Fantasy: Unlimited Investment, The Heroine Becomes The Villain

Chapter 249: An Old Acquaintance Of The Weapon Spirit

The waterfall on the cliff cascaded down, falling vertically. The huge momentum hit the river bed below, not only breaking away the water in the pool below, but also splashing part of it onto the shore.

In this mountain stream, everything is a masterpiece of nature, and it is incredibly beautiful.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound in the bushes nearby, and a figure flashed over.


The man paused and walked in a certain direction.

There was originally nothing in that place, but the moment the man approached, a person suddenly appeared in the open space.

The old man sat cross-legged on a high platform by the shore, his eyes slightly closed, and then he slowly opened his eyes after hearing the sound.

"came back."

His voice was calm, without any emotion in his tone.

"I'm back..." Xiao Fan lowered his head with a look of despair. He looked like a prodigal dog. Instead of the high-spiritedness before, his eyes were a bit more sinister.

The old man took a look and closed his eyes again.

"Are you willing to do that?"

When Xiao Fan heard this, he was stunned at first, but thinking of his master's realm, he naturally understood what the master said, and suppressed the doubts in his heart.

"I'm not willing to give in." His mouth was full of bitterness, and his eyes were full of insidiousness. "I will definitely find and recover this debt."

The old man said leisurely: "In that case, practice hard. Your current strength is not enough to support your ambition."

"But Master, I think I have reached a bottleneck in my practice."

Xiao Fan prides himself on being a genius. For him, the realm of cultivation is no different than drinking water and eating. But when a bottleneck appears, problems that are extremely common to others fall on Xiao Fan, like a ruthless A slap scraped on his face, which was particularly loud.

"You are too hasty." The old man spoke to the point, clarifying Xiao Fan's problem, "Don't be too hasty in everything, otherwise you will lose a big deal."

Xiao Fan suppressed his impulse and gave a slight salute to the old man's back.

"Disciple knows, I will go and practice with concentration."

The old man responded in his nose and ignored Xiao Fan.

Xiao Fan stood there for a moment, and then a bit of darkness flashed in his eyes. He was thinking of saying something with his half-open lips, but in the end he closed his mouth and retreated.

On the other side, Lin Yuan also walked out of the forest and headed towards Luoshen Palace to hold his sword.

He originally went down the mountain on his own initiative without telling anyone. If Luo Qinghan didn't find him, he might be worried.

Thinking like this, Lin Yuan's sword control speed became a little faster.

"Master, where are you going? Aren't we going back?"

Qi Ling looked at the direction Lin Yuan was heading and felt a little strange, so he expressed his doubts without any scruples.

Lin Yuan knew that the place Qi Ling mentioned was its former "home", but he was just a "fake" owner. Of course he didn't know where that place was, but he came up voluntarily despite being on the pirate ship. It’s not that easy to jump ship.

"Go back to Luoshen Palace."

"Luoshen Palace?"

The tool spirit murmured, searching for information about the name in its mind, but after a long pause, it couldn't think of anything useful from its mind. It wanted to suppress its curiosity. , but the feeling of loneliness has been with it for most of its life. Now it finally has someone beside it who can talk. It really couldn't bear the loneliness and said.

"What is that place? Is it the transcendent Sacred Land that has arisen over the past thousand years?"

Lin Yuan shook his head, various images of Luoshen Palace appeared in his mind, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"It was a small but warm place."

Qi Ling looked at Lin Yuan's appearance and immediately understood the importance of "Luoshen Palace" to Lin Yuan, and stopped asking about it.

After about half an hour, Lin Yuan saw the main hall of Luoshen Palace.

Before he even got close, he saw a snow-white figure on the Luoshen Palace Square. From that appearance, he recognized that guy without even thinking about it.

The white figure seemed to sense that someone was observing it, so it lazily moved its body. After seeing Lin Yuan, it raised its pink paws to say hello to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan's figure flashed and appeared in Luoshen Palace the next second.

Bai Ze yawned.

"You're here."

Lin Yuan was calm and said calmly: "I remember that the empress gave us a lot of time. It has only been more than half a month. Why did you come here so early?"

Bai Ze pursed his lips.

"Is half a month not enough? My sister asked me to come over and I came over."

Lin Yuan took a deep look at Bai Ze, and a thought emerged in his heart, but he quickly covered up the thought.

"Even so, we can't go with you yet. After all, you have seen the current situation in Luoshen Palace. We have to resolve the internal matters before we can set off with you."

Bai Ze didn't force anyone to do anything. She also heard about the deeds of Luoshen Palace on the way here. In addition, there were traces of war everywhere. She left them aside and didn't even have time to clean up. If Lin Yuan was taken away by force at this time. , even if you think about it, he won’t be obedient.

"Okay, then you solve it as soon as possible. Once it's solved, we'll hit the road."

Bai Ze had been lying in the square for a long time, and when he first stood up, he still felt a little numb in his limbs, but with a little effort, the numbness in his blood vessels disappeared.

Since Lin Yuan and the two had no plans to set off yet, it was very bored staying in this place, so it flapped its wings and flew into the high sky in three times, and then disappeared from sight again.

After Bai Ze left, the weapon spirit hidden in Lin Yuan floated out and looked at the direction Bai Ze left.

"I didn't expect to see Bai Ze again."

From what Lin Yuan heard from Qi Ling, it seemed that he and Bai Ze were old acquaintances.

"You know her?"

"It's not like we know each other. I've met her a few times before, but this little girl seems to be Nirvana. It's just that she looks arrogant and domineering. She looks so arrogant this time. Why didn't she How about changing his temper?"

When Lin Yuan heard this, although there was no expression on his face, he was very shocked in his heart. He did not expect that the weapon spirit he collected casually had such an origin, but it should have had a lot of memories artificially erased like Bai Ze. Otherwise, when they made the contract, he should have been able to see some fragments that should have been hidden by Heaven.

But Lin Yuan was not affected by this incident.

After all, there was a long time to come, and he was not in a hurry for the present. He walked over to Luo Qinghan's residence as he thought about it.

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