The rustling sound of leaves lingered among the hills, and a few fallen leaves were rolled up and fluttering leisurely.

Xiao Fan covered his injured part. After hearing Lin Yuan's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then his whole body was filled with anger, and his body began to tremble with anger.

"Are you kidding me?" He said in a calm voice, with an ugly expression on his face, "What do you take my declaration of war for!"

Lin Yuan disagreed, and a chill flashed from his eyes.

"If it hadn't been for your luck, do you think you would still be alive today?"

Xiao Fan heard this and didn't understand what Lin Yuan meant. Just when he was about to go up and argue with Lin Yuan, a strong wind came in front of him, blocking him in place and unable to move forward even half a step.

"Master, let's go."

Lin Yuan ignored Xiao Fan and rushed to the mountain gate with Luo Qinghan. After all, Shan Zan was still over there...

Luo Qinghan hesitated for a moment.

"Why not kill him?"

"We can't kill him. Heaven is preventing us from killing him."

"If he stays, it will ultimately be a disaster for us."

"Don't worry, there will always be times when he suffers hardships. No matter how stubborn a person is, it is impossible for him to have a smooth life."

Luo Qinghan was a little confused after hearing Lin Yuan's words, but did not continue to ask further questions.

Lin Yuan rushed to Shan Zan's side and injected some spiritual power into him.

The gentle spiritual power wrapped up Shan Zan's body. The wound that was still bleeding stopped bleeding now and began to scab slowly, as if it was about to heal.

After a while, Shan Zan's eyes hidden under his eyelids turned a few times, as if he felt the light from the outside world. He opened his eyes as hard as he could and saw the two outlines in front of him gradually becoming clearer. .


"Palace Master Luo...I'm sorry, I didn't protect...the disciples in the sect..."

Shan Zan began to blame himself, his eyes filled with guilt.

"It's none of your business, it's Xiao Fan who insists on causing trouble. You're not as good as him, so you're lucky to be alive."

Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan said nothing more on this topic, but helped him get up from the ground and soothed his emotions.

Next to them, many people who were lucky enough to escape Xiao Fan began to stand up and joined the rescue team. Many people looked not far away, but Xiao Fan was still there, with a sudden thought in his heart. Somewhat frightened.

The scene of Xiao Fan harvesting everyone's lives just now is still vivid in his mind. At this moment...

After thinking about it, they finally noticed that Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan were back, and at that moment their hearts that were up and down gradually calmed down.

It seemed that where Lin Yuan was, any miracle could happen.

Although there were a lot of casualties at the mountain gate, most of them were outsiders, not people inside the Luoshen Palace. After all, Xiao Fan started too quickly. Before the people in the Luoshen Palace could come out to support, Shan Zan ordered him to stay inside the palace gate. Stayed.

Facing the innocent people involved in this turmoil, Lin Yuan promised.

"I've caused trouble to you Fellow Daoists. Let's do it this way. Regardless of whether you join Luoshen Palace or not, you can go to the Internal Affairs Pavilion of Luoshen Palace to receive a High Grade weapon."

Everyone originally looked sad, but after hearing Lin Yuan's words, everyone's face showed a bit of joy.

I originally thought that this trip would be a thankless job. Forget it if I didn't join Luoshen Palace, I almost lost my life in this place. Everyone would feel depressed. Now Lin Yuan promised each of them A High Grade weapon, even those who have not joined can get one.

Unintentionally, Lin Yuan gathered a wave of hearts.

Besides, everyone who came to try their luck was already homeless. With Lin Yuan's words, everyone was like a lost child who had found his way home, and they all agreed with great excitement.

Seeing this, Luo Qinghan acquiesced to the matter.

Nowadays, Luoshen Palace urgently needs to expand its power. Maybe in this small place, Luoshen Palace still has a place, but if compared with the power of sects on the vast land, the strength of Luoshen Palace is not worth mentioning at all. The simplest way Just like Lin Yuan, recruiting talents.

When everyone just walked to the square, they saw that there were already many people gathered in the square. They were all looking nervously in the direction of the mountain gate. They were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, walking around in place, restrained. own impulsive pace.

Suddenly, a group of people appeared not far away.

At this moment, the people in the square saw the situation in front of them, and thought that someone from outside had broken in. They showed their weapons one by one, and their nerves suddenly became tense, and they were ready.

"There are so many people here...what should we do?"

The heart of a disciple in the crowd became shaken. A trace of fear climbed onto the apex of his heart, and the weapon he held in his hand also lost its accuracy.

"What are you afraid of?" A man in red stood up and stood in front of her, "Just go ahead and kill him."

"that is!"

Another woman in red clothes stood up.

"The master is not here, we can't let these people steal our home!"

The disciples of the Blood Demon Sect were full of fighting spirit at this moment, and they wished they could fight directly with the enemy. The violent blood in their bones was already beginning to stir.

Just when everyone was about to fight to the death, one person shouted loudly and stopped everyone.

"Wait...wait a minute! Don't fight yet, it doesn't seem like the enemy!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

During this period, many people emitted spiritual consciousness and spread towards that direction. As the distance between the two parties became closer and closer, everyone could see clearly what was coming.

"It's...the Palace Master and Senior Brother!"

After one person shouted in surprise, a louder voice suddenly erupted from the crowd.

"The Palace Master and Senior Brother are back!"

Different from the vigilant and shocked voice just now, the voice now was full of surprise.

Lin Yuan looked at the people in front of him, and his nerves that had been tense for a long time finally relaxed a little.

"Everyone, long time no see. How are you doing?"

As soon as these words came out, it was like a thunderbolt fell on the crowd, and it immediately exploded. Everyone was chatting in various words, and it was a lively scene.

Lin Yuan smiled, pointed at a few people in the crowd, and then pointed directly at the people behind him.

"These are the new disciples who have joined the sect. Take them to the Internal Affairs Cabinet to pick out a High Grade weapon for each of them, and arrange them all at the same time."


Several people came out of the crowd and led them out of the square.

After the outsiders left, the square in front of them became more lively. After all, the mainstay of Luoshen Palace was back, and the worries they had been feeling in the past few months could be put down for the time being.

At this time, a charming female voice sounded.

"Lin Yuan, you...made a breakthrough?"

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