Business in the tavern is good.

A group of people just left in the front, and another group of people came in in the back, and there were quite a few people. They were so crowded that there was almost no room for a single footprint in the already small space.


Lin Yuan placed the chopsticks in his hand on the clean bowl, and slowly drank the wine in the glass.

The guests at the table next to them also burped one after another. Lin Yuan left the table in no hurry, looking calmly around for a week, listening to the movements next to him with his ears pricked up.

After a while, the people next to him stood up and carried all the things that were left around their seats on their bodies. Then they called the waiter to settle the bill. After settling all this, they left in groups. Got out.

Seeing them leaving, Lin Yuan waved his hand and called the waiter who was packing things over.

"Bill, please."

When the waiter saw this, he walked over with a smile and said, "Here you go, sir. It's one tael of silver in total."

Lin Yuan's palm flashed with white light, and a piece of indigo official silver appeared in his palm.

"It's a big tip for you."

The waiter was filled with joy. He took a bite of the silver first. After feeling the softness of the silver between his teeth, the smile on his face became brighter and he looked at Lin Yuan.

"Thank you, sir."

Lin Yuan took his bamboo hat and covered it with ease. The gauze mist fell down from the edge of the bamboo hat, blurring the outline of his face.

When he walked out of the tavern, he looked at the last group of guests leaving, pretending to be nonchalant and followed their pace.

They all walked towards the direction out of the city. There were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road. In order to expose himself prematurely, Lin Yuan made a secret in his hand to hide his traces.

"I didn't tell lies, why don't you believe me?"

"Lao Zhang, it's not that we don't believe you..." His companions persuaded him earnestly: "There are some things that we shouldn't touch in the first place. Besides, it's just a small amount of money. We don't know how you got it." Let’s break the casserole and ask the truth, why do you have to pretend to be fat?”

"After all, you still don't believe it!" Lao Zhang was a little angry when he heard this, "Anyway, if you follow me, you will know what's going on."

"Okay, okay, you lead the way."

Lin Yuan, who was hiding in the space, listened to their few words and a few doubts flashed in his eyes. But the more he followed them deeper into the jungle, the more Lin Yuan felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

The trees in the forest were very lush, and their leaves and branches were intertwined, blocking the sunlight reflected from above, making this morning that was supposed to be full of vitality full of twilight.

"Lao Zhang, where is the place you mentioned? Are we almost there?"

The people who were traveling with me felt that something was wrong as they went inside. It was clearly sunny today, but now they felt very cold.

Lao Zhang breathed a sigh of relief, his whole body couldn't help shaking, and he pointed at the sharp place in front.

"It's coming, it's right in front."

Everyone saw the corner of the roof emerging from the woods, and their eyes suddenly lit up, as if they saw a straw of hope. Several people quickened their pace and walked over there.

Lin Yuan also glanced at the eaves and felt that something was wrong, but for a while he couldn't tell what was wrong, so he had to follow up to check what was going on.

After walking for several miles, the pointed roof that had just popped up revealed its true appearance.

The huge facade stands in this inaccessible deep forest, and even the threshold is even as high as one person, and there is even a surplus.

When everyone saw this facade, they were surprised at first sight, and their jaws almost dropped.

"Is this the place you were talking about?"

"That's right." Lao Zhang put his hands on his hips, with pride in his expression, "I'm telling you, there must be some good things in this, but I didn't dare to go too far by myself before, but if I have you If we are here, if we brothers work together, maybe we can actually take advantage of this opportunity and make a lot of money."

Before a few people could get over the shock of the scene just now, one of them spoke.

"The threshold is so high, we definitely can't open that door. How did you get in?"

Lao Zhang smiled and said, "Follow me."

Several people followed him over with hesitation, and a hole appeared at the corner of the wall.

It's a little short, but if you bend your knees slightly, you can still get in.

"Okay, Lao Zhang, you have found this place."

After several people saw that the way to get in was solved, their faces showed ecstatic expressions. Without thinking much, they got in through the hole one by one.

Lin Yuan stood behind them and glanced at them quietly, his brows filled with solemnity.

This is not a pleasant place to come.

If he remembered correctly, this was Hades...

After the death of Emperor Hades, a ray of divine consciousness was separated and covered in the palace. That ray of divine consciousness merged with the palace, and the entire palace was activated. Since then, Emperor Hades' palace has disappeared. No one has ever seen Hades again.

There were rumors in the world that Hades was wandering around, but the rumors were just rumors, and no one had actually seen the existence of Hades. In the end, this matter became a casual conversation after a meal.

Now that Lin Yuan has seen Hades in person, he understands why no one has really seen the existence of Hades, because everyone who enters Hades is sucked by it and has its spiritual energy, and is left in Hades forever. Naturally, they will not Someone has seen its true form.

Lin Yuan looked at the few people who entered. The spiritual energy on their bodies was eaten away at different speeds, but it was not enough to kill them. Maybe they were just mortals and not very attractive to the underworld.

But he was different.

Lin Yuan felt his body gradually getting heavier, trying to devour his strength. With a "bang" sound, he used his energy to support Jiuyou Nether King Body, and the pressure on his body suddenly became less.

However, Hades is still ready to move, stretching out its little tentacles to test it out.

"It's just a ray of spiritual consciousness, and you dare to compete with me to devour it?"

Lin Yuan's eyes revealed a ray of light, and the coldness overflowed, releasing his own devouring energy to eat away at the underworld.

The moment he first came into contact with its spiritual power, Lin Yuan's pupils suddenly shrank, and his expression became a bit more satisfied.

The aura of the Emperor of Hades was actually the same as the aura of Taotie on his body. The moment his spiritual power came into contact with Hades, the spiritual powers of both parties seemed to have met a friend who had known each other for a long time, and they instantly became happy. stand up.

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