Luoshen Palace.

When Lin Yuan and the two went back, the afterglow of the setting sun happened to shine on the main hall of Luoshen Palace.

The snow-white eaves were filled with orange light, and the two complemented each other perfectly, making it look particularly peaceful.


As soon as they landed, Lin Yuan and the two heard sounds coming from not far away. They looked at each other in confusion and walked over hand in hand.

Turning the corner, they saw Shan Zan tinkering in the corner, but because his back was to Lin Yuan and the two of them, they couldn't see clearly what Shan Zan was doing.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Yuan spoke, and Shan Zan in front of him seemed to be absorbed in what he was doing. He was startled when he heard Lin Yuan's voice, and then turned around in a panic and put his other hand behind his back. .

"Palace Master...Master...Why didn't you tell me in advance when you were back?"

When Shan Zan spoke, his eyes were a little erratic.

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes and stared at Shan Zan's hand behind his back, without saying anything else.

"I have something to deal with. Go ahead and call the Blacksmiths from our sect to the back room. I have something to do with them."


Lin Yuan pulled Luo Qinghan away, leaving Shan Zan standing there for a long time. Only when Lin Yuan and Lin Yuan could no longer be seen, did he dare to move his legs that were locked in a stalemate.

After walking far away, Luo Qinghan suddenly spoke.

"There is something wrong with the Deputy Palace Master..."

Lin Yuan responded, "I know."

"Now that you know..."

Luo Qinghan's pupils dilated slightly, revealing a bit of disbelief.

Lin Yuan continued what Luo Qinghan said, "Master, do you want to say why I let Shan Zan continue even though I know it?"

Luo Qinghan bit her lip and nodded.

In her concept, once she discovers something is wrong, she must nip it in the cradle. Otherwise, the contradiction will be like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger, until it becomes difficult to contain it in the end. the point.

So Lin Yuan's behavior puzzled her.

"Master, sometimes what we see with our eyes may not be the truth. It may be too one-sided to judge the quality of a person's actions based on just one look. Maybe... time will give us the answer. "

It's not that Lin Yuan doesn't doubt Shan Zan's behavior, but before he can figure out the reasons for everything, his rationality tells him not to be so impulsive. At the very least, he has to wait until he investigates everything clearly before he can make a conclusion. If we act without knowing anything now, we might destroy everything.

When Shan Zan was still innocent, he could pretend to be invisible, but if one day he caught the rebellious little tail, he would execute Shan Zan without hesitation, even if he had been with him Passed by.

Of course, it was also because of this level that I was not so reckless.

"Is it like this..."

Luo Qinghan felt that things were becoming more and more complicated and confusing. It seemed as if there was a pair of big hands that connected everyone and arranged various things for everyone.

Not long after Lin Yuan arrived at the back room, several Blacksmiths also came with them, but Shan Zan was missing behind them.

"Where's Shan Zan?"

Lin Yuan asked casually, and the Blacksmiths in front of him all replied: "The deputy palace master said something happened and asked us to come over by ourselves."

"That's it... just follow me in first, I have something for you to do."

Lin Yuan changed the topic without leaving any trace. In the eyes of others, it was not considered abrupt, it was just a normal greeting.

As a result, everyone followed Lin Yuan in. As for Luo Qinghan, there were other things to do, so he left after a few people entered.

"What do you think of your skills?"

Lin Yuan did not reveal his purpose, but started chatting with them.

"Not great, but not bad either."

Several people rely on this craft to eat, so naturally they will not belittle their own craftsmanship.

"Okay, let's see if this can be made?"

Lin Yuan took out the cue ball and placed it in front of everyone, which immediately attracted the attention of those people.

" is this done?"

The curious eyes of several people were full of excitement, and they were about to take the thing in Lin Yuan's hand and examine it carefully, but Lin Yuan was one step ahead of them and put the thing behind his back, preventing them from touching it.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Lin Yuan's appearance, several people suddenly felt a little angry in their hearts, but after remembering Lin Yuan's identity, the dissatisfaction in their hearts disappeared instantly, and then only a little fear remained.

If Lin Yuan is unhappy, it is possible to directly operate on them.

Lin Yuan saw everyone's nervousness and said quickly: "Don't be nervous, I won't do anything to you, but there is a mechanism on this thing. If you accidentally trigger the mechanism, you will have no time to dodge, and you will all die in the end." On top of this thing.”

"Is this thing so powerful?"

After listening to Lin Yuan's description, several people more or less did not believe Lin Yuan's words.

Lin Yuan knew that his words were unfounded, so he simply gave them a brief demonstration.


He touched a groove somewhere, and the round iron ball began to change in his hand. Soon, dozens or even hundreds of pores appeared on the smooth iron ball wall. , inside the hole, countless sharp things emerged. Under the background of the ambient light, the tips glowed with a frightening cold light.

Just looking at each other from a short distance away, everyone felt a coldness seeping in from their feet, gradually freezing all their limbs.

Everyone swallowed involuntarily and subconsciously moved away from the scary little thing in Lin Yuan's hand.

"Elder brother, what is this..."

They are all Blacksmiths. Just by looking at it, they can tell how extraordinary this thing is. Now, just by looking at it, they can feel that it has an irresistible aura. If this thing falls on someone, it might be real. It will be riddled with holes.

Several people suddenly felt a chill on the back of their necks when they thought of this, and they were even more grateful that Lin Yuan had just taken back this extremely lethal thing.

Otherwise, if they accidentally touch the switch when touching it, they may be the ones who get stabbed in the heart.

Thinking of this, when everyone looked at Lin Yuan again, there was a bit of gratitude in their eyes.

Lin Yuan naturally accepted everyone's grateful gazes, but now was not the time to enjoy others' admiration. He took out a few drawings from his arms and spread them on the table.

"I call this thing a cue ball. The drawing shows its production process. I wonder if you dare to give it a try."

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