The breeze carried Luo Qinghan's words and fell into Lin Yuan's ears.

Just like the tail note of the strings, lazy but without losing the aftertaste.

Lin Yuan walked over. He said, "We will set off tomorrow. Is there anything else we need to prepare, Master?"

Luo Qinghan glanced at Lin Yuan before slowly looking away.

"I have nothing to prepare..."

After a long pause, Luo Qinghan continued what he said.

"Do you think the world will be in chaos when we come back from our trip this time?"

Lin Yuan did not answer Luo Qinghan's question immediately, but just said: "Everyone has his own destiny, and wealth lies in heaven."


Luo Qinghan restrained her gaze and looked at the setting sun not far away. The soft orange light was a bit dazzling, even more blinding than the daylight.

The two of them were silent and silent, just watching the sunset in the clouds and setting on the top of the mountain until there was no trace of it anymore.

The world has become bleak.

Luo Qinghan stood for a long time, and her legs were a little numb. When she subconsciously looked in the direction of Lin Yuan, she found that he hadn't left either, and was still standing there, maintaining the same appearance as they did at the beginning.

"Since you're not leaving, let's have a meal with our master."


Lin Yuan nodded and followed Luo Qinghan into the courtyard of the palace.

The table has already been set with food. Judging from the appearance of the food on the plate, there is still steam rising from the top, making it look like it is freshly baked.

"sit down."

Luo Qinghan sat down first, and after raising his hand to signal, Lin Yuan followed closely.

It was quiet everywhere, except for the cicada hiding in the jungle, which was still chirping and singing one song after another, reflecting the silence under the moonlight.

The bright moon in the sky peeked out through the thick clouds and landed in the small pool in the courtyard. The half-curved moon was ever-changing in the rippling water. Whenever I thought the moon in the mirror was about to break, the next In seconds, the water surface returned to its original stability, maintaining its original appearance.

Ding ding——

The sounds of clinking bowls and chopsticks are intertwined, and the crisp ding-dong sounds have a unique charm in this quiet environment.

After three cups of tea, Lin Yuan looked at Luo Qinghan's frown and suddenly spoke.

"Master, you are worried about Luoshen Palace."

Luo Qinghan's movements in her hands paused, and she forgot to chew the food she had just put into her mouth, as if she was sluggish, but the next second she pursed her lips and teeth, and the food left in her mouth fell down.


She put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hands and looked directly at Lin Yuan.

"Although I don't know what happened between you and Yan Jiuxi, and I don't want to know how the world will be in the future, but with the hard work of the past palace masters of Luoshen Palace and me, if I can, I will protect Luoshen Palace at all costs. .”

"I know." Lin Yuan lowered his eyes.

Why didn't he have this idea?

From being lonely and helpless when he first came into this world, to now having a group of people he could call family, he was naturally reluctant to let go of him, both emotionally and rationally.

But the plot is such that he has no other choice but to change his destiny.

The dim moonlight illuminated the bodies of the two of them. Lin Yuan's hand followed the darkness and touched the back of Luo Qinghan's hand. He said softly in the darkness: "Master, don't worry, everything will be fine in Luoshen Palace." .”

The next day.

The two of them washed up early and waited for Bai Ze to come over before setting off.

As a result, when the two of them just walked to the square, the square was already full of people.

"Why are you all here?"

Luo Qinghan looked at the people below, feeling moved in her heart.

"Palace Master, Senior Brother, we are here to practice it for you!"

The news that Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan were leaving Luoshen Palace was like the wind. It spread throughout Luoshen Palace in less than one night. Without any organization, everyone who came to the square today spontaneously came to Lin Yuan. Two people practice it.

They are the heroes of Luoshen Palace, and they are also the miracles of Luoshen Palace.

Lin Yuan's eyes were filled with smiles.

"Everyone, thank you very much!"

The feeling of being called home for the first time jumped excitedly at this moment, and there was a little more warmth in this lonely world.


At this moment, a white figure descended from the sky with a scorching white light. For a moment, everyone was blinded by the reflection of the day.

However, no one felt any panic at all.

After all, they have seen Bai Ze's true form several times. Although when they first saw it, many people were worried, fearing that if this huge guy slapped him, they might become a puddle. Meat puree.

After several encounters, everyone got to know Bai Ze's habits, and his attitude gradually became more familiar with him from the unfamiliarity at the beginning.

Of course, this is just one-sided acquaintance.

After all, Bai Ze was so arrogant that he didn't bother to talk to anyone.

"Okay, stop inking, let's go quickly."

Bai Ze pursed his lips and flapped his wings, eager to take off in the next second.

"Okay, okay."

Lin Yuan knew that he had let it go for so many days. If he didn't go, Bai Ze might really kidnap them.

Before leaving, Lin Yuan looked towards where Shan Zan was standing.

"Shan Zan, I have put all the specific matters in my house, please remember to go and see them."


Shan Zan lowered his head so that people could not clearly see his eyes, but his usually straight back was bent.

Lin Yuan glanced at him, then withdrew his gaze soon, and jumped up holding Luo Qinghan's hand.

"Let's go!"

Bai Ze led the two of them up and disappeared from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye.

People in the square looked at the direction in which Lin Yuan and the two left, and began to talk about it.

"Tell me, what are the Palace Master and Senior Brother going to do? That Monster seems to be of a high level. Why is he with Senior Brother and the others?"

"Why do you care so much? Just do your own thing now. Senior brother must be running around for us. If our strength increases, there is no need for senior brother to find Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion to help us. shelter."

"Deputy Palace Master, do you know any inside information?"

Everyone knew that Shan Zan and Lin Yuan had a good relationship, so they wondered if they could ask something from Shan Zan's mouth that they would be interested in.

Unexpectedly, Shan Zan shook his head.

"I don't know either……"

As the most capable general under Lin Yuan, his master has never revealed even a single piece of information. This is really heartbreaking.

But even so...

Shan Zan secretly clenched his fists.

He also wants to guard the Luoshen Palace for his master!

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