Everything suddenly became quiet.

Luo Qinghan's eyes flashed with complicated emotions.

"This... is Xiao Fan used as an experiment?"

Lin Yuan pursed his lips, not knowing whether he should nod or shake his head, "I don't know this either, but the empress is probably trying to test something. Once successful, the world will fall into new chaos."

Human greed is endless.

Even those in high positions still have desires in their hearts. Among the seven emotions and six desires, there is always one desire that is never satisfied, and even Yan Jiuxi is no exception.

Although he didn't know what Yan Jiuxi wanted to do by gathering the power of the four ferocious beasts, his intuition told him that what Yan Jiuxi wanted to do would definitely not be beneficial to the world.

According to Yan Jiuxi's status, she can see through everything in the world. There is no such thing as desire. If she insists on it, there is only...

Lin Yuan seemed to have thought of something, his eyes gleaming.

Get out of this circle!

At this moment, a loud noise came from Xiao Fan's side, exploding the illusion set by Lin Yuan.

"Haha..." Xiao Fan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his elbow, and smiled at Lin Yuan, but the smile looked very scary now, "Lin Yuan, just with this little illusion It’s like framing me, aren’t you looking down on others a little too much?”

After being repeatedly provoked by Lin Yuan, Xiao Fan could no longer contain his inner anger and allowed the power from above to lead him by the nose.

Lin Yuan's eyes gradually darkened, and he watched Xiao Fan's body grow bigger and bigger on the spot. The swollen muscles broke through the outer clothes, revealing the blood vessels full of meridians inside. Indistinctly, he was still You can see the cyan blood vessels jumping with the surge of blood.

The ancient precipitated breath fell around everyone like a melodious tune.

"It's really..." Lin Yuan's eyelids twitched.

Others might mistake the scent of a ferocious beast, but it was absolutely impossible for him to mistake it.

Lin Yuan explored his spiritual consciousness and wanted to trace the source of the spiritual power in Xiao Fan's body. Unfortunately, this power was hidden too deeply. For a while, he could not find the source of the power at all.

"Lin Yuan, today is your death day!"

Xiao Fan didn't notice anything strange about himself. He thought it was his improvement in strength that ignited the fighting spirit in his heart.

Clang Clang Clang.

After several rounds of fighting, Lin Yuan, who looked relaxed before, now had some cold sweat on his forehead, gritted his teeth, and looked not very good.

"Aren't you quite capable? Why, you're not taking action now?"

When Xiao Fan saw Lin Yuan's appearance, the moves in his hands became more and more vicious. They were all pointed at Lin Yuan's vital parts, hoping to kill him with one blow.

Boom boom boom.

The explosions kept ringing, and Lin Yuan tried his best to avoid the attack, but Xiao Fan was like a piece of bullshit ointment that couldn't be shaken off, clinging to Lin Yuan and unwilling to let go.

Lin Yuan was silent for a while, and then the restless ability burst out from under his body.

When Xiao Fan saw this, his eyes flashed with excitement, and he licked his lips. The weapon in his hand was the same as his expression, and he couldn't stop trembling.

"Are you finally willing to take action?"

"You are really confident in your own strength. Don't let me beat you to tears."

"Haha, you should call me."

Lin Yuan raised his eyes coldly, and the moment he raised the Black Demon Halberd, the world suddenly became drowsy, the clouds gathered together, and the desire was suppressed.

The two looked at each other quietly.

His eyes sparked sparks of lightning in the air, flashing brightly.

For a moment, the two of them moved on their toes at the same time, running towards each other with all their strength, but the next second their figures turned into a ray of light, and they collided with each other at an extremely fast speed.

The wind roared loudly, and the surrounding area fell into chaos. Only the central battle zone shone with five-colored lights.

"Holy Feather Buddha Sword!"

Xiao Fan raised the sword blade, which turned into glass, rippled in the air, and finally turned into sharp thorns, piercing Lin Yuan.

The sword light carried divine power and crossed over unstoppably.

Lin Yuan's expression suddenly became serious, and he hurriedly activated Jiuyou's Nether King Body to protect him.

Dang Dang Dang——

The sharp edge fell on the protective shield, like falling raindrops. Lin Yuan could not find a single flaw in the intensive attack, so he had to passively withstand this attack.

When the momentum subsided, Lin Yuan took out the dragon scale knife in his arms without leaving any trace and hid it behind him. He kept staring at the situation in front of him, quietly waiting for Xiao Fan to show his flaws.

Sure enough, Xiao Fan's pride finally made him suffer.

Seeing that Lin Yuan made no move to resist, he thought that the attack just now was effective, so he slowed down the attack moves in his hands. Unexpectedly, before the smoke in front of him had time to dissipate, a sharp light flashed in the smoke.

Then, a voice came from inside.

"Xiao Fan, you are too ambitious. Didn't anyone tell you not to take it lightly in actual combat?"

Lin Yuan's cold eyes suddenly appeared, and the dragon scale knife he held in his hand made a low sound in the air, cut through the protective shield on Xiao Fan's body, and stabbed directly towards Xiao Fan's flesh.

"This...how is this possible!"

Xiao Fan's eyes were full of disbelief, and when he turned around, he found that the Black Demon Halberd originally held by Lin Yuan was standing there, and the weapon in Lin Yuan's hand had already been replaced.

"Are you playing dirty?"

"Don't say that, you didn't pay attention."

As he spoke, Lin Yuan increased the force in his palm and stabbed deeply into Xiao Fan's neck.

His original intention was to kill Xiao Fan directly to Kaga. After all, this guy would be a disaster if he stayed. However, Heaven intervened. Even if Lin Yuan blocked Xiao Fan's retreat in advance, his initial aim was still lost. , deviated a few points from the predetermined position, and finally landed on Xiao Fan's shoulder and passed by.

The pain hit his brain directly, Xiao Fan raised his hand to cover the place on his hand, dragged his body and retreated suddenly.

He injected Entering Spirit into the wound, and not only did the white and bloody flesh show no tendency to heal, but blood seeped out bit by bit from the wound, soaking half of his body.

"Depend on!"

He originally thought that after his strength increased, he would be able to kill Lin Yuan with his own sword, but who knew he would end up like this.

Xiao Fan couldn't help but cursed and looked at Lin Yuan in front of him, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

Lin Yuan shook off the blood on the dragon scale knife, and the blade turned as cold as white jade again.

"You are no match for me."

Lin Yuan put away his weapon and spoke to Xiao Fan bluntly.

"I can't kill you today, so you can leave."

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