The world is chaotic, but there is a hint of dawn not far away in the picture.

Even a tiny beam of light brings light to higher places in this dim world.

Lin Yuan took a closer look and found that it was the mural he had seen several times before at the place where ancient ferocious beasts were suppressed.

A doubt arose in his mind.

Logically speaking, Emperor Hades appeared a long time later. Why does this weapon spirit have scenes of ancient battles in its memory? Could it be that... this weapon spirit comes from ancient times?

All kinds of doubts piled up in his mind. Before he could think about it, the voice of the weapon spirit came over.

"Hey, Master, why have you lost so much realm?"

It is integrated with Lin Yuan, and naturally knows the basic situation of Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan touched his nose and said vaguely: "In short...a lot of things happened."

When Qi Ling heard this, he did not continue to ask any further questions.

At this time, several noisy sounds came from the mansion.

"Hey, why is something missing?"

However, before he could finish his words, there was another scream that penetrated the sky.

"I'll go! What is this place! Why so many skulls."

"Old Zhang, what's going on now?"

"We're not going to die here, are we?"

The panic and trembling voices of several people came out. Even if Lin Yuan didn't go in, he could still imagine what it was like inside.

The weapon spirit didn't take it seriously, and even said it with some disdain.

"A bunch of stupid humans still want to get benefits from me."

Lin Yuan blinked. He seemed to be from the human race. Did this guy scold him as well?

After realizing it, the weapon spirit reacted immediately and quickly apologized to Lin Yuan.

"What...Master, I didn't mean you..."

It hurriedly tried to defend itself.

However, the more I tried to explain, the more difficult it became to explain. In the end, I hesitated for a long time and couldn't even explain it.

Lin Yuan saw this and waved his hand.

"Forget it, I know you didn't mean it, no need to explain."

The screams of several people continued to be heard in the mansion, which made Lin Yuan's eardrums feel a little uncomfortable. With a thought in his mind, the Hades in front of him started to move with a "bang".

It gradually shrank from its original huge body, and finally turned into palm-sized beans suspended in Lin Yuan's palm.

He gently touched it with one hand, and the bean-sized Hades was hidden in his palm and disappeared. However, Lin Yuan calmed down and could feel that it seemed to be suspended above the dantian, staying there quietly.

Lin Yuan concealed the ecstasy in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, he was bored and walked down the mountain for a while, and he was able to get this Saint Weapon for nothing. He was really lucky.

With the spiritual energy from Lin Yuan's Dantian replenished, the weapon spirit's originally dim figure became somewhat brighter, allowing the weapon spirit to transform into its former appearance.

The dust had just settled for the two of them, and the shadow of Hades was no longer in front of their eyes. Several people who had entered before suddenly appeared in front of them.


Several people were still in shock, and the place where bones were all over just now disappeared in an instant. Next to them, there was only a deep forest with invisible edges and a person who appeared out of nowhere in front of them.

Some of them suppressed their fears and began to look at Lin Yuan.

"Why does your Excellency look a little familiar..." He said, paused for a long time, the doubts in his eyes gradually dissipated, and the outline in his memory met the person in front of him, and he shouted, "Didn't you just The young master who sat next to us in the pub?!”

Hearing this, several people looked at each other in astonishment. When they looked at Lin Yuan again, their eyes became more wary.

They had discussed so many things in the tavern before, and this young man might not have listened to everything. Now that he followed them to this place, his meaning was naturally self-evident.

"What do you want to do? Why do you want to follow us? Do you want to overpower the rest of us? If you have the ability, try it. With so many of us, we will definitely defeat you."

Although they spoke forcefully, their trembling voices and slightly trembling lips all revealed the fear in their hearts. However, they were more powerful than Lin Yuan alone. A few of them still have company, which makes them feel more at ease.

Lin Yuan glanced at them lightly.

"Do you think... how many of you will be my opponents?"

Several people were stunned when they heard this, and carefully looked at the person who suddenly appeared again.

The man in front of me looked gentle and gentle. I thought he would be a scholar, but there was an air of ruthlessness about him that was difficult to conceal. He looked more like someone who had been in a land of romance and romance for many years. He was a bit different from them. Nothing less.

Compared with Lin Yuan, they were indeed incomparable. For a moment, several people's eyes were rolling, and they wished they could dig a hole to bury themselves, or even slap themselves on the spot.

What's the point of talking about so many things with their mouths? Now it's better to get into trouble.

But for these veterans, as the saying goes, those who understand current affairs are heroes.

After a few "thumps", the few people who had been clamoring for a fight knelt down and immediately cried for their fathers and begged Lin Yuan.

"This young master, it's all the fault of our brothers' poor eyesight. Why don't you forget the faults of the villains? You should treat us like a fool. It's because we are too blind to see the truth..."

Invisible to a few people, the weapon spirit floated faintly around them.

"Although I really want to eat them, these people are too low-quality. If I eat them, they might even spoil my stomach."

Lin Yuan found Qi Ling's way of speaking a bit funny.

"What's wrong with you?"

"It's just words." The weapon spirit changed the subject without leaving any trace, "Master, what do you plan to do with them?"

Although it signed a contract with Lin Yuan, it would naturally be difficult for it to deviate even if there was no explicit order from Lin Yuan. However, this rule is only for Lin Yuan. As for these people who can't get along with each other, even if it If you want to kill them, you can just move your fingers.

Lin Yuan withdrew his expression, said nothing, and disappeared into the deep forest in the next second.

Those people were still kowtowing desperately on the ground and didn't even notice when Lin Yuan left. It wasn't until one of them had the courage to raise his head to look at Lin Yuan that he found that he was no longer in front of him. figure.

Hearing that his companion was still crying and howling, the man quickly called out to the people around him.

"Okay, okay, stop yelling, that person has left."

When the others heard this, they felt as if they were waking up from a dream. The tears on their faces were still hanging on their cheeks, and the faint traces of tears had not yet dried up.

"Who is that person?"

"Whatever it is, I still feel like it's right to leave this place. Don't you think this place is particularly evil?"

After he said this, everyone nodded in agreement, stood up from the ground and helped each other out of the dark forest.

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