
Suddenly there was a sound of wind in the deep forest, and the hoarse sound was particularly unpleasant, even a bit sharp and eardrum-piercing.

It's just that there is an indescribable tone in the scream, which sounds weird.

Lin Yuan frowned slightly and blocked out the sounds from the outside world. Just when he wanted to withdraw his spiritual power, the remaining spiritual power in the underworld refused to let go.

"Let go."

Lin Yuan knew that it had spiritual consciousness, so he used spiritual power to communicate with it.

After a while, a childish voice came from Hades.

"Don't let go, take me away."


Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment.

He just came here to join in the fun, but he didn't expect that this time he would actually meet a troublemaker.

Lin Yuan was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses.

"How do I take you away? If you insist on hanging on to me, you will be swallowed up by me. If you still want to live, let go of your hand."

Lin Yuan did not think that he had the ability to devour Hades. After all, Emperor Hades was a Great Emperor, and it was impossible for him to swallow the last trace of his soul left in the world without any defense.

Naturally, he would not do these things without overestimating his capabilities.

"Not loose!"

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"You have a familiar aura on you, so you must be the master!"

Lin Yuan thought about it carefully, and the master in Hades' mouth should be Emperor Hades.

He cleared his throat and said, "You feel wrong. I am not your master."

"Impossible, I won't admit it. The aura in you comes from the same vein as mine."


Lin Yuan felt that no matter how he explained it, he would never listen. In this case... He had a plan in mind and his eyes slightly curled up.

"If you leave with me, what will happen to the mansion?"

"This... I can shrink freely."

Lin Yuan blinked, "You mean, I can take him away?"

"Of course, you are the master, and this is your Spirit Weapon. Isn't it normal to take it away?"

Lin Yuan finally figured it out. The Emperor's consciousness may have been assimilated by Hades, and the consciousness communicating with him now may be the weapon spirit born from the Spirit Weapon.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan's breathing became rapid.

There are very few Spirit Weapons as residences, and the Spirit Weapons that can give birth to Weapon Spirits only exist in legends. In reality, we have never heard of the existence of Weapon Spirits. I didn’t expect that such legendary spirits would exist. The weapon spirit was unexpectedly met by him. Looking at the current situation, the weapon spirit seemed to regard himself as its master.

Kidnapping...oh no, taking it home is easy!

Hades still felt a little strange, like a child asking an adult, and said immaturely: "Master, are you stupid, don't you even recognize your own things?"

Several black lines appeared on Lin Yuan's forehead.

Although he wanted to refute it, but thinking about harvesting a weapon spirit, the resentment he felt just now disappeared.

"It's been so long that I can't remember what I have."

Lin Yuan gave a random reason in an attempt to make this matter go away.

When Hades heard this, he suddenly lost his temper.

"I knew you had a change of heart, Master! Is there another Spirit Weapon out there, so you don't love me anymore?"

ha? !

After hearing what Hades said, Lin Yuan felt that the wind was particularly noisy today, leaving him in a mess in the wind.

Why does this thing look like a girl's house, and how can it speak like green tea?

Lin Yuan coughed lightly and spoke softly.

"How can I take you in? I can't devour you, right? You'll be gone if you do this."

"so stupid."

A sound of disgust followed, and before Lin Yuan could react, a line of white smoke escaped in front of him.

Wisps of white smoke gathered together, and finally formed a shadow that looked like an elf.

Lin Yuan stared closely at the shadow in front of him, sensing the rich spiritual power from its small body.

If you eat this, you might be able to break through several realms in a row.

However, Lin Yuan quickly threw away this idea. Compared with his own realms, the existence of the weapon spirit was far above these. It would be better to say that there was no comparability between the two parties at all.

I saw the phantom stretching out a tip, moving its spiritual power in the air and making gestures.

Immediately afterwards, complex lines appeared in the air, and the runes rippled with the breeze.

As time passed, the lines of the runes became clearer and clearer, with a few rays of light flashing from time to time.


The elf breathed a long sigh of relief and put the last stroke of the rune on it.

The magic formation was formed and instantly shone with light.

After seeing it finished, Lin Yuan asked aloud.

"what is this?"

"Connecting magic circle." The elf jumped happily in the air, "Make a contract with me again."


"Master, you must have forgotten. When you let me go, you easily broke the contract. You said you would re-sign the contract when you came back. Master, do you want to cheat?"

The elf came closer. Lin Yuan was unprepared and was almost startled by it.

"No...no..." Lin Yuan felt guilty and looked around uncertainly.

The elf looked at Lin Yuan for a while, and finally withdrew his gaze.

"Forget it, let's make a contract quickly. The wandering life is too hard, and those people are not good to eat..."

Before the conclusion of the contract had even begun, Qi Ling began to vent his bitterness to Lin Yuan, telling all the difficulties he had experienced along the way.

Lin Yuan could only listen with an embarrassed smile, guarding against the possibility of revealing his secret.

After talking for a long time, Qi Ling came back to his senses and found that Lin Yuan had not made any move.

It urged with some dissatisfaction.

"How come after I went out for a while, everyone was dumbfounded and bleeding!"

For the first time, Lin Yuan knew that there would be something that wanted him to be bound so much. He pulled out the dragon scale knife from his waist, made a cut on his fingertip, and dripped blood on the magic circle.

The blood entered the formation, and the entire formation quickly absorbed the blood, and the words originally carved around the lines began to move.

Finally, the string of ancient words formed a sentence in the air. Due to the obscurity of the words, Lin Yuan did not understand the meaning at all, and the words began to float independently again.

Half of it submerged into the body of the weapon spirit, while the other side penetrated into Lin Yuan's heart.

Lin Yuan felt a sudden "boom" in his head.

A white light flashed through his mind, and countless knowledge rushed in, filling his mind instantly. In the dark, Lin Yuan was suddenly able to sense the existence of the weapon spirit. With just a movement of his mind, he I felt a direct connection between the two.

Among the thousands of new memories pouring in, Lin Yuan saw a familiar picture.

His eyes flashed slightly, and a hint of surprise emerged from his eyes.

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