Fantasy: Unlimited Investment, The Heroine Becomes The Villain

Chapter 236: Like Facing A Formidable Enemy

"A mere small sect dares to throw tricks on us."

Several people frowned slightly, with some anger in their eyes.

Just when he was about to raise his hand and smash all the people below to ashes, the people next to him stopped him.

"Old Wen, look at you, why do you still like to get angry with the people below you after reaching this level?" An elegant-looking old man next to him pressed down his hand, "They are just a bunch of ants, why are you so angry with them?" Do you have to do it yourself?"

Lao Wentou snorted coldly.

"So what about the ants? Aren't they all dancing in front of us now? If we don't show them any color, they still think that we will let them do whatever they want. I just don't like it, so I can solve it with a wave of my hand. You have to stop me."

As he said that, he looked at the person who stopped him with some resentment.

"So you are impulsive. Why have you been practicing for so long and your brain has not improved at all? If someone else provokes you a little, your brain will follow your own mood?" He said warmly: "It is easy for you to kill them. This But there are still people left alive, or someone has spread the news here, do you think we can survive alone?"

"The most taboo thing in this world is strong men like us who can kill unilaterally. It's easy for you to kill them today, but from now on, how many people will start wars because they are afraid of us? Have you ever thought about this? "

Old Wen was choked by the man's words. In the end, he couldn't say anything to refute, so he had to drop the topic.

"Just don't kill them. Why do you have to educate me like this..."

He was still a little dissatisfied, but after thinking carefully about the truth of what the man next to him said, he couldn't say it out in that tone.

Without the intervention of the old man, the people from Luoshen Palace fought against the brigade that came to attack.

Clang, Clang, Clang——

Countless weapons and brilliant moves were intertwined together, and a huge sound exploded in the air, causing the nearby mountain peaks to tremble.

The crusade army had been partially restrained by the people of the Blood Demon Sect, and later lost part of its strength due to the trap in front of the mountain gate. Now the pressure of the head-on confrontation has been diverted a lot.

Although the disciples of Luoshen Palace still found it a little difficult to fight with them, they were much better now than before.

Basically, there was enough energy to fight multiple people at once, but the advancing group was stopped in vain, and the huge figures could only stop at the mountain gate.

Seeing this, the old men looked at him with disdain.

"What a bunch of useless trash."

They said this, but they still waited for the people below to peck each other.

There are not many people in Luoshen Palace. Compared with the number of people in the crusade, they are just barely enough to see. It was only because the people in Luoshen Palace had been waiting in place and did not use up their physical strength that they were involved in the first place. The strength of both sides is evenly divided.

But just after a while, when the strength of the people in Luoshen Palace was depleted, the disadvantage became apparent.

Judging from the overall strength, the people of Luoshen Palace were no match for those who came to attack them. In addition, the old man was secretly playing tricks, and the originally airtight barrier was torn open at this moment.

"There's a gap there!"

After someone in the crowd shouted, everyone's attention was drawn to that side.

Suddenly, everyone saw that the gap was like a suffocated fish finding a river embankment, surging into it.

The people of Luoshen Palace tried their best to defend against it, but unfortunately there were so many people attacking. Even if they could stop one person, more people would follow one after another until they were completely defeated.

The old man floating in the air lowered his eyes. After seeing someone break out of the siege, he moved forward with peace of mind. Only in this way can they be considered legitimate.

But they were so arrogant that they didn't even bother to take a second look below, otherwise they wouldn't have discovered that there was still a small team of a thousand people. As they walked to the back, the number of people gradually became thinner.

When they approached the gate of Luoshen Palace Square, the people who broke through the siege seemed to have disappeared from the world, and it was difficult to find any trace.

When they arrived at the square, several old men originally wanted to let the people below take the lead. However, when they were about to speak, they found that there was no one below.

Many people looked dissatisfied and spat.

"What a bunch of useless things. You can't even walk up there."

"That's all, just a waste of our time."

After a few people communicated quickly using telepathy, they looked up and were about to start the killing spree when they were surprised to find that there was only one person standing in the huge square in front of them.

"Are you Lin Yuan?"

One person stood up and asked, and the pressure in his voice radiated through the square.

Lin Yuan frowned slightly, naturally feeling the pressure on his shoulders, but he just took a deep breath and easily defused the power of this move.

After all, it was no longer strange for him to withstand low-level attacks such as pressure. Compared with Yan Jiuxi's pressure, these people were all younger brothers.

When several people saw this, their eyes showed a bit of surprise.

I didn't expect that this young boy still had some strength and could actually withstand this blow that contained spiritual power. I really underestimated him before.

Many people put away their contempt and looked at Lin Yuan in front of them seriously.

The more they looked at it, the more everyone's hearts trembled, and they felt pity while appreciating it.

"Sure enough, a hero comes from a boy!"

After a long time, several people came to a unified conclusion and were full of praise for Lin Yuan's call. If the situation at this time was not a bit anxious and the momentum became tense, perhaps others would have thought it was something. Comments from parents and younger generations.

When Lin Yuan heard this, he naturally refused to come.

"Don't dare to take it seriously."

"Hey, you are quite calm."

A few people smiled knowingly, feeling that Lin Yuan was to their liking, but...

The more they talked, the more regret they felt in their hearts.

"The seniors are generous with their praises, and the juniors naturally accept them honestly."

Faced with the oppression of everyone, Lin Yuan's eyes did not reveal any panic. On the contrary, his expression remained unchanged as the mountain collapsed in front of him. It was hard to find fault with that look that was neither humble nor arrogant.

"You have a glib tone, but this won't save you. Do you know where our behavior comes from?"

"for me."

"If you know, why run away?"

Several people paused for a moment, and when they looked at Lin Yuan again, their eyes became a little darker.

"Escape?" Lin Yuan raised his head and met their gaze, grinning, "Can I escape?"

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