
Before he could regain consciousness, a fishy smell surged up in his throat, and then it spurted straight out of his throat like a menacing flood beast, splashing all over the floor.

Qing'er looked at the scene in front of her in astonishment, and was so frightened that she became at a loss.

The spurted blood was scattered all over the ground. It was different from ordinary blood. It was a pool of black blood with a smell that was even worse than the smell of blood.

Qing'er quickly reacted and suppressed the worries in her heart.

If the man just said that he could save grandpa, the blood that was forced out must be the congestion that had been deposited in grandpa's body for a long time.

With this thought in mind, she relaxed her movements behind her back after groping.

Although Lin Yuan didn't want to argue with this little brat, she was provocative again and again. If she didn't realize the darkness of society early, she would probably suffer a loss in the future.

"Hey, kid, I advise you to put away your thoughts. If you want to touch us, you have to practice hard..." As he spoke, Lin Yuan suddenly stopped and lowered his gaze. He stood on Qing'er's body and looked at her carefully, "You don't even have spiritual roots in your body? It seems that before you want to touch us, you still have to think about how to survive."

There are many kinds of people in this world, but if you want to become a monk, you must have spiritual roots in your body. Only in this way can you practice.

Just like if you want to build a high-rise building, you must first lay a good foundation underneath. Otherwise, it will be difficult to erect even a single two or three floors, let alone a tall building.

Hearing this, Qing'er's bright eyes were filled with anger.

"You only need to take care of the patient you want to treat. After you are done, I will tell you his whereabouts."

Lin Yuan clicked his tongue twice.

This little girl looks small, and she never thought she would have such a big temper, but he will not care about a child. He only speaks as a reminder. As for what to do, that is her own business. .

Lin Yuan withdrew his gaze and focused on the old man in his arms.

Just now he used his spiritual power to force all the blood congestion in his body to vomit out. If it were an ordinary poison, the poison on his body should have been solved long ago. However, this kind of poison is different. Once it is contaminated with venom, the poison contained in it will The toxins will penetrate deep into the bone marrow. As long as the parasitized host survives for one day, the so-called detoxification will only solve the urgent need, but the next time the poison is released, it will come back doubled.

After repeating this torture until the host can no longer bear it, he commits suicide. Only then can the source of all pain be solved.

As for the rest…

Lin Yuan looked at the blood on the ground that corroded the soil, and then looked at the old man's gradually returning rosy face, then leaned down, whispered a few simple words in his ear, and then stood up.

"Okay, we have also cured your grandfather. Now we can fulfill your promise."

"I...I'll take a look first."

Qing'er was not in a hurry to tell what she knew. Instead, she calmed herself down and stepped forward to observe her grandfather's condition.

"Grandpa, are you okay? How do you feel now?"

The old man originally closed his eyes due to fatigue, but after hearing Qing'er's voice, he forced himself to open his eyelids.

"Grandpa...grandpa...are you okay?!"

When Qing'er saw her grandfather's appearance, her mood suddenly felt like clear strings on a harp, every string being hooked.

The old man took a long breath and then said: "I'm have to thank me...thank you so much, young man..."

"I know."

"Let me go down and rest."


Qing'er put the old man aside on a place padded with straw. Although the straw was not very soft, this condition was considered very good for the hard floor.

After the old man was settled, Qing'er stood up and led Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan outside.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, we're just each taking what we need."

After walking a little outside, Qing'er suddenly said, "Are you looking for Robert?"

"Lao Bo?" Lin Yuan paused, then shook his head, "I don't know his name, I just know that he holds the world's most bizarre poison in his hand, and we are here to ask him for a copy of the poison. .”

Qing'er glanced at Lin Yuan and the two suspiciously.

"Aren't you experts from the outside world? Why do you need to find a secular person to help?"

Lin Yuan did not directly answer Qing'er's words, but looked at Qing'er with a smile.

"You look very familiar with him."

"Not familiar."

When Qing'er mentioned Robert, her expression was very unhappy, her eyes were filled with frost, and she looked like she was repelling others.

"Like this... I thought you were very familiar with him." Lin Yuan didn't have time to delve into the matter behind this with Qing'er, "Did you know that his poison can even kill many practitioners? .”

Qing'er shook her head and said honestly: "I wonder...that thing is so powerful?"

"Maybe a strange person has a strange trick."

Lin Yuan had noticed this humble poison master in the original work before.

With his ordinary body, he was able to reach heights that many cultivators could hardly reach. If he hadn't been taken under Xiao Fan's command in the end, I really don't know how high he would have been able to reach if he had been left alone. ?

Lin Yuan felt very excited just thinking about that scene. After all, under this meticulous arrangement of heaven, there were many things that slipped through the net.

Qing'er lowered his head and thought for a moment, his eyes sparkling with water.

"Unfortunately, you are late. He used to live in the corner of the city and wander around. However, for unknown reasons, he disappeared in the imperial capital a few months ago. No one has seen a trace of him."

"You said...he left?"

"Yes." When she said this, Qing'er bit her lip, "I originally brought my grandfather here for treatment. Who knew that guy was dishonest and left us behind? If it weren't for him... I won’t risk contacting you either.”

"Aren't you from the Imperial City?"

Qing'er realized that she had spilled the beans, but she had just said it, and it would be a bit suspicious to deny it, so she accepted the matter.

Lin Yuan knows that in today's troubled times, everyone has their own dissatisfaction, and of course he will not take the initiative to reveal other people's secrets.

"You're a kid, so don't be so reckless next time. Thank you for the trouble you met today. If it had been someone else, you wouldn't be so lucky."

After hearing what Lin Yuan said, Qing'er was obviously a little unconvinced, but she had no position to refute Lin Yuan, so she had no choice but to purse her lips and agree.

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