Jiangshan Hall.

There were only a few guards left around the palace, and all the rest of the palace people were evacuated by Zang Anya, leaving only a few people in the huge hall.

Lin Yuan and Zang Anya had already met yesterday, so they were fairly familiar with each other. Lin Yuan raised his eyes and saw that there was a middle-aged man with a round belly among the few people. He thought this was the so-called Master Shangshu in their mouth.

Zang Anya tapped the table with her fingertips and glanced around the stage, looking powerful but not angry.

"Gibran, I heard that Yuffie has shown you the plan. What do you think?"

The man named Gibran stood up and said: "If you want to return to the master, the veteran has already read Princess Yuffie's strategy. Generally speaking, there is no problem. This is because the veteran copied the princess's document and added himself to it. Please ask the Lord to review your opinions.”

As he spoke, Gibran took out the document he had in his arms and presented it with both hands.


The eunuch next to Zang Anya walked up with great discernment, took the document from Gibran's hand, and finally handed it to Zang Anya respectfully.

There was silence everywhere, except for the sound of Zang Anya flipping documents.

Yuffie's eyes kept falling on Zang Anya's hands and never left. The sleeves she held in her hands were crumpled into a lump, and they were a little wet from contamination.

After a while, Zang Anya closed the document.

At this time, Yuffie's heart skipped a beat, and her breathing became rapid involuntarily.

"Very good, just do what Yuffie said."

Zang Anya's words were final. When Youfei heard the words, the stone that fell in her heart was finally relieved, and she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, I will make arrangements now."

Gibran resigned first, and now only Lin Yuan was left in the Jiangshan Palace.

Zang Anya put the document aside, her eyes originally fell on Youfei, but she suddenly remembered something. After looking past Youfei, she fell on Lin Yuan again.

"I neglected you two yesterday."

Zang Anya walked down from his high position, losing his condescending look yesterday, and his eyes were full of sincerity.

"It just so happens that the matter has been finalized today. If you two don't mind, we can stay for a simple dinner. It's just a family dinner. I hope you won't refuse."

Lin Yuan looked at the smiling tiger in front of him and smiled.

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

Zang Anya said it was a family banquet. In fact, after Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan arrived at the scene, they realized that the family banquet was somewhat desolate.

In addition to Gibran, whom I met this morning, there were also many middle-aged men sitting next to him, who looked like they should be high-level officials in this country.

Lin Yuan squinted his eyes and smiled in relief.

It seems that this is a Hongmen Banquet...

The dishes on the table have been served, but the person who was supposed to be sitting at the main seat has not come out yet.

Before Zang Anya came, Lin Yuan looked around.

During the banquet, many people seemed to be unable to sit still just like Lin Yuan, and began to make eye contact in private.

Lin Yuan calmly observed the expressions on each of their faces. After a few back and forth, he roughly understood what the current situation was.

The faction headed by Gibran seemed to be Zang Anya's confidants, and they stood firmly on Yuffie's side. As for the remaining people, he couldn't decide which faction they belonged to.

At this moment, Zang Anya, who had been late for a long time, arrived late.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I'm late."

When they saw Zang Anya coming, everyone stood up and saluted Zang Anya, except Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan who were sitting motionless in their seats.

Zang Anya's eyes first fell on Lin Yuan and the two of them, but took a deep look without saying anything, and then said to the bowed ministers.

"Gudu said, this is the family banquet, you don't need to be so restrained, get up."

"Thank you, Lord."

After Zang Anya sat down, those who were standing just now dared to sit down.

After three rounds of drinking, Zang Anya's face became a little more rosy. Then he untied the knot around his neck, revealing a somewhat contented look. Suddenly he lost the majesty of looking at the sun and looked more like a bird. The well-fed lion was patrolling his territory with narrowed eyes.

"I'm here today to introduce two people to you." Zang Anya stood up. Seeing this, the others did not dare to sit alone and stood in their seats.

Zang Anya drank some wine and was still a little unsteady when he stood up. Seeing this, the eunuch behind him quickly helped Zang Anya, but Zang Anya ordered him to stay where he was.

"It's okay to be alone..."

Zang Anya burped, and after steadying herself, she took steps towards Lin Yuan.

It's just that his steps were weak, only his toes touched the ground, and his master seemed to be leading him forward before his heels even touched the ground.

Seeing Zang Anya staggering like this, everyone felt extremely frightened and half-stretched their hands, fearing that Zang Anya would accidentally fall in front of them.

Under everyone's gaze, Zang Anya finally came to Lin Yuan without any danger.

"Come! Let me introduce to you, this is the Palace Master of Luoshen Palace, Luo Qinghan." Zang Anya wanted to put his hand on Luo Qinghan's shoulder, but Luo Qinghan avoided it without leaving a trace. Like, Zang Anya immediately apologized.

"Sorry, I overstepped my bounds."

Luo Qinghan said calmly: "I am not used to human contact."

As soon as her cold voice came out, the atmosphere of the whole place was instantly frozen.

"Like this..." Zang Anya was stunned for a moment, but soon patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder like a normal person, "This is the young master of the Huanggu Lin family, Lin Yuan."

"The two of you are here to help our country solve the problem of wizards."

Zang Anya briefly introduced the purpose of their visit, and then leisurely returned to his seat, as if he simply wanted to introduce it to everyone.

He does not mean that.

After hearing the names of Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan, many ministers from the opposing faction smacked their lips, and looks of astonishment flashed through their eyes one after another.

Zang Anya lay on the chair for a while, as if giving the extra time to everyone to digest the information.

After a moment, he sat upright and scanned the crowd. His eyes were no longer confused. Those eyes were as sharp as an eagle's, making it impossible to ignore them.

"However, if we say that Yuffie is the biggest contributor to this plan, he deserves it. If Yuffie had not gone deep into the enemy camp and learned the truth, he would not have met the two monks."

As soon as Zang Anya said these words, everyone was stunned.

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