The crusade team gradually grew, and the expressions of everyone in Luoshen Palace became more solemn day by day.

Everyone knew that a fierce battle was coming.


In his spare time, Lin Yuan knocked on Luo Qinghan's door.

Luo Qinghan raised his eyes and slowly placed the brush in his hand on the inkstone beside him.

"What's wrong?"

After Lin Yuan sat down, he first picked up the tea on Luo Qinghan's table and drank it by himself.

Luo Qinghan was not in a hurry and just looked at Lin Yuan.

After a while, Lin Yuan finished drinking the water in his teacup, and then he got to the point.

"I have an idea."

"what idea?"

"We have all been beaten passively so many times. Staying in place is not an option. How about we do the opposite this time."

When Luo Qinghan heard this, he felt a little interested.

"You can tell me what method you can use."

Although she felt that Lin Yuan was somewhat unreliable, after getting along with him for a few days, she changed her opinion of Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan curled his lips and rubbed his fingertips in the tea cup.

"I think we don't have to worry about morality. We can just attack them and catch them off guard. This way I can guarantee the greatest victory with the least casualties. Master, what do you think?"

"This... isn't good."

Luo Qinghan was hesitant. In the final analysis, they shouldn't be so cruel. After all, the main responsibility for causing trouble is the responsibility of others. If they take the initiative to implement this fact on themselves, the responsibility will fall on Luoshen Palace. In this way First, they couldn't explain it clearly even if they jumped into the Yellow River.

"It was others who were unkind, we were just protecting ourselves."

"That can't be the case. In the final analysis, they are just talking about it, and there is no actual fight for the time being. But if we take action, who knows how we will be arranged in this direction."

Lin Yuan was just stunned, and his eyes suddenly shone with joy.

"Master, you reminded me."

Luo Qinghan was puzzled, "What did I remind you just now?"

Lin Yuan originally wanted to talk about the division of main areas of responsibility, but Luo Qinghan might not understand this, so he changed his explanation to a more understandable sentence.

"We can not take the initiative to attack, but this does not mean that we will be captured without mercy." An idea came to Lin Yuan's mind, "We can set a trap on the edge of Luoshen Palace, first consume part of those people's strength, and then , and then divide our people into three factions to further disperse their power. In this way, the pressure we face will be reduced a little."

Luo Qinghan lowered her head and thought about what Lin Yuan said, and felt that what he said made sense.

The previous crusade brigade all rushed forward with a bang, and thousands of ascetics blocked the mountain gate of Luoshen Palace.

As the saying goes, a single tree cannot make a forest.

The pressure brought by one person may not be terrifying enough, but when people of this magnitude gather together, the pressure brought by them can be increased hundreds or thousands of times, and the pressure is obviously increased.

If we can think of what Lin Yuan said and divide everyone, maybe we can reduce some of the pressure.

After a long time, Luo Qinghan met Lin Yuan's eyes again.

"Then do as you say."


After Lin Yuan received Luo Qinghan's verbal promise, he stood up and left with a smile.

After Lin Yuan's voice and figure disappeared completely, Luo Qinghan sorted out the documents that he had piled up indiscriminately one by one, revealing the invitation underneath, and there were two big words written on the invitation - - War letter.

With calm eyes, she slowly opened the invitation, and the content inside was clear at a glance.

There was only a time written on it, and a drop of blood fell on the signature in the lower right corner.

What a declaration of war.

A flame burst out from Luo Qinghan's fingertips, burning the letter of war clean.

A group of guys who came here under the guise of justice actually thought of erecting a clean plaque for themselves. It was really a shame for them.

But now that we know the time, it's better to carry out what Lin Yuan just said.

The crusade outside became more and more enthusiastic, and the team grew stronger day by day.

When they heard about Lin Yuan's abnormal cultivation speed, many people felt a little wary.

It would be good if such talents could be used by themselves, but if they couldn't, there would be no meaning in their existence in this world. It would be better to get rid of them directly, and maybe save some trouble.

The number of people in the team also increased from a few thousand at the beginning to tens of thousands later.

Xiao Fan hid aside, looking at the team of ten thousand people, with an unpredictable evil smile on his face.

With so many people around, Lin Yuan could still escape even if he couldn't kill him. Even if he couldn't be killed, he could still be left half disabled. From now on, there would be no trace of Lin Yuan in the world.

When he thought of this, Xiao Fan snorted coldly and lurked in the crowd, preparing to go up with the large army.

After waiting for a while, the leader walked over slowly.

Powerful pressure suddenly fell on everyone, and the originally noisy environment suddenly became silent.

"Are you all ready?"

Several people around him replied repeatedly: "Everything is ready."

The few old guys in the lead were even chatting and laughing, as if the trip here was just a walk in the backyard.

Xiao Fan looked at the several big shots in front of Mi from the corner of his eye. He didn't expect to be able to invite them out. In this way, Lin Yuan's chance of surviving was even smaller.

But they didn't realize that there were still people in the crowd who dared to look at them, and they chatted with a few people.

"Hey, big guy, I didn't expect you to be willing to go out."

A scrawny old man was joking to a tall, thick-looking old man who looked particularly strong.

The strong man was not angry, he just raised his hand and put the thin man's hand aside.

"Shuo Shu, didn't you crawl out of that hole yourself? Why, are you tired of staying in that dark, damp little hole?"

The rest of the people also joked, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became warm. If there were not tens of thousands of people standing behind them, many people might think that this was just an ordinary family meeting.

The few of them chatted for a while, then led Dongren to prepare to set off.

"When did such a person appear in Dongzhou Continent? Have you ever heard of it?"

"I've never heard of it. Who is that guy from?"

"What's your name..."

"Lin Yuan."

"Oh! Remember, he's from the Huang Gulin family, Lin Xingtian's grandson, right?"

"Haha, that boy really gave Xiao Lin some face, but it's a pity..."

Several people talked and looked at each other and smiled.

It was originally a kind and kind laughter, but in the ears of everyone behind him, they heard a somewhat scary smile.

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