At the foot of Luoshen Palace.

A group of people rushed over from the horizon. In the distance, the Luoshen Palace stood on the peak. Under the sun, the top of the palace was glowing with purple light, twinkling between the peaks.

"That is Luoshen Palace."

The people behind the old man nodded and bowed, leading the way for the big guys.

A few people glanced at it lightly, and there was a muffled sound in their throats, and they agreed.

It's just that... there is still a dark mass with a red figure standing in front of the foot of Luoshen Palace.

Several people squinted and saw clearly the black group in front of them - it turned out to be the people from Luoshen Palace who were standing there, holding weapons in their hands. The fighting spirit in their eyes condensed into a solid group. The barrier is still looming and emitting red light.

"Haha, it's really a strange thing. We can still see Demonic Cultivator here, and there are still so many..."

The old men raised their hands and brushed their white beards as if they were watching a show.

"Our Demonic Cultivator on the Dongzhou Continent, before I entered the customs, I don't remember that there were so many people."

"It is naturally impossible for Demonic Cultivator to have so many people, but there is a place that can really bring out so many people."


"The Bloody Sect."

"Aren't they already gone from the world a long time ago? I thought that there were no disciples of the Demon Emperor in this world for a long time. I didn't expect that they could survive for so long. It's really rare."

A few people were enjoying themselves and did not take the people in front of them seriously.

Or maybe they feel that these people are not worth their while.

Shan Zan stood among the crowd holding a broadsword. The breeze blew by, blowing the green hair on his temples and blowing his mantle, looking very arrogant.

"If you want to enter Luoshen Palace, just pass through us."

Shan Zan's momentum was at full swing, and the Xue Sha Sect members behind him saw this and followed suit.

The auras of thousands of people merged together, and the blood demon's aura suddenly rose to a higher level, turning into a heavy pressure and falling on everyone. The vicious aura mixed in the air seemed to disturb the minds of many people.

The old men glanced indifferently and slowly floated over, but they were not facing Shan Zan's direction, but were preparing to pass over his head.

The purpose of their trip was very simple, which was to kill the monster Lin Yuan so that they could be somewhat clean.

Shan Zan clenched the sword tightly, a light flashed in his eyes, and with a strong movement of his feet, he was like an evil god coming out of the ground, and he killed several old men with full of violence.

He knew that his strength was difficult to compare with these old men, but if he didn't dare to fight, who of the people behind him would dare to stand up?

“Don’t overestimate your own capabilities.”

One of the old men waved his sleeve gently.

A huge wind swept over, and Shan Zan's overwhelming momentum was like a fragile piece of paper in front of them. It couldn't withstand the slightest storm and was shattered in an instant.

Shan Zan was pushed back several steps by the huge force. After somersaulting in the air, he staggered several steps before he could steady his steps.

As a result, before Shan Zan could stabilize the chaotic spiritual energy in his Dantian, attacks from others immediately followed.

Shan Zanqiang took a deep breath, picked up the sword and pierced the sudden enemy in front of him again.

Clang, Clang, Clang——

As Shan Zan, who had the strongest protection in the first layer, was surrounded by several people in front of him, the crusade army saw that they were no longer blocked by powerful enemies. They all picked up the weapons in their hands and started fighting with everyone from the Xue Sha Sect. .

"Don't even think about it!"

When Shan Zan was about to go over, he was stopped by those people.

"Don't run away. Your opponent is us. In today's world, Demonic Cultivator dares to come out?"

Several people sneered and surrounded Shan Zan, then approached step by step.

Shan Zan's expression suddenly darkened, and his grip on the handle of the knife became stronger and stronger. Facing the gradually closing circle, he lowered his eyes, a bit of light flashed in his eyes, shouted loudly, and then moved towards the Several people started fighting.

Everyone in the Blood Demon Sect saw Shan Zan fighting bloody battles on the side. They were unwilling to lag behind. Looking at the surging enemies in front of them, they quickly activated the spiritual power in their bodies to increase their momentum.

Another bloody storm.

There were so many people attacking that it was not something that just a few thousand disciples of the Blood Evil Sect could stop. Except for those who fought or were detained by the fighting, everyone followed the old man's footsteps and moved forward.

Shan Zan looked at the direction in which everyone was leaving. Although he wanted to stop them, he was unable to do so.

He threw himself into the fight with some reluctance.

Master...I'll leave it to you next...

The large army moved forward slowly. Although some people had been restrained just now, for a team of tens of thousands of people, less than one-fifth of the people were detained.

The army saw that the mountain gate was not far away, and when they were about to attack at once, suddenly, an explosion sounded from somewhere.

Then, the explosion sounded like it was free of charge, roaring everywhere.

"What's going on?"

Several old men looked at each other and followed the sound of the explosion.

If you look closely, the loess on the ground bulges out a little. Once someone walks over, the thing hidden in the soil will explode instantly, and the explosion wave will endanger people a few meters away.

The old man suddenly smiled.

"This Luoshen Palace is a bit interesting, and it's so fancy."

He raised his hand and violently destroyed all the traps on the ground.

I don't know how many ambush mines exploded at this moment. Those who ran fast below would be able to escape this disaster. If they ran slowly, the roar would continue and their whole people would be blown away.

Fortunately, there is spiritual power to protect the body, otherwise there would be another spectacular flow of blood below.

"I want to see what other tricks they have up their sleeves."

Several old people had a little anger in their hearts.

Having come all the way here, who would have known that it would be the scene in front of me.

Not only had he never seen the guy named Lin Yuan, but he was also played by such a foolish trick. No one could swallow this breath.

After the aftermath of the explosion, those who could still move immediately packed themselves up, followed the old man's pace and moved forward.

Who would have thought that before they had even taken two steps, a blocking army appeared in front of them.

It's just that they are different from the people I saw at the foot of the mountain. These people are wearing white and blue clothes, and the spiritual power emanating from them is quite pure. I think these are the disciples of Luoshen Palace.

The old man lowered his eyes slightly, stared at the scene in front of him, and roughly came up with an answer in his mind.

It seems that the people of Luoshen Palace have deliberately divided their strength into several factions in order to consume the soldiers and generals below. This is really a good trick.

Several people squinted their eyes, and the expressions in their eyes became increasingly cold.

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