Luo Qinghan's cheeks turned slightly rosy.

Lin Yuan's warm breath blew against his sensitive ears, adding a fire to the slightly red earlobes and burning them even more red, like a delicious cherry that one couldn't help but pick.

The temperature gradually rises.

Lin Yuan couldn't figure out whether it was the rising sun that was dazzling, or Luo Qinghan's rapidly rising body temperature that stained the air.

He only felt that his body was getting dry and his mouth was getting dry. Looking at the cherry in front of him that was so red that it could drip water, he almost couldn't help but bite it, but at the last moment when he got closer, his reason once again defeated his instinct.

Lin Yuan coughed lightly and took a step back without leaving a trace.

Luo Qinghan felt that the source of heat that was close to him gradually moved away from him. The strange feeling that suddenly arose in his heart just now gradually subsided, and finally turned into a sense of loss hidden in his eyes.

"Then what...the sunshine is so beautiful today."

Lin Yuan shrugged and dropped the topic.

Luo Qinghan looked at Lin Yuan's appearance and said nothing. The two of them tacitly avoided the topic, and no one mentioned it again.

The best way to avoid embarrassing situations is to divert your attention.

The Mengwang Mansion was right in front of them, and the two of them originally wanted to sneak into it to investigate, but the front door of the Mengwang Mansion was heavily guarded. It was thought that the guards inside would be several times more numerous than at the front door.

If you go there rashly without knowing what's going on inside, you may lose more than you gain if you fall into the trap inside.

Seeing Lin Yuan's hesitant look, Luo Qinghan spoke up.

"Otherwise, let's put aside the matter of Prince Meng's Mansion for a while and get down to business with the imperial capital this time. As for this place, it's not easy to break in during the day. It's better to wait until the middle of the night when they all relax. After being vigilant, it’s not too late for us to go in again.”

"That's all we can do now."

There are too many secrets in the Meng Palace. If you want to know the whole story, you can't rush it. You have to wait patiently. He has a hunch that there is a bigger thing involved behind this.

When leaving, Lin Yuan took a deep look at Meng Wangfu, and then walked into the alley from where he came from. Then his figure disappeared, and the two of them disappeared into the alley without a trace. .

Dream Palace.

After Lin Yuan and the two left, the originally closed door of Mengwang Mansion opened a hole, and one of them walked out and glanced in the direction where Lin Yuan and the two were standing, with an expression on his face. Thoughts.

Those deep black eyes were like a pool of death, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

"Sir, is there something wrong?"

Behind him, a secret guard came up and asked respectfully behind him.

The man did not immediately answer the secret guard's question. His eyes kept focusing on the alley entrance. Seeing the man's entranced look, the people around him did not dare to disturb him. They kept their previous appearance and waited quietly. .

After an unknown amount of time, the man blinked and narrowed his eyes.

"No, just close the door again." When the man turned to leave, he did not forget to warn the people beside him, "These few days are the most critical moments for that gentleman. Don't let others get in. From today on Let’s start by doubling the number of people on guard in the mansion. I won’t be able to let even a fly in, otherwise… you are the only one asking.”

His words were spoken calmly, but there was a sense of coercion in his tone, which frightened everyone so much that they dared not speak out, and they all responded tremblingly.

A creak.

The heavy door of Mengwang Mansion was closed.

Pedestrians passing by saw that the Mengwang Mansion had actually opened the door, and they all looked inside curiously, wanting to peek into the ice corner of the mansion, but facing the fierce and powerful guards in front of the door, they all exuded a sense of aura. The chilling air immediately scared them away.

In front of the door of Prince Meng's Mansion, the silence returned to the same level as before.

The corner of the city gate is mostly a remote place. Except for some aborigines who have been living there who often come and go, basically no one comes to this place.

However, today, two noble people in gorgeous clothes passed by.

When the children at the alley saw Lin Yuan and the two of them, their eyes flashed, and the bright light projected from their unworldly eyes made Lin Yuan feel the simplicity for the first time.

"Kid, do you want some candy?"

Lin Yuan squatted down and looked at the children not far away.

The children were watching with great interest, but when they heard what Lin Yuan said, their curious eyes became a little more wary, and several of them were frightened by Lin Yuan's sudden move and stepped back. step.

Lin Yuan couldn't laugh or cry when he saw the situation of the few of them.

"Brother is not a bad person, he is a good person."

As soon as he said these words, the child's face suddenly turned pale.

Luo Qinghan behind him was ashamed. Why did Lin Yuan's words get darker and darker, and it became a little strange...

She sighed softly behind Lin Yuan, and as if by magic, she conjured up several candy stick figures and walked towards the children.

"This brother is a good person, but...a little strange. Don't be scared."

Luo Qinghan passed the candy in his hand forward and said this softly.

The children who were originally frightened and turned pale were calmed down by Luo Qinghan's gentle voice. When they looked up again and saw Luo Qinghan's face clearly, their vigilance gradually dropped.

This is a beautiful sister!

The beautiful sister also gave them candy!

Several people swallowed their saliva, extremely greedy.

"Sister, is this for us?"

Their family background is not good, and they have never been able to afford things like candy sticks. After all, the money of a candy stick is enough for them to eat a meal, or even a day's worth of food. Their parents are not willing to spend so much money. .

Luo Qinghan nodded, fearing that the children would not dare to reach out to pick them up, so she distributed the candy stick figures to their hands one by one.

"Please take what is given to you."

Several children looked down at the brown things in their palms. From time to time, the sweet smell of maltose floated in the air, tempting their mouths to secrete fluids like crazy.

In the end, none of them could hold back and started licking.

The taste of maltose is very mellow and sweet to the heart.

As they ate, the children made sounds of satisfaction from their throats.

Luo Qinghan smiled, with crooked eyes. Lin Yuan beside him was dumbfounded for a moment when he saw this. How could someone smile so cutely? It was simply a foul play by the creator!

But Luo Qinghan's attention was all on the child in front of her. Naturally, she didn't notice Lin Yuan's expression next to her. She opened her lips and said.

"Sister, can I ask you about someone?"

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