Fantasy: Unlimited Investment, The Heroine Becomes The Villain

Chapter 275 The Princess Sacrifices To Heaven And Has Boundless Magic Power

A few afterglows were cast on the horizon not far away. The originally scorching sun also took off his warm clothes and replaced them with soft light. He lazily looked at the world beneath him.

Suddenly, the sunlight flickered, as if I saw a change in this unchanging human world, and I felt a little excited about this small change.

When Youfei looked at Lin Yuan's tame appearance in front of her, her face suddenly turned ugly.

She knew what Lin Yuan was thinking about.

So, she gritted her teeth, glared at Lin Yuan and said, "I am an undercover agent who recommended myself. This is not only for the sake of the country's peace and security, but also to save countless people who are in dire straits. As a member of the North Princess of Xinjiang, this is my obligation and my responsibility.

If we can't even take good care of our own subjects, my father and I will no longer be worthy of standing in this high position. "

"Oh, it seems that you, the princess, are still a little enlightened, but I just don't know why you are still in this place...and ended up like this?"

Lin Yuan naturally knew that Yuffie must have some means to keep himself alone in such an environment.

Although she escaped, the suffering she suffered for the woman beside her might have been unknowingly transferred to another person at some point. As for You Fei...

She said it verbally but she couldn't bear it, but she definitely would not put herself in that position.

In this case, why her passion was not put to use is very intriguing.

Yuffie's body trembled, as if Lin Yuan had hit a painful point. Her face was covered with a haze, and she moved her lips for a long time before she squeezed out a few words.

"I...I can't beat them...Who knew they were so powerful...

I am no match for them at all. If I reveal my identity rashly, let alone saving them, even I might get involved. "

Lin Yuan used his spiritual sense to explore Yuffie's realm and smiled jokingly.

"It seems that you are quite smart and know how to hide yourself. As a three-legged cat, you still want to uphold justice and do justice to the world. Let alone whether you can achieve it or not, maybe you have already become a person on this path before you achieve it. The foundation stone was laid by them and was sacrificed to heaven long ago..."

As he spoke, Lin Yuan paused, as if he remembered something, and opened his mouth and smiled.

"That's not right. You are the princess of Northern Xinjiang. Catching you won't be as simple as offering sacrifices to the heavens."

When Youfei saw Lin Yuan's eyes, her heart suddenly became frightened, and she couldn't help but tremble deep in her soul.

"You...what do you want to say?"

"In addition to paying attention to boys and girls when making sacrifices to heaven, there is another person who is particularly important for the magic circle."

"What...what is it?"

"Saintess!" Lin Yuan looked up and down Yuffie's body, "Especially for a woman like you who is under sixteen years old. She has the most yin body. Coupled with your identity, you feel that you are being They arrested him, is it as simple as offering sacrifices to heaven?"

Lin Yuan's words constructed a picture, and Yuffie listened and put herself into it.

The middle of the huge array is filled with firewood, and in the center of the firewood stands a thick sky pillar. In order to prevent the sky pillar from falling down, several pillars that are relatively thinner than the sky pillar are tied around it. together.

There is a person tied up on top of all the trees.

It was a woman with long black hair hanging messily on her back, blocking her face. Although she had already put on clean clothes, it was difficult to hide the black marks under the white gauze, and there were Blood seeped out from the surface of the skin, staining the white gauze red.

Yuffie squinted her eyes, trying to see the man's appearance clearly, when suddenly, a pair of eyes popped out from the gap in the rough hair, frightening Yuffie and she was suddenly pulled out of her fantasy world.

Those eyes were the most familiar to her...because that was her!

When Yuffie was still in her daze, she heard a "pop" sound coming from her ear. She was so frightened that she quickly shifted her gaze to the place where the sound came from.

"What are you talking about?" Luo Qinghan raised his hand and slapped Lin Yuan on the back of the head, "Didn't you see how scared that girl was!"

Lin Yuan was forced to pinch his earlobes with both hands and defended himself: "Master, please be gentle. If you continue to hit me like this, your beloved disciple's brain will no longer work."

Luo Qinghan glanced at Lin Yuan angrily.

"I told you to talk nonsense."

With that said, she walked to Yuffie's side, transformed into a cloak, and the other women followed suit and handed over a piece of clothing.

"You should put on your clothes first. The sun has set and the temperature in the mountains will be a little colder later. Don't get cold."

"Thank you girl."

The woman quickly thanked her after taking the clothes, and then put the clothes on her body.

The clothes are very thin, but unexpectedly warm. They can carry women and children in their arms. The warmth from the clothes wraps everyone up, and even in this depressed place, there is no trace of chill.

"Don't worry, we won't sit idly by and watch this matter." Luo Qinghan said loudly: "You should have a good rest today, and we will send you away early tomorrow."

A woman asked timidly: "Can you take us home? I don't want to go to Northern Xinjiang..."

"And I……"

"And we..."

Except for Yuffie, everyone else raised their hands.

When Yuffie saw this, her heart suddenly froze, but these women were not from Northern Xinjiang, and it was natural for them to be disappointed with the situation in Northern Xinjiang. Even if she was the princess of Northern Xinjiang, she could not force others to join Northern Xinjiang.

In order to make herself feel less uncomfortable, Yuffie turned around.

Maybe I would feel better if I couldn't see...

Luo Qinghan glanced at Youfei first. After seeing her lonely back, she pursed her lips and said, "Okay, we will send everyone back."

After hearing this, several women finally showed some joy on their faces.

After Luo Qinghan smiled at them, he walked to Youfei's side and gently put his hand on Youfei's shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

Yuffie's body trembled, and when she subconsciously turned to look at Luo Qinghan, the disappointment in her eyes had not yet been restrained.

"You..." She opened her mouth half-open, struggling feebly for a while, her eyes gradually lowered, and she said softly: "I'm fine... I just feel that a country that even outsiders despise can really get better. ?”

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