Lin Yuan looked at their stalemate and sighed.

"Master, why don't you let them get up first? It's just a small favor, we can still help."

Luo Qinghan reacted belatedly and responded quickly.

"Aunts, please get up first and we will take you away."

Unexpectedly, when several women heard this, instead of getting up, they knelt on the ground and couldn't stand up.

"Girl, it's not just us. There must be people in various places in northern Xinjiang who have the same experience as us. If you only save us, as long as the cannibals are still around, we will be found by them and taken back. …”

Among the women, there was a girl who looked younger than them. She bit her lip and met Lin Yuan's and Luo Qinghan's eyes head-on.

Lin Yuan was a little stunned.

Because the girl in front of me is not crying like the woman next to her, but more like a lady. Even though the clothes on her body are already tattered, there is always a light of unwillingness to admit defeat in her eyes. Like the plum blossoms that refuse to bow their heads in the biting cold wind, they endure the erosion of the wind and snow.

"You want us to kill all the cannibals."

The woman nodded, her clear eyes revealing the anger she shouldn't have.

"With your strength, it will definitely not be a problem to massacre them."

"You also know?"

The woman pointed to the mess in the courtyard and said calmly: "These are all your work, right?"

"Do you have evidence?"

Lin Yuan's intuition told him that this woman was not simple. He would not tell the other person about his situation without knowing the other person's situation.

It’s not for anything else, it’s just a little bit safer.

After all, there are several people from the Primordial Spirit Realm gathered in this place, and it is difficult not to guarantee that there will be others among the victims.

"I heard it. They said you are the young master of the Huanggu Lin family, Lin Yuan."

"I didn't expect that there are so many people who know me in this quiet place like Northern Xinjiang, which makes me feel flattered." Lin Yuan smiled, "You are right, but why should I help you? You can't help me." Do you know how much trouble it will bring to me by killing secular people wantonly? Just for you, I have to risk my whole self and even the entire Luoshen Palace.

This deal is not worth it. "

"I also know that you are looking for the whereabouts of the four ferocious beasts."

As soon as she said these words, the smile on Lin Yuan's face instantly faded.

He did this under Yan Jiuxi's unilateral instruction, and only a few people knew about it. Why did this woman know?

Doubts piled up in Lin Yuan's heart.

The woman seemed to notice Lin Yuan's doubts and replied: "You don't have to be surprised, because the new wizard of the cannibal tribe is also looking for you."

"Find me?"

Lin Yuan was even more confused when he heard this.

"I have never met him, why is he looking for me?"

"I don't know about this. I just heard these people say that you have the ability to collect Monsters, and they thought that you would pass by here one day, so they have been waiting here for several years."


Lin Yuan felt that the direction of the matter was becoming more and more interesting, not only because the news about his search for the ferocious beast was leaked, but also because the other party's wizard was looking for him, which made him pay more attention to the person he had never met. There was some interest.

"so what."

Lin Yuan asked the question.

"That's why you want our help."

The woman plausibly said, "You are not only helping us, but also helping yourself. To a certain extent, we are a community of interests in the same boat. If we don't kill them, our lives will become worse." It’s not going to be easy, even you will be affected.”

Lin Yuan shrugged, "It doesn't matter. If he acts like a monster and gets in front of us, I can just kill him at worst. But you asked me to launch a massacre against a secular force for no reason. With all due respect, I don't like this kind of thing." It can’t be done.”

When the woman heard Lin Yuan's words, she became anxious instantly.

"You can't not do it!"

Lin Yuan paused and looked at the woman's words that were about to come out, but she covered them up in the next second.

The woman's head suddenly lowered, her eyes dimmed, but she kept repeating one sentence.

"You... you can't do this, you have to help us. If you don't help us... Beijiang will be finished..."


Lin Yuan blinked, as if he heard something interesting from the woman's words, and his lips that had been tightly closed just now relaxed.

"Why is Northern Xinjiang perishing?"

In his impression, the power struggle in the world is nothing more than the change of dynasties.

An old force was overthrown and another new force replaced it. As far as the people are concerned, they don't care at all who the superior is. All they care about is whether their own interests can be protected.

Not the skyrocketing taxes and the inhumane conscription policies.

The woman glanced at Lin Yuan unconvincingly, and then as if she recognized the fact, her high head suddenly dropped like a deflated balloon under Lin Yuan's eyes.

"I am Yuffie, the daughter of Zang Anya, the current leader of Northern Xinjiang." Youfei spoke in a weak tone, "If you help me, countless people in Northern Xinjiang can be saved from the pain of being sacrificed to heaven, and , I want you to kill only the wizard. As long as they are leaderless, my father will definitely have a way to collect them all."

"It's true that you should capture the king before you capture the thief, but if your father fails to rule well, wouldn't I be putting the people of your country in dire straits by helping you? I cannot bear this crime."

"I can assure you that my father is a wise monarch, not what you call a mediocre monarch."

Lin Yuan did not respond to the woman's words, but turned his attention to the other women.

"What do you think?"

The woman was originally just listening to Lin Yuan and Yuffie's conversation, but she didn't expect that the conversation suddenly changed and it suddenly fell on them.

"We...we don't know..."

When Yuffie saw them trembling, she took over the words first and spoke for them.

"None of them are from Northern Xinjiang. They just came from various places along with the passing caravans and were finally robbed by the cannibals. It was their turn to come to this place."

"Is that so..." Lin Yuan thought for a moment, then focused his attention on Yuffie again, and asked in a calm tone: "What about you? Why are you here again?"

"Her Royal Highness, the princess of Northern Xinjiang, couldn't have been abducted by them, right?"

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