Fantasy: Unlimited Investment, The Heroine Becomes The Villain

Chapter 273 There Is Someone Else Behind You

swish swish——

The leaves around the courtyard moved with the wind, and at the same time, rustling sounds came in.

But compared to the hidden movements in the environment, these sounds were not concealed at all, as if they were not afraid of being discovered at all.

When Lin Yuan heard the big man's words, the slightly raised corners of his mouth froze for an instant. Then his eyes lost their usual smile, and his whole body was exuding cold air, with a sharp light in his eyes.

"you know me?"

If he were on Dongzhou, it would be natural for him to be recognized. After all, the noise he caused in Luo Shen Palace was known to everyone, and it was normal for those good people to recognize him.

But at the foot of a mountain with no village in front, no shop behind, and even far away from human habitation, the fact that he was recognized was a bit beyond Lin Yuan's expectation.

No matter how loud his movements were, it would be somewhat unbelievable for them to reach the ears of the people in northern Xinjiang.

"Young Master Lin of the Huanggu Lin Family, it's hard for people not to recognize him."

Lin Yuan chuckled softly.

The thought of being merciful was suddenly put aside. Since we are of the same mind, there is no need to be merciful.

"Now that you know who I am, if you don't run away now, are you going to leave your life here?"

The man smiled.

"Since I dare to show up in front of you and identify you, it proves that I am not afraid of you."

"Yeah." Lin Yuan turned his fingers, and suddenly there were several loud noises outside the yard, and several figures rose into the sky from the bushes. The figures turned into black shadows under the reflection of the sun and fell on the ground, as if Like a monster emerging from the jungle.

It's just that the backs of these figures were penetrated by a vine, and they were wailing in pain on the vine.


The man saw that all his companions were restrained and instantly lost his bearings.

"What did you do to them?"

"It's nothing. Don't you think you are pretty capable? I'll give you a chance to deal with me on your own."

When the man heard this, his face suddenly turned pale, and the knife in his hand trembled twice.

"Oh, isn't it? This won't work?" Lin Yuan sneered, and the dragon scale knife in his hand was replaced by a black magic halberd, and he slowly placed it on the man's head, "I thought in your own hearts It’s a bit of a success, but I didn’t expect it to take just this little effort, so I’m so disappointed.”

"you you you……"

The man's knees bent slightly, and the soles of his feet sank deeply into the ground.

Lin Yuan completely ignored his words and just looked at each other coldly.

"Do you have any last words to say?"

"Don't... don't kill me..." The man was so frightened that he forgot to swallow the saliva in his mouth and began to kneel on the ground to beg for mercy. He didn't care that his feet were stained with other people's contents, as if the arrogant person just now was not He said the same, "I...I can tell you everything about the cannibals...don't kill me..."

"It's not necessary. It doesn't mean much to me. Besides, do I still need you when I can get it myself?"

As soon as Lin Yuan finished speaking, he slashed the man's neck with the black magic halberd in his hand. The flesh and blood were cut neatly like tofu. When the man's head fell to the ground, the cross-section of the neck was revealed. Jue reacted and blood began to flow out.

"Let's go."

Lin Yuan took Luo Qinghan's hand and led her out of the courtyard.

They thought that the people outside had been dealt with, but when they went out, there were several women squatting next to the courtyard. After seeing Lin Yuan and the two of them, they started to tremble.

Lin Yuan saw that there was no malice in the eyes of these people, so he calmed down and put away the weapons in his hands.

"What are you...?"

The woman hugged the child tightly in her arms. She was a little scared, but forced herself to calm down and opened her trembling lips and said.

"Young hero, please save us!"

The women talked and kowtowed to Lin Yuan and the two of them. As soon as they kowtowed two times, they made the children in their arms kowtow together.

The big eyes of the children who could not even walk steadily were full of doubts, but looking at the adults, they also started to learn in a decent way, and they were still babbling.

"I can't stand it, what are you doing?"

When Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan saw this, they immediately helped the women on the ground up, but the women were very stubborn and refused to stand up.

"If the young hero doesn't agree to us, we will not be able to survive." The women began to cry. "Even if it means our fate, we will still have to fight for the baby in our arms."

It wasn't impossible for Lin Yuan to pull them up, but if he didn't do it lightly or hard, no wonder these people would be covered in red and blue.

He turned his attention to Luo Qinghan next to him. After receiving Lin Yuan's eyes, Luo Qinghan motioned for him to let go. Then she squatted down and asked softly next to the women.

"What's wrong? If you have any difficulties, you can tell us and we will do our best to help you."

The woman turned her head and saw Luo Qinghan's face, and she burst into tears.

"Please, take us away from this place!"


"We were forcibly abducted by this group of men and imprisoned in this place. We were originally servants accompanying the caravan, but this group of people intercepted our goods. After killing the men accompanying the caravan, they took us These women were imprisoned in this place and tortured slowly.

The purpose is to create the appearance that there are still people living here, so that they can then deceive people like the young lady. "

Luo Qinghan frowned when he heard this.

"What do they need so many people for?"

As far as she knew, cannibals did not feed on humans. Although cannibalism was part of their creed, they did not feed on humans. Otherwise, if they continued to eat at this rate, there would not be enough people for them to eat.

Seeing that Luo Qinghan seemed to be interested in this matter, the woman calmed down her emotions, covered up the sobs in her throat, and tried to make her words sound clearer.

"A new wizard has come to their tribe, and he said that he wants 10,000 boys and girls to be sacrificed to heaven, and these 10,000 boys and girls must be children born to people in the tribe..."

Although the woman only talked about the first part, Luo Qinghan had already guessed the second part.

When he looked at them again, there was more pity in his eyes, thinking that if they didn't leave this ghost place, the children in these people's arms might become so-called sacrifices.

Thinking of this, Luo Qinghan's fists secretly clenched.

It's unreasonable how long it has been, and there are still people who believe these heresies.

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