
The needle that had just been left on the pavilion master's body was shaken out by the internal force, and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

The Pavilion Master was a little scared in his heart.

If he hadn't been vigilant just now, several fine needles would have been inserted into his body.

With the lesson learned last time, he did not dare to pick up things that fell on the ground, but looked at Lin Yuan warily.

"Pavilion Master, don't be afraid..."

In front of the pavilion master, Lin Yuan picked up the mother-of-pearl bead on the ground. He had just shot out all the hidden needles inside, and now the little iron ball no longer had any offensive power.

"This thing is called a Mother Bead. The mechanism inside it will only be triggered once. Without replenishing the fine needle inside, this thing has no threatening power."

"Mother of pearls?"

When the pavilion master heard the name, he looked at the things in Lin Yuan's hands with some curiosity.

"What kind of weapon is this?"

"You can understand that this is a hidden weapon, just like what the Pavilion Master did just now. However, the Pavilion Master is really good at avoiding the attack. But if the Pavilion Master changes the target of the attack, maybe it will be better. Effect."

The pavilion master paused thoughtfully and looked at the mother-of-pearl in Lin Yuan's hand again.

"Master Lin, could it be that he wants to use this thing to trade with me?"

"Exactly." Lin Yuan did not hide his purpose at all, "Master Weili Pavilion, you have experienced it firsthand, what kind of role this thing can play for the spies of Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion, I don't need to tell you that you should also clear."

"What do you want to say?"

"I can make this kind of hidden weapon for you, provided that you help me guard Luoshen Palace."

"Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion's forces are spread throughout the entire Dongzhou Continent. A mere hidden weapon can disrupt the bloody chaos in this world. Young Master Lin, isn't your decision a bit hasty?"

"Don't be hasty." Lin Yuan smiled and looked at the Pavilion Master. "I know that the Pavilion Master is a smart man and will definitely weigh the pros and cons."

Lin Yuan's words touched the heart of the Pavilion Master, and he suddenly felt a little moved.

"It's not impossible to agree to cooperate with Young Master Lin, but I want to change the content of our cooperation."

"you say."

"Tell us how to make this thing."

"No." Lin Yuan immediately refused, "I can agree to help you make it, or you can let your people learn to make it, but the most critical thing should be assembled by myself."


The pavilion master's expression became a little solemn.

"It seems that Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion and Young Master Lin are not destined to be together."

Lin Yuan twitched the corner of his mouth and heard the overt and covert yin and yang in the Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion's master's mouth.

"Pavilion Master, what you said is wrong. After all, this is my special skill. If I tell you all about it, then I will die young."

"Young Master Lin is joking."

The pavilion master's eyes were stunned for a moment, but he concealed his surprise very well, although it was not noticed by others.

"I was just worried that Young Master Lin would be too busy making these weapons by himself, so I came up with this strategy."

"I don't need to trouble you, Master. I still have this energy. If the Master can give me a confirmation now, will our cooperation be okay or not? If not, I will go find someone else to discuss this matter." , as far as I know, many sects are looking for something blockbuster, and I wonder if this cue ball will make them even more amazing?"

There was a trace of panic on the pavilion master's face, and he quickly responded.

"Wait a minute, I promise you, but..." the Pavilion Master said solemnly: "I can only help you deal with it from the outside, but if a fight really breaks out, Young Master Lin must also know the special characteristics of the people in Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion. We will not go out easily, I hope you can understand this."

"Of course I understand."

Lin Yuan threw the cue ball that he had just used to the pavilion master.

"This has been used. If your people can research it, I will find someone from Luoshen Palace to help. But if you can't research it... Luoshen Palace will have to rely more on the help of Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion in the future."

The master of the pavilion looked at Lin Yuan's confident appearance. Although he was a little puzzled, he still took the ball that Lin Yuan gave him. He didn't believe it. There were so many talented people and strangers in Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion. I can't bear to think about this little thing as big as the palm of my hand.

After leaving Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion, Lin Yuan took Luo Qinghan's hand and prepared to go back to Luoshen Palace.

Luo Qinghan hesitated for a while.

"Don't we have to find others for help? Are we leaving now? If someone from the Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion develops your thing, wouldn't Luoshen Palace be in danger?"

"Master, don't you still believe my words?" Lin Yuan showed no worry at all in his eyes, "It's impossible for the people in the Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion to develop the most important structure in it, because I have already installed a self-destruct mechanism in it. , as long as someone does not follow the order and attempts to forcibly dismantle it, the mechanism will naturally activate, and they will naturally not be able to obtain the core data."

Luo Qinghan's pupils moved slightly, showing a hint of admiration.

"You still did it ruthlessly."

"After all, the pavilion master of Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion is an old fox. If they don't cut off all their escape routes, how can they be willing to protect Luoshen Palace?"

"It's just that we are leaving in a few days. What should we do with the quantity we promised him?"

Lin Yuan touched his chin and thought for a while, "I remember that there used to be a group of Blacksmiths in Luoshen Palace, right?"

"Blacksmith..." Luo Qinghan nodded, a light flashing in his eyes, "Yes, there are, but there may be a little few people."

Those handyman disciples were originally recruited by her to maintain the weapons of the entire sect's disciples. However, even if most of the weapons were broken, they were directly scrapped. Instead of repairing them, it would be faster to just forge a weapon. In this way, Luo Qinghan did not increase the number of Blacksmiths.

But based on the number of people in Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion, it would be really difficult to use the people from Luoshen Palace to supply the amount they need.

"It's okay, it's not like we have to carry this amount all at once. We will deliver the goods to the people at Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion in several batches. As the saying goes, things are more valuable when they are rarer. Things that are easier to get will not be cherished. "

After all, that’s how hunger marketing came about.

Luo Qinghan heard it half-understood, but after thinking for a while, she could barely understand what Lin Yuan wanted to express.

"But...does it really not matter like this?"

Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion is the largest intelligence organization here. If they knew that Lin Yuan was teasing them behind their backs...

"Damn it, Master, you just love to worry." Lin Yuan scratched the tip of Luo Qinghan's nose with his finger, "They have no evidence, at most they are a little angry, and the broken teeth can only be swallowed back in the stomach .”

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