
The group of people who arrived late looked cold and scolded the onlookers in cold voices.

"Whatever you are looking at, get out of my way!"

"Didn't you hear me? If you're wise, get out of the way. Don't let me attack you with a knife."

As soon as the leader finished speaking, his companions behind him all pulled out the swords at their waists.

The snow-white sword body reflected a scary light under the sunlight. The person who was scolded wanted to turn around and argue with the person behind him, but after seeing the clothes of the person behind him, he The half-opened mouth closed, and the syllable that was about to come out was strangled in his throat.

The rest of the people naturally saw the appearance behind them clearly. This time they did not wait for the urging of the people behind them, and quickly made way for a group of people to walk in.

The leader held up his hands and walked in slowly. He looked down at the man on the ground with a look of indifference in his eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Drag him away."

As soon as he finished speaking, several people jumped out from behind him, packed the dead man on the ground in sacks, and then directly resisted and left.

"Let's all go away. If anyone tells anyone about what happened today, the people in Prince Meng's Mansion will definitely tear your mouths apart. Do you hear me clearly?"

Everyone swallowed a gulp of water, and their Adam's apple rolled up and down on their necks.

"Listen...I understand."

The crowd was so frightened that they trembled. Even after that group of people left, they remained stunned for a long time before they dared to take steps to leave.

With the intervention of those few people, the originally bustling street actually started to become a little cold.

Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan, who were hiding behind the crowd, witnessed all this. They looked at each other, with a complicated light flowing in their expressions.

"Dream King's Mansion... something is wrong!"

Lin Yuan winked at Luo Qinghan and whispered: "Master, do we want to follow?"

"Follow me."

Luo Qinghan pursed her lips tightly, intuitively telling her that something was wrong with this matter, but then she remembered what the two of them had come to do in the imperial capital.

"But shall we put our matters aside for now?"

"We don't have to worry about things yet. There is something wrong with what is happening in front of us at this time. We'd better go ahead and take a look. Maybe there will be some unexpected surprises."

After all, not long after the man died suddenly in the front, someone was collecting his body in the back. The time between the two events must have been too short. The speed at which things were handled was even astonishing.

Lin Yuan did not think that this was a matter of good security management in the imperial capital. After all, how could such efficiency be achieved in such a mixed place? There must be someone behind the whole incident who deliberately arranged for it to happen.

As for what they want to do, the result is open to question.

Luo Qinghan nodded, agreeing with Lin Yuan's statement, and then the two of them concealed their presence and followed closely behind the team that had just left.

The team in uniforms transmigrated the crowded crowd, and when there were fewer people on the street, they quickly turned around and got into the alley next to them.

Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan saw this and quickly chased after him.

If you want to follow them on the main road, it is relatively easy, but if you switch to a small road, it becomes quite difficult to follow them closely.

After all, the road in the alley is dark and small, and there are many forcibly dug roads filling it, like a huge spider web, intricately intertwined. Once they lose their figures, they want to If you want to find it, it will take a lot of time.

But for Lin Yuan, these are all things that are a piece of cake.

However, that group of people are also practitioners, and their level of practice is no lower than mine.

At first, he thought of speeding up his pace so that he could catch up with the people in front of him, but as soon as he stepped into the alley, he felt a sudden air of cold air in the alley. The air felt very familiar to Lin Yuan.

Suddenly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

With a thought, Hades appeared in his hands.

Lin Yuan muttered something, and after a while, the underworld turned into a protective screen according to Lin Yuan's idea, covering Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan.

"Master, if you hold on to the spiritual shield, the encroaching power of the underworld will not be able to affect you."

Luo Qinghan nodded and did as Lin Yuan said.

As soon as she put up the spiritual shield, the numbness on her body, like ants gnawing away, disappeared.

As the Spirit Weapon of the Underworld Emperor, this thing was naturally able to hide their traces very well, so Lin Yuan and the two men did not have to worry about others discovering their traces, so they pursued them unscrupulously.

Fortunately, the group of people didn't move very fast, so Lin Yuan and the two of them touched their bodies after three or two movements, and followed quietly.

It is estimated that the people in front of them would never have thought that someone would be following them in the opposite direction.

After Lin Yuan and the two followed them around in the alley for a while, they finally followed them onto a main road. Not far away was a magnificent mansion, with a plaque on the mansion vigorously raised. A few words - Dream Palace.

Come to think of it, this is the place.

Those people walked out first. Lin Yuan watched them carrying sacks and walking into Prince Meng's Mansion. There was no more movement, and the auras of the few people just disappeared together with them, as if the world had evaporated. Leave a trace.

" is this possible?!"

Luo Qinghan sensed something strange, her pupils shrank, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

You must know that the realm of these people is only at the Primordial Spirit stage. It is obviously impossible to completely hide their aura. Moreover, they are still in this little name in the world, and they are so weird. thing.

Luo Qinghan turned her head, wanting to tell Lin Yuan about the strangeness, but found that Lin Yuan's face did not show any surprise at all, instead it still looked as if it was taken for granted.

"Aren't you surprised?"

"What's so surprising?" Lin Yuan had already seen through all the hypocrisy in front of him by virtue of his extraordinary mental strength. "Master, I am at a higher level than you."

Luo Qinghan puffed her lips in dissatisfaction and muttered in a low voice: "Isn't it just that I have reached a higher level..."

Lin Yuan heard someone's dissatisfied voice, then pretended not to hear it, leaned down and blew softly into Luo Qinghan's ear.

"Master, what did you say just now? The wind beside you was so loud just now that it blew your words away. I didn't hear you clearly. Why don't you say it again so that I can hear you better."

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