Fantasy: Unlimited Investment, The Heroine Becomes The Villain

Chapter 244 The Bright Moon Is Not As Beautiful As You

The soft moonlight fell on the courtyard, filling it with starlight.

Luo Qinghan, shrouded in moonlight, blinked, listened, and motioned for Lin Yuan to continue.

Lin Yuan cleared his throat.

"Once upon a time, a shepherd went out to herd sheep and found a place with rich pasture. The reason why no one visited this place was because there were many hungry wolves nearby. Many shepherds were frightened by the news. In order to protect their remaining sheep, they did not People dare to herd sheep here, but there is a lazy shepherd who continues to herd sheep there. Do you know why?"

Lin Yuan did not tell Luo Qinghan the answer directly, but took a turn and threw the question to her.

Luo Qinghan thought for a while.

"Did he kill all the wolves?"

"Of course not." Lin Yuan smiled softly, "If you have this strength, why don't others come and share the soup?"

"Yes, what's the reason?"

Luo Qinghan was brought in by Lin Yuan's words. His eyes flickered, and all the stars behind him fell into Lin Yuan's eyes, which made him feel itchy. He almost wanted to rub the one that looked so good to the touch. head.

But in the end, Lin Yuan held back. Suddenly, he still felt that his head was more important.

Lin Yuan coughed slightly, covering up his guilty conscience, and then slowly spoke.

"There is a very powerful hunter in the local area. The shepherd invites the hunter over for tea every now and then. This hunter has hunted several wolf kings. The fear of him has already been engraved in the bones of the wolves. He comes and goes often. The wolves will not dare to take any chances here."

Hearing this, Luo Qinghan roughly understood what Lin Yuan meant.

"So the current Luoshen Palace is the shepherd?"

"It may or may not be the case, but as long as Yan Jiuxi doesn't come forward to explain, we can let the news out, so that others will be more or less afraid of us. If it doesn't work, just throw me away. Just go up and block the knife, I am still useful to the Empress, she will never refuse to save you."

Luo Qinghan thought for a while.

"From the current stage, this is indeed a good method, but what about the future? Have you ever thought about it?"

Lin Yuan leaned back, lay comfortably on the chair, and said leisurely.

"We can talk about the future later. Besides, our realm will definitely not stagnate. Maybe in a few years, I will become a quasi-Great Emperor."

Luo Qinghan rolled her eyes at Lin Yuan and poked his hand.

"You're the only one who's so talkative? There's no way that the Great Emperor can break through so easily. You have such free time to talk to me about this, so you might as well get down to practice as soon as possible."

"Oh, don't worry. The moonlight is so beautiful tonight. Master and I will enjoy the moonlight together."


Luo Qinghan was about to speak, but a piece of pastry filled with the scent of osmanthus filled her nose. The sweet taste spread on the tip of her tongue, sweet to her heart.

For a moment, the two of them stared at each other, but neither of them made any move.

Finally, Luo Qinghan took a bite of the sweet pastry and subconsciously stepped back, her eyes a little wandering.

"You still know this."

Lin Yuan curled his lips and took another bite at the place where Luo Qinghan had just bitten.

There was an extra layer of moisture on the originally dry pastry. When it fell into his mouth, he could even feel the sweetness of the body fluid, which added a little more fragrance to the already sweet osmanthus.

"I know more, Master, do you want to give it a try?"

Luo Qinghan looked at Lin Yuan's face that was getting closer. She subconsciously stretched out her hand to block Lin Yuan's move forward, and stared at Lin Yuan very warily.

"Isn't it about admiring the moon? Maybe the moon is growing on my face?"

Luo Qinghan's smile was as bright as a flower, just like the dawn that awakened all things.

When Lin Yuan saw this, he paused in his heart, and his breathing slowed down for half a step. He slowly calmed down his mood and spoke loudly.

"Although the bright moon is beautiful, it is not as good as Master, you are like a sinking fish and a geese..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Luo Qinghan.

"Okay, stop flattering me and just watch it carefully."


Lin Yuan sat down with a smile, enjoying the moment of tranquility with Luo Qinghan along with the gentle breeze.

I don’t know how long it took, but the night gradually deepened, and even the crisp chirping of cicadas became quieter.

The breeze was cool, and Lin Yuan felt that his eyelids were drooping.

In a daze, he vaguely saw a Daoist figure moving in his field of vision, and then only heard a sigh. He felt that there was an extra layer of clothing on his body, and the slightest warmth was transmitted to his skin through the plain clothes.


Lin Yuan's eyelashes trembled slightly, and the chirping of birds in his ears was still ringing, as if he would not give up until he achieved his goal, which was bound to wake Lin Yuan up.

"It's so noisy!"

Lin Yuan opened his eyes suddenly and stared in the direction of the bird's chirping.

The birds clinging to the trees seemed to have sensed the coldness hidden in Lin Yuan's eyes, and their chirping became louder and louder. In the end, they couldn't stand it anymore, so they flapped their wings and left.

Suddenly, the cloak that originally covered him also fell down.

Lin Yuan lowered his head and picked up the cloak on the ground.

There is still a faint fragrance left on the cloak. This fragrance is a bit familiar...

Lin Yuan sniffed it carefully and suddenly smiled.

He knew the owner of this scent.

Looking around again, I found that the person next to me had gone somewhere. Only the tea set that the two of them poured and drank yesterday was still on the table. There was still a circle of tea stains at the bottom of the tea cup, but the tea inside was still there. It has long since dried up.

Lin Yuan took the cloak in his hand and prepared to return it to its original owner.

While walking on the road, Lin Yuan bumped into Shan Zan.


The first time Shan Zan saw Lin Yuan, he immediately saluted.

Lin Yuan waved his hand and asked, "What are you going to do?"

There is only one road leading to Luo Qinghan's palace. Since Shan Zan's direction is the same as his, it means that both of them have the same destination.

Shan Zan presented what he was holding with both hands.

"This is the casualty information from the last battle. I'll take it over and show it to the palace master."

Lin Yuan lowered his eyes, looked at the thing in Shan Zan's hand, and took it into his own hand.

Shan Zan's pupils shrank sharply, he raised his head and stared at Lin Yuan in disbelief.

The pair of hands hanging in the air were a little more awkward. He didn't know whether it was because the palms were empty or because Lin Yuan had taken away the account book. In short, without Lin Yuan's order, he did not dare to take his hands back, just quietly. The ground was placed in the air.

"You don't have to go there, I'll bring this thing over for you." Lin Yuan picked up the thing and was about to go inside. He turned his back to Shan Zan and waved, "Just go back first."

Shan Zan looked at Lin Yuan's back gradually standing still, not knowing what kind of melon he was selling in the gourd, and walked away with a puzzled look on his face.

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