Several people were walking on the corridor. When they were approaching the door, Qing'er walked up quickly and wanted to open the covered door for Lin Yuan and the other two.


Lin Yuan held down Qing'er who was about to go over.

"We can go out on our own."

"Yes...also..." Qing'er's eyes flashed with a bit of disappointment, "If you leave like this, how can a mere wooden door stop you...Then I will send you here."

"Thank you, little one."

Lin Yuan rubbed Qing'er's head to relieve her anxiety.

"If you have difficulties in the future, you can come to us for help."

Qing'er's gloomy expression suddenly brightened when he heard this, "Really?! Where can I find you?"

"Luoshen Palace."

"Luoshen Palace..." Qing'er murmured and repeated several times, "What are your names? Since I am going to find you, I have to know your names!"

She originally didn't want to say the next sentence, but there was always a thought in her heart that prompted her to continue speaking, and the last words were spoken directly without thinking about it.

Lin Yuan was happy to introduce his identity.

After all, there are some strange phenomena in this female doll. Even the spiritual roots that ordinary people have can't even be seen in her body. It's really a bit weird.

Perhaps, what is hidden in her body may be the biggest bug in the world.

Now that the plot lines of this world have long been messed up, he has to find more trump cards for himself, especially ones that go beyond the knowledge of the original work.

"My name is Lin Yuan, and this is my master, Luo Qinghan."

Qing'er looked at the two of them deeply and said slowly after a long time: "Okay, I remember. If I pass, you will dislike me, right?"

"How is that possible? If you can get there, that's your skill."

"Then will you teach me martial arts?"

"This..." Lin Yuan hesitated for a moment, "If you want to learn, it won't be too late to teach you, but the premise is that you can endure the hardship. After all, your Innate condition restricts your performance. In this life, I want to teach you It’s not difficult to practice...”

Lin Yuan knew what Qing'er was thinking, but these things could not be accomplished overnight.

Cultivation is a matter of relying on talent. Losing spiritual roots is tantamount to bringing an end to this path. Of course, some things are not absolutely possible.

Otherwise, how could a person be called a human being?

Qing'er lowered her head and took a deep breath.

"I know...but if I find you, it means I am ready..."

Lin Yuan glanced at Qing'er, but she lowered her head and he couldn't see the expression on her face clearly. However, he was very pleased that this half-old child could make such a decision.

"In that case, it's up to you to go there. I hope we can meet again one day."


Qing'er nodded, but when he just raised his head, the two people in front of him had already disappeared, and there was no sound.

"Really...I didn't even say a word when I left..."

Qing'er muttered, and after taking a deep look in the direction of Lin Yuan and the two of them, she concealed her emotions, turned around and walked into the solemn corridor.

At this time, Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan had already rushed to the outskirts of the city.

"You..." Luo Qinghan thought about what happened just now, "You won't send out invitations for no reason. Is there something wrong with that little girl?"

"I have a hunch that that little baby's future achievements may not be inferior to yours or mine... Maybe, she will be the next Palace Master of Luoshen Palace!"

Lin Yuan just felt a little unsure before, but as he talked, he felt that this idea gradually became more certain in his heart, and he could even imagine that scene.

Luo Qinghan glanced at Lin Yuan in shock.

"Are you kidding me?"

When Lin Yuan was talking to Qing'er just now, she was also looking at Qing'er from the side.

People who are born without spiritual roots are even more miserable than ordinary people. Others just have difficulty cultivating, so they simply don't waste this time doing useless work.

But Qing'er didn't have to practice at all.

If she wants to be a worldly master, she only needs to practice martial arts diligently. She may not become the world's best person in the world, but she can still achieve the goal of having the ability to protect herself.

Just practice...

Luo Qinghan sighed softly. She couldn't be optimistic about this impossible thing.

"Master, I'm not seeing a joke." Lin Yuan's expression rarely became serious, "Although the process of this matter is a bit complicated, we can give it a try. If it doesn't work, we can just keep her. Our Luoshen Palace It's so big, it can't be eaten up by a little baby."


Luo Qinghan looked at Lin Yuan's appearance and knew that she couldn't persuade him, so she simply brought the topic over.

It's too early to discuss this topic now. Besides, Qing'er may not come over. She still has a grandfather to take care of. Even if she comes over, it will be several years later. By then, the world will be like nothing. People know.

"Now that the person is gone, how are you going to find him?"

Luo Qinghan thought that after finishing the paperwork, he could go north and embark on the road to find Qiongqi. Who knew that Lin Yuan had a sudden idea and dragged him to the secular world. He said that he wanted to prepare for a long journey, so he came in a daze.

But no one thought that the person they were looking for had left this place a few months ago.

Lin Yuan shook his hand and yawned, "I'm not looking for you anymore."

"Oh, okay, I'm not looking for you..." Luo Qinghan reacted belatedly, her tone suddenly became much higher, "You're just not looking for it anymore?"

Lin Yuan nodded.

"Everyone has left. If we continue to search, we will waste a lot of time. We don't have that much time to delay. We must look for him, but we can just look for him on the way to find Qiongqi."

"That's it..."

Luo Qinghan became increasingly elusive and unclear as to what Lin Yuan was thinking.

"Okay, let's not think so much." Lin Yuan took Luo Qinghan's hand and said, "You must be hungry. Let's go eat something first and then go back."

Luo Qinghan let Lin Yuan lead her forward, her face stained with embarrassment, and she responded in a low voice.


When the two of them entered the city gate again from the outskirts of the city, they changed their faces and blended in.

Not long after the two people left the city gate, there was a sudden rustling sound in the woods on the edge of the city, and not long after, a Daoist figure emerged from it.

The man's whole body was wrapped in night clothes, and only his exposed eyes were still shining with a ferocious light.

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