Countless corpses were lying in a pool of blood, and blood was still flowing from the uneven incision surface. Drop by drop fell into the somewhat solidified sea of ​​blood, causing ripples from time to time.

If you're lucky, you'll still be able to find a whole body, but if you're unlucky, your body parts will already be mixed in, and you won't be able to find its true owner.

Lin Yuan looked at the scene in front of him and felt that his throat was a bit astringent. The bitterness filled his entire mouth, and his vocal cords became astringent, making it difficult to say a word.

In the pool of blood, flowers of the other side bloomed everywhere.

The process from emergence to blooming of the flower bone was completed in just an instant, and then it was in a pool of blood, swaying. The blood drops on the flower bone were like dew gathering on it in the morning, swirling for several times. After the circle, it dripped into the sea of ​​blood.

If he hadn't actually seen this scene, Lin Yuan would have been hard-pressed to imagine what it would be like.


The blood in front of him was vaguely overlapped with the memory of his previous life. The war was also raging, but the scene in front of him was much better than his previous life.

Lin Yuan's eyes gradually condensed and fell on the pool of blood not far away. After staring for a long time, he couldn't help but sneer.

Speaking of which, he was lying in this pool of blood before, like a dead dog, letting Xiao Fan suppress him.

Thinking about it, Lin Yuan clenched his fists, took a deep look, then turned and left.

Oh, so what about the way of heaven?

I'm determined to betray you!

The aftermath work of Luoshen Palace is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Although the loss of palace personnel this time was great, it was not without some benefits.

After this battle, Luoshen Palace's status in the eyes of the world has improved a lot. At this stage, no one will dare to come up and cause trouble.

After all, there were many people watching the fun at that time. However, after the handsome Emperor Wei came out from behind, these people were scared away in an instant. After that, there was a rumor circulating in the outside world that Luoshen Palace was created by Yan Jiu. Covered by xi.

Luo Qinghan wanted to clarify this matter, but was stopped by Lin Yuan.

"Master, we didn't spread this rumor. If they want to spread it, let them spread it. Anyway, we are not at a loss. We have done so much for the empress, and we can use her name to show off our power. I'm sure she won't mind."

Lin Yuan curled his lips and smiled.

Yan Jiuxi not only didn't mind, she didn't have time to care about it at all.

When he fought with Xiao Fan, he clearly felt the aura of the ferocious beast on Xiao Fan's body. Although he didn't know what method Yan Jiuxi used to leave traces of the ferocious beast in Xiao Fan's body. But in reality, Yan Jiuxi's move broke his previous speculation about Yan Jiuxi.

I think Yan Jiuxi has been hooking up with Xiao Fan for a long time behind her back. As for what she wants to do...

Lin Yuan hesitated for a moment.

Even though all the signs now point to Yan Jiuxi's actions, they can't give any substantial blow to the final result.

It seems that... the trajectory of the original world will still affect the development of subsequent storylines to a certain extent, but this will never be the direction of the established plot.

Lin Yuan shook his head and followed the original path back.

Recalling everything Yan Jiuxi had done before, he felt more and more that Yan Jiuxi must be planning a big chess game in his heart, and Xiao Fan was just a pawn on the chessboard.

That night.

The air was slightly cool, and the passing breeze stirred the black hair hanging down from the temples, and a sigh spread in the silent night.

Then, there were several "rustling" sounds in the woods nearby.


The people sitting in the courtyard took a wary look and asked subconsciously.

"it's me."

A slightly naughty male voice sounded at the right time, adding a bit of interest to the silence. After a few "rustling" sounds, a figure walked out of the woods under the soft moonlight.

Luo Qinghan took a closer look.

The fine moonlight fell on Lin Yuan's gorgeous clothes, like stars, decorating the plain white clothes as brilliantly as the stars and the moon.

"How did you come……"

She called out in a low voice, took out a teacup from her tea tray and placed it opposite her, then filled the empty cup with a cup of tea.

Lin Yuan walked over and smiled lightly.

"I see that Master is always worried these days. As your eldest disciple, I have to share some things with you."

"It would be nice if you don't cause trouble for me these days."

Lin Yuan smiled and sat down in front of Luo Qinghan.

He lifted the teacup on the table and took a sip.

The tea tastes bitter in the mouth, but the rich tea aroma instantly fills the entire mouth. When it falls into the throat, it brings a bit of mellow aroma, and a stream of body fluid appears on the tongue coating, which is full of sweetness.

“Good tea!”

Lin Yuan's eyes were shining and he asked Luo Qinghan for another cup of tea.

"Master, please have another drink~"

Luo Qinghan raised her eyes and glanced at Lin Yuan. She said nothing, but poured another cup of tea for Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan raised his fingers and tapped on the stone table a few times, and then the two slowly began to talk.

"Master, I don't think we need to recruit any more people."

Luo Qinghan's hand movements paused, and there was some surprise in his eyes.

"Why? Luoshen Palace's vitality has been severely damaged this time. If we don't hurry up to replace the missing personnel, those people outside who are eyeing us will definitely come back. By then..."

When Luo Qinghan was talking excitedly, Lin Yuan raised his hand and held her down.

He raised his other hand and pointed at Luo Qinghan's heart.

"Master, your mind is confused."


Dark emotions flashed across Luo Qinghan's eyes, and her fingertips trembled slightly for a moment before returning to their previous calmness.

Seeing Luo Qinghan calm down, Lin Yuan continued to speak.

"You have also seen the situation in Luoshen Palace now. Most of the disciples recruited will die in the next battle. If there is no powerful helper to join, our little monk will be the murderer who indirectly killed them. , if that’s the case, we might as well close the door and say thank you.”

Luo Qinghan's heart trembled slightly.

"There are only so many people left in Luoshen Palace now..."

Depending on whether a force can survive on the territory, the number of people in the sect is the minimum standard. No matter how bad it is, there is still a last resort, the human sea tactic.

Lin Yuan spoke softly: "Master, I understand your worries, but now that we are relying on Yan Jiuxi's momentum and letting people outside guess what they think, they will never do evil again."

He stretched out his fingers and wetted his fingertips with tea, leaving water stains on the stone slab.

"Master, have you heard of the shepherd's story?"

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