Late at night, the mountains are even quieter.

In addition to a few chirping sounds from time to time in the jungle on the side, there are also some small animals passing by in the bushes, and the rustling sounds surround them from time to time.

The women had already fallen asleep after eating. As for Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan, they were embarrassed to squeeze into the remaining resting space for them, so they jumped up and flew up to the nearby trees to rest.

The moonlight was bright, and the soft light reflected through the gaps between the branches and leaves, hanging a small night light in this dark environment.

When the two of them were closing their eyes and taking a rest, there was suddenly a touch of domineering aura in the air.

Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan noticed something was wrong immediately, and suddenly opened their eyes, and as if they had a telepathic connection, they rushed in two directions.

Clang, Clang, Clang——

The weapons intertwined and collided together, creating fireworks. The orange-red light was particularly obvious in this dark environment, and even illuminated a small area.

Not far away, several women had already fallen asleep soundly. Perhaps they realized that someone was protecting them, so they slept very deeply and were not aware of the sound of fighting nearby.

But when Yuffie, who was sleeping outside, heard the sound, her closed eyes wrinkled at first, then she opened her eyes with difficulty and looked in the direction of the source of the sound.

"That is……"

Yuffie's pupils shrank sharply, and she suddenly realized the current situation, and most of the sleepyheads who were still in her mind immediately ran away.

In the flash of lightning, she saw clearly the people on both sides.

One faction is Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan, and as for the other faction...

She squinted her eyes and saw the things on their waists in the dim light, and instantly recognized the identity of the person.

They are actually cannibals...

But haven’t all the original people been solved? Why is there anyone else?

Yuffie's heart was full of doubts, but she couldn't think too much about the current situation. If Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan were no match for them, they would be accused of defecting, not to mention narrowly escaping from death. He was tortured to death through extreme torture.

Thinking of this, even Yuffie, who had always been proud, became a little scared.

On the other side, Lin Yuan and the two men were fighting fiercely with forces that appeared out of nowhere.

Although they are not as good as Lin Yuan and the two of them, their cooperation is excellent. Even if Lin Yuan makes a gap, they can fill it up at an extremely fast speed. After several rounds of this, Lin Yuan and the two of them can It will be difficult to break their blockade for a while.

Lin Yuan thought, and then Luo Qinghan's hand stopped moving.

This made Yuffie who was watching on the side anxious to death, and she kept muttering in her mouth.

"Fight...why don't you fight? If you don't fight, you will die. They will definitely not let you go..."

As a result, all the people in front of Lin Yuan were already captured. Lin Yuan and the two of them were helpless, with evil smiles on their lips, and they were approaching them step by step.

"such a pity……"

A beam of moonlight happened to fall on Lin Yuan, reflecting the joking expression on his face.

"You are so stupid."

As soon as Lin Yuan finished speaking, several black shadows appeared from the ground.




The sound of pain instantly cut through the night sky, and the birds that were originally perching in the trees flapped their wings, took off towards the quiet night sky, and flew over.


Yuffie witnessed all this, her mouth was so surprised that as soon as she uttered a syllable, she immediately covered her mouth to reduce her presence.

The heart is beating rapidly.

In addition to a few painful moans and struggles all around, Yuffie could even hear the sonorous and powerful heartbeats under her chest, as if these confirmed that she was still alive in this world for the time being. prove.

Yuffie covered her mouth tightly, her eyes still a little out of focus, but the scene she just saw through the gaps between the branches was deeply imprinted in her mind.

Under the moonlight, a bright red flower bloomed brightly on the surface of the earth as if it had come from hell.

A vine extends from the tip of each petal, piercing the body of the person above.

Some were only punctured in the abdominal cavity, but some unlucky ones were penetrated directly through the entire body from bottom to top. The blood that was still surging in the body was instantly blocked by the intruding vines, and then smoothly The roots of the vine fell down, and all the drops fell on the charming flower.

The flower bone flower, which has the ultimate temptation like a poppy, received the infiltration of blood, and opened its body happily, shining with a shining red light, as if telling outsiders the joy of sucking.

Yuffie didn't dare to look away, for fear that when she turned around, she would accidentally touch the branches and leaves nearby. If she made any more noise, she might be eaten away bit by bit like the people on the vines. , until the originally plump body gradually shriveled up.

A breeze could blow through several mummies hanging on the vines.

In just a few moments, you can turn several living people directly into mummies. What kind of power is this...

It wasn't until this moment that Youfei realized the gap between herself and Lin Yuan.

With a thought, Lin Yuan pulled out the vines stuck on the mummies. Without the support of the vines, the mummies fell down like feathers in an instant.

After experiencing several devourings, Lin Yuan felt that these small-scale devourings were no longer enough to satisfy him.

Like the few people devoured today, even if their realm is not low, the number is too small, and they are not even qualified to fill the gap between their teeth, let alone want to stir up even the slightest in their own deep pool like a black hole. There were waves.

After solving the trouble in front of him, Lin Yuan turned around and focused his eyes on a certain place.

"Okay, stop hiding there, come out, we are not going to kill you, what are you afraid of."

When Youfei heard Lin Yuan call her name, her body subconsciously trembled.

She thought she was disguised well, but who knew that her traces had already been discovered by Lin Yuan.


Lin Yuan saw that the person over there had not moved for a long time, and tilted his head in confusion, thinking to himself: Could it be that he fainted from being frightened?

After waiting for a while, a few rustling sounds gradually emerged from there, and a person walked out of the bushes with trembling legs.

Youfei gritted her teeth and walked out under Lin Yuan's gaze. Not far in front of her, there were several mummies lying there. The ferocious expressions on the faces of the mummies suddenly fell into her eyes.

You don't need to think about how much pain they suffered before.

Thinking of this, Yuffie became more and more afraid of the two people in front of her. Thinking back to her attitude in speaking in the afternoon, she couldn't bear to go back in time and slap herself in the face.

If Lin Yuan and the two had not been good-tempered, he might have been the one lying on the ground.

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