Luo Qinghan woke up from a dream and looked up at the alley ahead.

Just as Lin Yuan said, the little girl moved very fast, and in a short time she disappeared from their sight.

By the time Luo Qinghan reacted, his hand was already being held by Lin Yuan.

She raised her head and looked at Lin Yuan, who was only two bodies away from her, and at his back. For a moment, she noticed a strange feeling in her heart. This feeling had happened from time to time before, but why was it like this? Will the feeling become stronger and stronger?

Luo Qinghan was puzzled. Since Lin Yuan was leading her, she didn't have to think about looking at the road. She simply lowered her head and thought about the problem. She just thought about it for a long time and couldn't figure it out. As a result, in the end, Luo Qinghan gave up the idea.

That’s it…just let nature take its course.

Afterwards, the two followed the female doll to a damaged house.

To say that it was a house was a little overestimating. There was no intact place on all sides. As the front of the door, the heavy door panels had no upper support and were placed diagonally on both sides.

There is also the eaves above the head, as if a huge stone fell from the sky, smashing a huge hole there. There are several pillars standing there like Optimus Prime, but that is just a "bachelor commander", everywhere Bare, nothing.

If Lin Yuan had passed by this place, he would never have thought that there would be people living here.

After all, there is no shade here in summer and no wind protection in winter.

"The injured person is here, you two come with me."

After approaching the door, the female doll waited honestly at the door for Lin Yuan and the two to come over, and invited them in like a host.

Although Lin Yuan didn't know why the female doll acted in such a drama, those were her private matters. As long as it didn't delay things, Lin Yuan didn't mind playing with her.

"Creak, creak, creak -"

The little body of the female doll moved the door panel that had fallen haphazardly at the door. After moving it to a space that could allow one person to pass through, it stopped.

"I still want you to bend down and go in."

Lin Yuan took a look and wanted to open the door directly, but was stopped by Luo Qinghan next to him.

"Let's go."

Luo Qinghan didn't say anything more and led Lin Yuan over.

After seeing Lin Yuan and the others entering, the girl quickly followed them, and then spent a lot of effort to restore the removed door panel to its original position.

After coming in, Lin Yuan clearly felt that the tight nerves on the girl's body gradually relaxed. It was more like she was back in a familiar environment, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Yuan originally thought that such a broken house would be a mess, or else there would be rubble everywhere, and everything would be in tatters.

But something unexpected is that although this house is a bit broken, the inside has been cleaned up by the owner. At least you can see the open and clean floor. If it weren't for the scene you just saw, it would be difficult to see this place. combined together.

Maybe this is the so-called, "This is a humble house, but I am virtuous and kind."

As time passed, the two of them gradually walked deeper into the house, and the intermittent coughing sound became clearer.

After a violent burst of coughing, the sound gradually disappeared, leaving only a few painful moans.

At this time, the girl who was still leading the way saw this and ran inside without paying attention to Lin Yuan and the two behind her.

Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan looked at each other and followed quickly.

At the end of the corridor is a bright hall. In the center of the hall, there is a Buddha statue. Although no one has cleaned it for a long time and the Buddha is covered with dust, the gilded Buddha statue is placed in the most obvious place in the entire lobby. Even the thick dust cannot block his compassionate temperament.


The female doll walked up and helped the old man who fell on the ground up. The old man's face was pale, and only the frown on his face reminded him of the pain he was suffering in his body.

"Grandpa, are you okay?! Qing'er has invited a doctor to treat you. can't leave me alone..."

As she spoke, the girl's disguise in front of Lin Yuan and the two men collapsed instantly like a flood bursting from a dam.

It was difficult to conceal her emotions, and later she simply broke the jar and started sobbing.

Lin Yuan sighed lightly. He really couldn't bear it in front of this half-grown child.

"Give me a moment and I'll take the old man's pulse."

Lin Yuan walked over and took the old man from the hand of the female doll, and then a light appeared in his palm.

He thought, and the next second the light seemed to have found its way forward, gradually spreading over the old man's body, and then formed a thin film, covering the old man's body.

After probing for a while, Lin Yuan's eyes flashed with light, and his expression became serious.

"Do you know... is your grandfather poisoned?"

"Poisoned...?" Qing'er's pupils dilated in shock. She covered her mouth and couldn't believe it. "This... how is this possible? How could my grandfather be poisoned... He is..."

She was a little sad, and what she said was a bit unsafe.

Lin Yuan didn't hear Qing'er's words clearly, and just told what he knew about the situation.

"If I guess correctly, the poison in your grandfather's body is Xu Yin."

Qing'er obviously knew about the poison. After hearing the name of the poison, her eyes showed disbelief.

"How could it be this...this is..."

As she spoke, she was about to speak out the words in her throat, but in the next second she seemed to realize something and hid her words.

"However, I can save his life."

Upon hearing Lin Yuan's words, Qing'er's darkened expression was instantly filled with light.

"Please, you must save him!"

Lin Yuan glanced at Qing'er and nodded.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't want to save people, it's just that the poison is very overbearing and has already invaded the old man's meridians. It is impossible to completely remove the poison. Even if it were possible, he would definitely not be able to bear it when he is so sick. The pain of scraping his bones was so severe that it would be better to suspend his life for the time being, at least to make his future life easier.

As for how long it could last, he couldn't say.

When the poison spreads to his heart, it will be the day of his death.

Lin Yuan sighed lightly, condensed a stream of Qi in his hand, and then slowly injected it into the old man's body.

The injected spiritual energy formed a thin film to protect his heart, while the rest of the spiritual energy was dispersed throughout the body, delaying the spread of toxins.

As time passed, the light shrouding the old man began to dim, and the cloudy eyes slowly regained their clarity.

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