Lin Yuan took Luo Qinghan around the imperial capital.

"This this!"

"And that!"

"How about wrapping these up..."

Lin Yuan originally thought that he could go back after bringing Luo Qinghan in to eat something, but who knew that this worldly food was so delicious that they both ate too much without paying attention.

It was impossible to go back immediately, so Lin Yuan proposed to take a stroll in the imperial capital.

It's just that the timeline was suddenly stretched out for some reason.

Lin Yuan looked down at the large and small bags in his hands, and seemed to remember the reason for this matter.

After the two of them finished eating, they walked on the streets and ate, but there were too many strange things in the imperial capital.

At first, Luo Qinghan just made a symbolic purchase. Who knew that this purchase seemed to turn on a switch in Luo Qinghan's heart, and he could not stop the purchase for a while.

"Master...did we buy a little too much today..."

Lin Yuan tactfully persuaded, but Luo Qinghan said leisurely.

"I have money, it's okay."

Lin Yuan was stunned.

When did Luo Qinghan become like this? Is it a matter of money now?

But seeing Luo Qinghan's happy look, Lin Yuan could only never mention this sentence again.


Buy it quickly!

Buy them all!

I have money!

In the end, the two people's lavish buying spree spread instantly in the stalls in the imperial capital. For a time, everyone regarded the two as the gods of wealth. When Lin Yuan and the two passed by their stall, they were so enthusiastic.

After a day's work, the things in Lin Yuan's hands could pile up into a small mountain.

Luo Qinghan looked at his trophies with satisfaction and smiled like a flower.

"Okay, let's go back and divide this thing into pieces then."


On the way back, Lin Yuan stopped by the Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion for a walk.

Since the men at Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion watched Lin Yuan being sent out respectfully by the pavilion master last time, so this time after the people at the door recognized Lin Yuan, they not only did not stop him, but also led Lin Yuan to the pavilion master. in front of the door.

"Pavilion Master, long time no see."

Lin Yuan opened the door without caring about etiquette.

After all, ever since he came here, his every move has been under the surveillance of the Master of Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion. It is impossible for him not to know that he is here.

When Lin Yuan opened the door and went in, the pavilion master sitting at the table took a sip of tea. After seeing Lin Yuan rashly coming in, instead of being angry, he looked at Lin Yuan with a faint smile.

"Young Master Lin, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect that your realm has improved a lot. It's true that heroes have been born since ancient times!"

"Pavilion Master, what you said is serious. I came here this time to ask Pavilion Master for a favor."

"Oh?" The Pavilion Master put down the tea cup in his hand, "Young Master Lin, if there is anything that I, Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion, can help with, just give me your instructions."

"Pavilion Master, you are so polite to say that. I am just a little person, and you are the senior."

When the pavilion master heard this, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, but there was still no expression on his face, and he maintained his usual smile.

"Young Master Lin is joking, there is no one in this world who doesn't know about Luoshen Palace."

Lin Yuan smiled along with him, and then got to the point.

"Pavilion Master, I'm pressed for time this time, so I'll keep the story short."

The Pavilion Master nodded and listened to Lin Yuan's words.

"Now Luoshen Palace is under attack from both sides. I hope that during the time I am away, the Pavilion Master can help me take care of Luoshen Palace."

The Pavilion Master did not give Lin Yuan a direct answer, but said quietly.

"Young Master Lin, it's not that our Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion doesn't want to help you, but you know... Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion is just an intelligence organization, and I'm afraid it won't be able to fulfill Young Master Lin's instructions."

Lin Yuan sneered in his heart.

He is really an old fox, he can’t afford to be early if there is no profit!

Last time they were defeated, so they agreed, but this time...

"Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion is a good intelligence organization, but it has more people." Lin Yuan smiled and conjured a hidden weapon from his hand, "I didn't ask the Pavilion Master to help me for nothing. If possible, please don't look at it first." Do you make a decision based on this?"

The pavilion master was a little hesitant, but looking at the palm-sized black thing in Lin Yuan's hand, he felt a little curious, so he reached out and took it.

Who knew that when he just took it into his palm, he heard a mechanical sound coming from inside.


The originally tightly closed bead shot out a thin needle in an instant, and the force was so strong that it even caused a small explosion in the room.

The guards outside heard the sound of bandaging, and one by one they broke out of the door in a panic, holding weapons and shouting: "There is an assassin!"

"Pavilion Master, are you okay?"

At this time, the small and medium-sized room was suddenly filled with people.

The tables and chairs originally placed in the center of the hall had already been turned into powder by the explosion wave and scattered all over the floor. As for the pavilion master who had just been busy dodging the attack and did not notice his embarrassed figure, he would become a little disgraced. Lost the elegant look before.

The people who broke in from behind took a look and instantly understood the situation inside. They all raised their weapons and pointed their tips at Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan, and then surrounded them.

"You are so brave, you actually dare to assassinate the Pavilion Master!" The leader's aura was fully activated, and he commanded the people around him, "Come here, take them all down!"


As soon as everyone finished speaking, they were interrupted by a sudden voice.

"do not move!"

The Pavilion Master gritted his teeth and stood up from the ground, with a bit of embarrassment on his face.

"Everyone, get back."

"But..." The leader didn't want to leave, and when he was trying to say something to the pavilion master, the pavilion master gave him a killing look.

"Are you the Pavilion Master here or am I the Pavilion Master? What's wrong? Don't you even listen to my orders? Get out of here."

"Yes... everyone, step back!"


The leader took back his weapons, and upon seeing this, the others also took back their weapons and put them on their waists.

Looking at the people retreating one by one, the pavilion master added another sentence.

"Wait a minute, no matter what happens inside, no one is allowed to break in without my order. Anyone who disobeys the order will be shot to death."

Although the leader of the team was unwilling to do so, he could only comply after hearing what the Pavilion Master said.


"Creak-" After a sound, the house that had been a little lively just now returned to calm. Only the scattered wood dust on the ground announced the chaos just now.

The pavilion master patted the ashes on his body and tried to make his appearance as tidy as possible. Then, he raised his eyes and looked at Lin Yuan. His eyes turned serious as Lin Yuan had never seen before, as if the person who was smiling before was not He glanced.

Faced with the change in momentum of the person in front of him, Lin Yuan said nothing, but quietly waited for the pavilion master's next words.

After a long time, the pavilion master spoke.

"What's this?"

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