Luoshen Palace is an affiliated sect of Heavenly Jade Sacred Land. Logically, it can be considered a part of Heavenly Jade Sacred Land. While being taken care of by Heavenly Jade Sacred Land, it also has to bear some corresponding responsibilities.

But the affiliated sect has a subordinate status after all.

Although it is in the name of Heavenly Jade Sacred Land, in the eyes of outsiders, this name is usually irrelevant. If the affiliated sect is not strong enough and is attacked by other forces, Wang Chongxiao will not only give a verbal warning, but also Can't do anything more.

While he was here to help, he also wanted to ask Luo Qinghan for her opinion. If she had a better idea, he would naturally allow Luoshen Palace to grow wildly, even if the current situation did not look very optimistic. However, with Lin Yuan and Long Xi here, they will be the best trump cards to support Luoshen Palace. As long as they are given corresponding time to grow up, there may really be Luoshen Palace in the entire Dongzhou Continent. a place.

Thinking about it, Wang Chongxiao's brows knitted together slightly.

What he fears most is that the remaining forces will not give them room to grow. This is what he wants to discuss with Luo Qinghan during this trip.

Luo Qinghan pondered for a while, then opened her red lips and said: "Holy Lord, Luoshen Palace still wants to rely on its own power to establish its roots on this continent. It always relies on your words. Luoshen Palace will no longer be Luoshen Palace." The palace."

She knew what the plan was in Wang Chongxiao's mind. As the master of Luoshen Palace, she could not bring anything more to Wang Chongxiao besides being grateful.

As the saying goes, when a person is in danger, his ambition cannot be poor.

Perhaps from the current stage, it is indeed a good choice to directly assimilate with the people of Heavenly Jade Sacred Land, but in the long run, this choice will not only not be a one-time solution, but will even bring more disadvantages.

Wang Chongxiao learned Luo Qinghan's answer and nodded slightly, with a little more approval for Luo Qinghan in his eyes.

"Now that Palace Master Luo has a plan, I won't force others to make things difficult for them." Wang Chongxiao smiled heartily, "I still say what I said, it is useful, just say it, and there is no need to be too polite between us."


During several conversations between several people, the solemnity just now was resolved with smooth voices, and the tense atmosphere was relieved a lot.

Wang Chongxiao and Lin Wuya were here to help. Seeing that there was no great comfort in Luoshen Palace at the moment, they naturally had no need to stay here.

"Now that the crisis has passed, we outsiders can't help much, so we'll leave first."

"Where is it?" Luo Qinghan stood up in fear and sent a few people out. "You guys traveled thousands of miles to come here. Qinghan is very grateful."

Wang Chongxiao and Lin Wuya looked at each other, sighed, and whispered beside Luo Qinghan.

"Harmful, if I have to say it, it was that boy Lin Yuan who caused the ear trouble. If he were here, you wouldn't have to encounter these things every time." Lin Wuya's eyes were full of shame.

From beginning to end, every time it brought disaster to Luoshen Palace, it seemed that the beginning was all about knocking down Lin Yuan.

Over and over again, if the vitality of Luoshen Palace hadn't been stronger, I really don't know where it would have fallen.

When Luo Qinghan heard this, the corner of her mouth twitched, but since Lin Wuya was Lin Yuan's father, she couldn't refute anything, so she could only stand aside and say some kind words for Lin Yuan.

"Master Lin, you are serious. This is not Lin Yuan's fault alone. I will definitely not put all the responsibility on Lin Yuan. Since he is already the senior brother of Luoshen Palace, I will definitely Responsible to the end." At this point, Luo Qinghan's eyes softened, "I recruited him, and if I have to say right or wrong, I, the master, should be the one to replace the disciple."

Wang Chongxiao and Lin Wuya were stunned for a moment and swallowed all the words they wanted to say just now.

"That guy Lin Yuan still needs Palace Master Luo to worry more."

"Then let's go first."

After a few people said goodbye, Wang Chongxiao and Lin Wuya led their forces and left first.

Luo Qinghan could still pretend to be a bit in front of them, but when she stepped into the hall again, a overwhelming feeling of powerlessness followed.

Nowadays, the strength of Luoshen Palace has been greatly reduced. In addition, after this commotion, the number of people who want to join Luoshen Palace will naturally be greatly reduced. It may be difficult to recruit other people.

The most important task at the moment is naturally to appease people's hearts, but the most difficult situation will still be in the future, such as how to take the road to Luoshen Palace. This is the most difficult thing.

Luo Qinghan raised his hand and rubbed his temples, and the pain in his mind lessened.

After sitting down, she looked at the people sitting down and cheered up. When she was about to speak, Lin Yuan touched her shoulder.

Luo Qinghan turned his head and looked sideways slightly.

Lin Yuan's mouth moved in Luo Qinghan's eyes, and Luo Qinghan saw the shape of his mouth - "Don't worry, I'm here."

Luo Qinghan's heart felt warm, and the anxiety he had just felt lessened. His dizzy brain gradually became clearer, and he explained the plans in his mind one by one.

Luo Qinghan was talking in the main hall, and Lin Yuan on the side felt a little bored for the moment, so he slowly retreated behind the screen, and then slipped out.

Due to the fierce battle that had just taken place, the previously heavily traveled sections of road had become somewhat desolate and deserted.

Lin Yuan sighed slightly in his heart.

If it weren't for him, Luoshen Palace might not be like this.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

He himself can't protect himself, so how can he have the remaining energy to take care of some people he meets by chance? It can only be said that this is the law of the forest, and this is the cruelty of the world.

Lin Yuan walked aimlessly in the huge Luoshen Palace.

He had lived here for so long, and this was the first time he felt that this place was particularly empty. It was as if his heart suddenly became empty, and he felt a little distracted thinking about it.

In this way, Lin Yuan did not notice that his route was down the mountain.

There were some mottled blood stains on the bluestone-white slate. Although there were not many, the bright red was particularly obvious compared to the clean floor.

Moving forward, the originally rare flash of red began to spread over a large area.

The dark red color is no longer rare, but the bluestone white is rarely seen. A touch of white is wrapped in red, as if it is shivering.

Da da da--

Lin Yuan was walking among them in a daze, not noticing that his feet were already stained with sticky blood.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked at the Red Sea in front of him blankly.

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