The sound was deafening, shaking the surrounding leaves to rustle.

Everyone was also excited and shouted.


With Lin Yuan's words as a guarantee, the rest of the work was like a shot of chicken blood, and they worked harder. However, before the work could even start, Lin Yuan had already stopped it.

"Everyone doesn't need to be busy during this period. Go back and have a good rest."

As a result, as soon as these words were spoken, many people felt a little anxious to clear their name.

"Elder brother, we can still do it, why not let us do it?"

"Yes, senior brother, with the experience of the past few days, we are now more comfortable in doing it, and how can such a small amount meet the needs of the Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion?"

"Leave it to us, we can definitely do better!"

Everyone was talking in a few words, their eyes full of incomprehension of Lin Yuan's words.

Lin Yuan waved his hand to signal everyone to quiet down.

"Everyone, I think you are all mistaken." Lin Yuan sighed softly, "I don't dislike your slow speed, but this batch of goods is enough."


Everyone was half convinced.

“There are so many people in Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion, how can this little thing be enough?”

Everyone has an idea of ​​the amount of things they have made, and combined with the total number of people in the Heavenly Mechanism seems that it is not enough.

"As far as business is concerned, these things are indeed not enough, but as a prerequisite for cooperation, these things are more than enough." Lin Yuan brushed the semi-finished materials on the ground with his hands, "After all, we have something to ask for. If If you ask for all the needs of others, you may not be protected. When Master and I are gone, who will be able to get an explanation for you?

Since we are cooperating with the people of Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion, we must keep the initiative of interests in our own hands. As long as the interests are related, even if they want to go back on their word, they must consider it. "

After listening to Lin Yuan's words, everyone suddenly realized.

"Elder brother, I understand. You have to take it step by step, and you can't let them become fat in one bite."

"That's right, that's how it is." Lin Yuan snapped his fingers, "Okay, you all go back first. I will do the rest myself. Then you will give this batch to Heavenly in two batches. Send it to the Mechanism Pavilion, and the time between the two should be as long as possible, preferably until Master and I come back."


After everyone dispersed, Lin Yuan began to engage in intense piecing together work.

The parts are all ready-made. As for the splicing, it just took a little more time. In less than half a day, Lin Yuan had installed all the parts. The cue balls were piled up in the corner, exuding a sense of solemnity. momentum.

Lin Yuan was a little surprised when he saw the finished product. He didn't expect that they could produce so much in five days. If we look at the current quantity, even three batches would be more than enough, let alone two batches.


When I was thinking about it, there was a scream outside. The sound was extremely penetrating, as if it was going to pierce the sky.

Lin Yuan's thoughts moved, and the next second he came outside. Looking up, he saw the snow-white figure.

The white figure seemed to realize that someone was looking at him, so he raised his head and lazily met Lin Yuan's gaze.

"Half a month has arrived, can we get ready to go?"

"Of course." Lin Yuan concealed his surprise, "I didn't expect you to come here so quickly. This is not like your style."

Bai Ze waved his hand helplessly.

"What can I do? My sister said that we are running out of time this time, so I had to come over earlier to urge you to set off. Who knew something like this could happen in your sect? If you had told me earlier, there would be no need. Suffer this."

Lin Yuan smiled, wondering whether Bai Ze was joking or saying something polite, but to him, there was actually no difference between the two.

Yu Yan Jiuxi came, he was valuable now, so they didn't reveal any flaws, but in the future, when the four ferocious beasts gathered together, or when his value was completely drained... who would have Do you know what your situation is?

The tone is to sit still and wait for death. It is better to raise your own level at the fastest speed in a very short period of time. If that doesn't work, give yourself an advantage in terms of hardware. After all, you must leave a space for yourself in the end. Zhang's trump card is the registration.

"I'm almost ready here. Let's start again tomorrow. You have to have a good rest today. After all, sleeping in the open will not be so comfortable."

"Okay, it's up to you, but you have to leave tomorrow. If you don't leave, I will kidnap you too."

Lin Yuan was a little ashamed.

"Isn't this a bit exaggerated?"

"It's not an exaggeration, boys' mouths are deceiving."

"Ha...where did you learn this from?"

"My sister said it."


Several black lines appeared on Lin Yuan's forehead, and Yan Jiuxi was trying to instill something into Bai Ze.

After saying that, Bai Ze ignored Lin Yuan's stunned expression, spread his wings again, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Lin Yuan took a look and walked towards Luo Qinghan's palace.

On the way, he kept thinking about the reason why Yan Jiuxi was so urgent this time. There must be something wrong with Yan Jiuxi or Xiao Fan. Otherwise, there was no need for Yan Jiuxi to let Bai Ze stay here. Luoshen Palace even kept urging them.

He originally thought that this matter could be postponed again and again, but now it seems that no matter how reluctant he is to encounter this thing, he should put them on the agenda.

After a while, Lin Yuan walked to Luo Qinghan's palace.

As usual, this place was as quiet as ever, but what was different from usual was that Luo Qinghan was not reviewing papers at the desk today. Instead, he was standing alone at the door of the palace.

Wearing plain clothes, the breeze blowing in the air picked up the hem of her long coat, causing ripples.

Lin Yuan was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

Because the Luo Qinghan in front of her looked bright and clean, exuding an aura that could only be viewed from a distance but not played with.


The breeze suddenly picked up, and the black hair on Luo Qinghan's temples was rolled up. Her vision was a little blurred. She raised her hand to twist the flying hair in front of her eyes, tilted her head, and happened to see Lin Yuan next to her.

She slowly pinned her hair back, turned around and looked at Lin Yuan.

"Are we... leaving?"

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