Fantasy: Unlimited Investment, The Heroine Becomes The Villain

Chapter 278: Getting Ready To Leave Seclusion

The two of them, Lin Yuan, were placed in the air, with their backs to the moonlight, making it difficult to see the expressions on their faces.

In Yuffie's view, they were like killers who appeared on a dark and stormy night. They could take away his life in an instant with a slight raise of his hand.

"Are you afraid of me?"

Lin Yuan saw the fear in Yuffie's heart and mentioned it casually.

Yuffie bit her lip and forced her trembling voice to become calmer.


"That's right." Lin Yuan withdrew his gaze and restrained his aura as much as possible, "After all, we still have to stay together for such a long time. If you are afraid of me now, you will not be afraid of me on the way. Feel better."

Yuffie suddenly remembered that she had just agreed to cooperate with Lin Yuan this afternoon. If it was suddenly terminated now, her end would not be much better...

Thinking like this, Yuffie swallowed her saliva, saying too much would lead to mistakes, so she might as well... stop talking.

Luo Qinghan saw that the atmosphere between the two became a little strange, so she quickly stood up to relax the atmosphere.

"You should go back and rest first. We will be on the road early tomorrow morning."


After Luo Qinghan joined them, Yuffie couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, said goodbye to the two of them, and then returned to the place where she rested.

One night passed, and Yuffie did not sleep well at all, because as soon as she closed her eyes, her mind was filled with the images she had just seen, and she couldn't get rid of them.

Listening to the snoring next to her, she tossed and turned in the corner. She had no sleep all night, and instead saw people with two black bags under her eyes early in the morning.

"What's wrong with you?"

When the woman next to him saw this, she couldn't help but ask more questions.

Although they were forced to stay in this place, Yuffie was a princess from Northern Xinjiang. After hearing this, the class concept in their hearts was always an insurmountable gap. Even princesses from other countries were considered superior in their eyes. They are big shots and ordinary people like them should be more respectful.

Yuffie looked languid, raised her hands feebly and said, "I'm fine...Have you packed your things?"

"It's ready!" The women looked in high spirits, which was in sharp contrast to Yuffie beside them.

Yuffie nodded and said nothing more.

Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan slowly fell down from the tree, looked at the women around them who had already prepared, pulled off the cloth that was originally used as a windshield, used it as a package, and rolled everything in.

Although there may not be much inside, the sense of ceremony must be maintained.

Lin Yuan said: "Since everyone is almost done, let's set off."

Everyone responded happily.

Afterwards, a group of people slowly moved forward along the border line of Northern Xinjiang, heading towards the nearest border pass. As long as they left this border pass, they would have completely left the territory of Northern Xinjiang, and they would no longer have to worry about the cannibals' power. Will catch up.

Bai Ze didn't want to get into this trouble. After all, they didn't have much time. If they waste a lot of time because of these people, it would be really not worth it.

But at the moment, it doesn't sense the slightest aura of Qiongqi. If it insists on searching aimlessly, it may not yield results.

In this case, Bai Ze couldn't say much.

Anyway, on the way to send them away, they can slowly pursue Qiongqi's aura. Once there are clues, it will leave this place without hesitation.

Now, it's like matching them to do a good deed, and call it a good deed every day.

Everyone was happy, but there was still a long way from where they first lived to the border, so after walking for a long time, everyone's progress gradually slowed down. In the end, they were really a little tired, so they simply sat aside to rest. Rested.

Lin Yuan glanced at them and then at Luo Qinghan next to him.

With just one look, both of them understood what they wanted to express, so they found a place to sit down nearby.

After the women were almost rested, they started the next section of the journey.

Repeatedly, it originally only took three days to reach the border, but then the timeline was delayed to six or seven days before we reached the border.

After seven days of traveling day and night, and the conditions on the road were not good, and everyone had to sleep in the open, several women lost weight along the way, but the fatigue of the journey did not overwhelm them, especially When he saw the gate of the border gate, his tired expression disappeared, and he felt as energetic as a shot of chicken blood.

After several people cheered, they quickly walked towards the border gate.

Under the city gate, soldiers stood solemnly at the door with guns in hand, and in front of the checkpoint, there were two soldiers responsible for checking the documents of people leaving the customs.

On the one hand, it is to eliminate wanted criminals or people from other forces who may be mixed in the crowd, and on the other hand, it is to prevent excessive population loss.

After all, the land in Northern Xinjiang is harsh. If some special methods are not adopted and the people are allowed to move at will, Northern Xinjiang may become an empty city that day. This is something the monarch of Northern Xinjiang does not want to see.

Therefore, customs clearance inspection is necessary, whether exiting or entering customs.

Several women wanted to start lining up from the back of the queue, but Yuffie waved to them instead.

"You... follow me."

When Yuffie just spoke, she felt that her tongue was about to get knotted. Sure enough... She had always been instructing others, but when it came to these people, she always felt something was strange if they used a commanding tone, but like this Zi also speaks strangely.

After thinking about it, Yuffie simply put all these distracting thoughts behind her.

After hearing this, the women felt a little confused, but they still followed Yuffie honestly.

"Hey, stop!"

A soldier saw Yuffie standing in line "restlessly" and immediately scolded her.

"I'm talking about you! Stop, if you take a step forward, don't blame us for being rude!"

As a result, his words fell, and Yuffie walked ahead unmoved.

"Are you deaf? You can't understand human speech, right?"

Seeing that his words had no effect, the soldier walked over with a stern face, holding his weapon.

Several women walking behind Yuffie shivered, and one of them pulled Yuffie's sleeve.

"Girl... If not, let's just wait in line."

"It's okay." Yuffie turned around, gave them a confirming look, and said with a smile, "Don't forget my identity."

While several people were talking, soldiers came over with weapons in hand.

"Hey, I'm talking about you bitches..."

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