Imperial capital.

The chaos outside seems to be unable to disturb the prosperity inside. No matter it is day or night, there are always bursts of music and singing coming from different time periods.

Lin Yuan led Luo Qinghan as he walked among the mundane crowds, pretending to be knights from the past, and blending in among them. The people around him did not notice the strangeness of the two of them at all. Instead, they felt that Lin Yuan and the two were walking together. Steady, with all the aura in his body restrained, he must be a master of profound martial arts. For a moment, everyone seemed to have a tacit understanding, and quietly moved a few steps to the side, away from Lin Yuan and the two.

Luo Qinghan didn't expect that their original intention was to keep a low profile, but he never thought that even if the aura of the high-ranking person was hidden, it would be counterproductive, and others would see through it at a glance.

She followed Lin Yuan and tugged on Lin Yuan's clothes with her hands.

"We are being stared at, so we won't get into trouble, right?"

"No, this can be regarded as a 'half-emperor' in any case. There are many people coming and going. We are just one of these big guys. They can only take a look. As for their affairs, as long as they are alive If it comes down, there will be no extraneous problems.”

While the two of them were still lowering their heads and whispering, there was a sudden commotion in the crowd not far away.

Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan looked at each other and walked up quickly.

The crowd that was originally crowded together suddenly dispersed quickly as if they were frightened. Lin Yuan and the two walked forward, but they were only two steps faster. The two of them had not yet They had time to step back and suddenly stood outside. Compared with the crowded human wall surrounding the city, their move seemed much more abrupt.

Lin Yuan noticed that many people's scorching eyes were on him, and his face showed a bit of embarrassment. Fortunately, his mind was quick and he took Luo Qinghan's little hand.

"What... I made everyone laugh. I, the lady, just heard what was going on here. I thought it was some kind of handyman group coming over, so I wanted to come forward and join in the fun. I didn't expect this to be the scene. This is really... Offended..."

Lin Yuan glanced at the corpse that suddenly died suddenly and remained silent on the ground without leaving any trace. There was a slight chill in his eyes, but he covered it up well and replaced it with his usual smile.

As he spoke, he pulled Luo Qinghan into the crowd. While pulling Luo Qinghan, he kept "scolding" Luo Qinghan for being ignorant.

When everyone saw Lin Yuan's appearance and the redness in the woman's eyes, the noisy crowd suddenly became silent.

But what they didn't know was that the redness in the corners of Luo Qinghan's eyes was not because of sadness, but because of anger. Those angry eyes met Lin Yuan's eyes. Then, where no one could see them, Luo Qinghan fiercely He grabbed Lin Yuan's waist.

Lin Yuan grinned in pain, but he still held on to his smile in front of the onlookers. He took a breath of cold air when he escorted Luo Qinghan to the back of the crowd.

"Master, aren't you taking this too seriously?"

Luo Qinghan glanced at Lin Yuan indifferently, "You also know that I am serious, so why didn't you take care of me just now? My teacher's face will be completely embarrassed by you."


When Lin Yuan was about to defend himself, he happened to meet Luo Qinghan's resentful eyes like a little daughter-in-law, and he swallowed the words he wanted to say.

Seeing that Lin Yuan was silent, Luo Qinghan felt angry again.

What a piece of wood!

Luo Qinghan stomped her feet in anger, and then walked away. Lin Yuan, who was left behind, saw this and immediately followed her. As for the body that had just died suddenly, there would naturally be a group of good people who took care of the aftermath.


"Master, walk slower!"


Lin Yuan shouted more and more, but Luo Qinghan in front seemed not to hear him. Instead of stopping, he quickened his steps.

Just when he was about to forcefully hold Luo Qinghan, Luo Qinghan, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped. Lin Yuan behind him had no time to react, and finally bumped into Luo Qinghan's body. .

There was a dull sound of impact, and even Luo Qinghan, who had always been steady in the lower body, staggered a few steps.

"Master, are you okay?"

Lin Yuan suddenly retreated several positions like a frightened bird.

At this time, Luo Qinghan suddenly turned around, with the expression on his face still calm.

"Did you notice anything wrong just now?"

Luo Qinghan had a stern look in her eyes.

"Something's wrong?" Lin Yuan thought about it carefully, but couldn't recall any information in his mind. "Is there something wrong?"

"The man's body was almost dry. He was a young man who didn't look thin at all. There wasn't even a piece of flesh on his body. The waxy skin turned into a wrinkled look and clung tightly to his own bones. It’s definitely not the result of hunger, it’s more like...being drugged.”

After Luo Qinghan's reminder, Lin Yuan suddenly had some impressions in his mind.

It seems that the man who just fell to the ground is really what Luo Qinghan said. His death appearance does not look like the death state of a normal death person. If he insists on it, he feels that The death figure of that man was very familiar, just like... someone who died after being devoured by himself. The vitality in his body was devoured, and he became like this.

But in broad daylight, who dares to use such insidious tricks in front of everyone?

Although this is a secular place, because it is a place where secular people and practitioners are mixed together, there are a mixture of fish and dragons, and there are all kinds of people. In addition, the Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion, the largest intelligence organization in the entire East Continent, is located in the center of the city. , so the Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion also represents the face of part of the imperial capital.

If something happens in the Imperial Capital, even if the Emperor of the Imperial Capital does not take action, the Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion will take his place to solve the trouble. With the Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion standing behind them, many people can bear it. My own heart that was once ready to move.

Even if the culprit who caused the death of the man on the ground can escape for a while, he cannot escape forever. If this culprit cannot be captured, the Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion will be affected, and this evil man will continue to roam the imperial capital. , causing panic in others.

This is not what Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion wants to see.

Just as Lin Yuan was thinking, a group of people in surgical uniforms walked over in an orderly manner.

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