look spread directly on his face.

Lin Yuan reached the Transcending Tribulation Realm, and even surpassed him. What a deal!

Xiao Fan felt that his efforts during this period were a big joke compared with Lin Yuan. He practiced day and night, dreaming that he could give Lin Yuan a lesson when they met next time, but he never did. I want to shoot myself in the foot.

Lin Yuan looked around, and the indifference in his eyes became darker.

"Is Mr. Xiao now reduced to the point where he has to bully low-level monks to find his sense of existence?"

When Lin Yuan said this, Xiao Fan felt his face burning with pain, so he simply refused to listen to Lin Yuan's words, going in one ear and out the other.

"Stop talking nonsense, we must decide the outcome between us today."

Lin Yuan's eyes moved slightly, he took out the black magic halberd, held it in his hand, and after drawing a full moon, pointed the black tip at Xiao Fan.

"Then just let your horse come over."

Xiao Fan twitched the corner of his mouth, and his figure disappeared from the place with a "whoosh".

Clang, Clang, Clang——

The two top weapons touched together, sparks of lightning and fireworks were produced from the friction, and the afterimages left behind by the two people's rapid speed intertwined together to form a gorgeous picture.

In a few breaths, the two had fought for hundreds of rounds, and then they suddenly distanced themselves.

Xiao Fan's eyes became darker and darker, and the tiger's mouth holding the sword had already become numb and was trembling slightly at the moment.

The other half, Lin Yuan, was not much better. The numbness he felt on the thick handle of the gun was no less than that of Xiao Fan. Moreover, he felt that he had underestimated Xiao Fan's strength. Even if they were in the same realm, nothing could be done. Xiao Fan had too many strange gadgets on his body.

In addition to the head-to-head confrontation between him and Xiao Fan, he also had to be wary of the hidden weapon in his hand.

After a few rounds, he seemed to be overpowering Xiao Fan, but in fact he did not get any benefit from Xiao Fan's hands.

Lin Yuan grinned behind his back: He is indeed the person chosen by Heaven, so perverted...

Xiao Fan's fighting spirit was aroused, the shackles on his dantian were jingling and swaying, and a heavy aura overflowed from his body.

"Come again!"

Xiao Fan rushed forward again with his sword in hand.

The momentum turned into an angry lion's head, opening its bloody mouth, trying to swallow Lin Yuan into his mouth.

Lin Yuan initially smiled lightly and followed Xiao Fan's attack, but when Xiao Fan's moves were mixed with his spiritual energy, Lin Yuan's expression suddenly changed.

Then he suddenly retreated dozens of steps.

When Xiao Fan saw this, he thought it was his own attack that had its effect. He would not miss Lin Yuan's opportunity to retreat. He picked up his weapon and followed in pursuit.

"Don't even think about running away!"

Lin Yuan looked at the lion head in front of him, his expression gradually becoming serious.

It wasn't that he was afraid of Xiao Fan's attack, but the aura contained in the attack made him feel familiar, like... the power of ancient ferocious beasts!

All three ancient ferocious beasts were taken away by Yan Jiuxi, but at this moment he felt the aura emanating from Xiao Fan's body, which seemed to be similar to the aura released by the ancient ferocious beasts.

Is it a coincidence?

Or did someone do it on purpose?

Could it be... Yan Jiuxi? !

Before Lin Yuan had time to think about it, Xiao Fan's intensive attacks pulled him back from his thoughts.

"Lin Yuan, how dare you lose your focus in a decisive battle with me?!"

He was so angry at Lin Yuan's behavior that the power in his hands gradually increased.

Lin Yuan frowned, many doubts flashed through his mind.

Suddenly, an idea occurred to him.

Xiao Fan paused and felt that the flow of time around him was gradually slowing down. He even saw Lin Yuan's lips opening and closing, as if he was saying something, but the speed was too slow and he could not hear clearly at all.


Xiao Fan felt that every move he made was framed by Lin Yuan, and he looked ahead unwillingly.

"What is this... witchcraft..."

Luo Qinghan watched from the side and suddenly noticed that Xiao Fan's movements slowed down, and in the end he froze on the spot and stopped moving.

Just when she was about to step forward, Lin Yuan in front of her swayed and came to her.

"what happened?"

"I set up an illusion for him, and he won't be able to get out for a while." Lin Yuan stabilized his breath and simply put aside the conclusion he came to, "Master, I feel that behind Xiao Fan's back, It must have something to do with Yan Jiuxi."

"Is it related? What relationship?"

"I suspect that Yan Jiuxi, who gathered the four ferocious beasts, may have put part of the power of the ancient ferocious beasts on Xiao Fan, because just for a moment, I felt the familiar power in Xiao Fan's body .”

"You said that...I seemed to have felt it just now..."

Luo Qinghan looked blank just now, thinking that his perception was wrong. Now that Lin Yuan reminded him, the suffocating feeling just now became more and more obvious.

"But why would the empress put this uncontrollable power on Xiao...him?"

Lin Yuan paused, not knowing how to explain the concept of the protagonist's halo to Luo Qinghan.

"Master, just take it as Xiao Fan's luck. After all, I don't think the empress will tolerate a proud emperor threatening her status."

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