
When Lin Yuan said these words, everyone was shocked.

"Did this kid eat something wrong? He actually started talking nonsense about miracles?" Several people heard this and sneered. "I have lived for so long, and there is no word miracle in the dictionary."

"I don't care what you are thinking behind your back, you will die soon anyway. If you have any last words, you can talk to the Lord of Hell yourself."

They looked at each other, not intending to give Lin Yuan a chance to breathe.

After all, the situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly. If the rhythm of Lin Yuan's words was disrupted and something happened... that would be a scene that none of them wanted to see.

Lin Yuan looked at the approaching blade and wanted to resist, but he turned his eyes, as if he had thought of some good idea, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a calmness.

Several old fritters noticed something strange about Lin Yuan.

This kid was ready to burn the boat, but at the most critical moment, all the strength in his body was relieved in an instant.

Is he too confident in his own strength? Or is there some trump card hidden behind it?

In the blink of an eye, countless thoughts flashed through the minds of several people, but the current situation was critical and they had no time to think too much about it. It was impossible to take back the gesture of extending their hands.

Lin Yuan didn't make any resistance, just watched the blade fall towards him, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.


As the blades intertwined, the expected attack did not fall, but a golden light appeared in front of him.

Lin Yuan looked down and found that it was the power emanating from the jade pendant around his waist that blocked the blow for him.

For a time, the power of the Great Emperor filled the entire space.

Several people were sure of winning, but after sensing the power of the Great Emperor left on Yan Jiuxi's jade pendant, their expressions suddenly changed, and they immediately retracted their outstretched hands.

Originally, they heard that Lin Yuan and Yan Jiuxi had some relationship, but that happened a long time ago. Maybe it was just something the empress wanted to do on a whim, so they didn't take it seriously. They didn't expect that this thing was actually true. .

Going against Yan Jiuxi, isn't it obvious that he wants to die? !

Several people looked at each other hastily, and without thinking much, they immediately turned around and left, not even daring to stay there any longer.

Lin Yuan looked at the jade plaque floating around his waist, a bit of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

He originally wanted to set an example, thinking that if these people really endangered his life, what would Yan Jiuxi do?

However, despite all his calculations, he failed to realize that Yan Jiuxi actually left a jade token on his body, which disrupted his little thoughts.

Lin Yuan sighed softly and patted the dust off his shoulders with his hands.

Luo Qinghan, who had always been worried about Lin Yuan's safety, saw this and hurriedly approached.

"Are you OK?"

The battle situation just now was too chaotic. She was watching from a distance and could only vaguely see some situations, but not everything in detail. So as soon as the old men withdrew, she flew to Lin Yuan's side. , looking up and down at Lin Yuan's physical condition.

"I'm fine."

"You just...wanted to lure the Empress out?"

Others may think that Lin Yuan has no strength to resist, but Luo Qinghan clearly knows that this is Lin Yuan's deliberate move.

Lin Yuan nodded without covering up.

"Yeah... It's a pity that I forgot. She has already prepared complete countermeasures and will not stop by unless necessary."

Luo Qinghan thought about what Lin Yuan said, and she had a clear idea in her mind. Even though she had many questions in her mind, this place was not a good place for discussion at the moment, so she spoke.

"They've left too, let's go back first."

"Well, let's go back."

Above the main hall, a sense of solemnity filled the entire hall.

Almost everyone was gray-headed and gray-faced, with more or less cuts on their bodies. Some white flesh was revealed from the open wounds, and there was still blood dripping from them. They looked particularly horrifying.

Luo Qinghan raised her eyes and took a look, feeling extremely sad in her heart.

The hall was full of people not long ago, but today there are two-thirds less. The injuries on the remaining people are not much better, and it will be difficult to return to the peak level without rest for more than half a year.

Everyone was dejected, and the hall instantly became lifeless.

At this time, Wang Chongxiao and Lin Wuya hurried over.

They all saw the scene at the foot of the mountain just now, and their eyes were filled with sadness. But when they saw the people in the hall, as the superiors, they concealed their emotions very well.

"Palace Master Luo, we are late."

Wang Chongxiao and Lin Wuya showed a bit of apology in their eyes.

Although the momentum of the crusade brigade has always been released, Wang Chongxiao and Lin Wuya cannot arrange most of their manpower to station near Luoshen Palace just for this matter. After all, their respective forces still need manpower. Maintain normal operation.

In addition, they only issued a declaration of war against Luoshen Palace as claimed by the outside world, but only Luo Qinghan knew the contents of the declaration. The unequal information gap led to this tragedy. They would come over after receiving the news. By that time, everything was too late.

Behind them, there was a beautiful figure.

Lin Yuan took a closer look and found that Yun Qianxue had also followed.

I saw Yun Qianxue looking around the hall, hurriedly trying to find a person among them, and finally landed in a corner next to the high seat.

"Lin Yuan...are you okay?"

Lin Yuan blinked.

"I'm fine, why are you all here?"

Lin Yuan didn't want to involve them all in this incident. After all, he knew that no matter what happened, Yan Jiuxi would be there to tell him the truth, so he was not afraid at all.

I just didn't expect that my calmness would cause a lot of trouble without telling them first.

"You brat, are we still worried about you?" Lin Wuya was so angry that his lungs almost exploded at Lin Yuan's straightforward words, "We are all on tenterhooks, but you brat is so good that you don't care about anything that has nothing to do with you. His appearance really made us worry for so long in vain."

Lin Yuan said very sincerely: "Sorry, I forgot to tell you first."

This apology was a painless one, and everyone present could see Lin Yuan's perfunctory attitude, but now was not a good time to pursue this matter. Everyone focused their attention on Luo Qinghan.

The atmosphere was cold for a long time, then Wang Chongxiao came out and spoke.

"Master Luo Palace, the situation is serious now. Everyone has turned their attention to Luo Shen Palace. Do you have any ideas on how to deal with it?"

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