Several people's faces turned ugly.

One of the panicked people pulled at the expressionless man in black next to him and said in a low voice: "What should we do now?"

They originally thought that Lin Yuan and the two were people brought by Zang Anya to help Youfei calm down the chaos in the court. If that was just the case, they could also make other efforts in other aspects. All in all, it was impossible. Make Yuffie feel better.

But if the two people in front of them came to Northern Xinjiang because of Yuffie to help them solve a big problem... it is absolutely impossible for them to instigate Lin Yuan and the two.

Zang Anya naturally saw the small movements of the person in the corner and said in a loud voice.

"Why, dear friends, do you have any other ideas?"

Zang Anya's words seemed to be addressed to everyone, but her eyes kept falling on a certain spot on the table and chairs.

The people who were caught by the gaze were already uneasy. When they wanted to confirm, they met Zang Anya's eyes again. The uneasiness was like a volcanic eruption, sweeping over their whole body in an instant, making them all tremble in fear and stop their lips. They couldn't help but fight up and down.


"We are relying on the light of Her Highness the Princess..."

These people are all old foxes, so how could they not understand Zang Anya's thoughts.

He clearly wanted to establish a disincentive to everyone, so as to blame them for their poor protection.

After all, the reason why Princess Yuffie is living outside has something to do with them.

After the middle-aged men were almost done with their flattery, Zang Anya slowly spoke.

"Yuffie's trip is really bumpy. Sir, do you have anything you want to say?"

When everyone heard this, their hearts twitched, and their entire shoulders shook secretly.

After several people looked at each other, a person with a lower official position made a cruel move and knelt down directly to Zang Anya with a "plop" without daring to raise his head.

"My lord, it was my oversight in arrangements and my failure to increase manpower in time, which is why Her Royal Highness the Princess has been wandering outside for so long and suffered so much. It is all my fault. I... voluntarily accept the punishment!"

Zang Anya glanced lightly, and then drooped her eyelids.

"Then I'll let you do it. The princess is worth a thousand pieces of gold, and she is also the future master of my Northern Territory. There really cannot be any mistakes..." Zang Anya picked up the white cloth next to him and placed it on the corner of his mouth, and wiped it gently. Fan, "You are getting older, and it is normal for you to make some mistakes in judgment. Humans... you still have to serve your age. I will allow you to go home and take good care of your wife and children."

When the person kneeling on the ground heard this, his arched back could not stop trembling.

After a long time, his voice trembled a little as he said, "My lord... thank you Lord for your kindness!"

After Zang Anya glanced at the ground, he no longer focused his gaze on it. Instead, he glanced at Yuffie next to him.

Seeing Yuffie sitting absentmindedly, he asked warmly.

"What's wrong? Does the food not taste good?"

Lin Yuan watched Zang Anya play a good trick. This move scared everyone. Even Lin Yuan, an outsider, could see Zang Anya's thoughts.

It's nothing more than suppressing the voices of dissatisfaction with Yuffie, and by the way, improving Yuffie's status.

And the fate of that person just now is a warning to some people with bad intentions. If anyone behaves like this again in the future, Zang Anya will abandon him without hesitation, even if he is a high-ranking official, without any mercy at all.

Tonight's actions are a good answer.

In Zang Anya's eyes, no one is as important as Yuffie. After knowing this, the ministers will have to think twice before touching Yuffie again.

Yuffie pursed her lips, lowered her eyes, and responded in a low voice.

"No, it's very delicious."

It was much better than the rice bran and wild vegetables that she ate when she was homeless. However, these delicacies from the mountains and seas that were beyond the reach of ordinary people now seemed to be spicy and tasteless in Yuffie's mouth.

Zang Anya saw Yuffie's lack of interest and did not force her to continue talking about this topic.

The family banquet was halfway through. Except for Zang Anya, who was seventy-eight percent full, the rest of the people had their own secrets in their hearts. Their brains were spinning so fast that they almost dried up. They didn't even care about how much they had eaten. There were even a few people who looked sad. A good person who has never touched a chopstick from the beginning to now.

Suddenly, Zang Anya put down his chopsticks. The crisp sound of the chopsticks sitting down was particularly abrupt on the table. Everyone looked in the direction of the sound and found that Zang Anya stopped eating.

When the others were about to put down their bowls and chopsticks, they were stopped by Zang Anya.

"I've almost eaten, but I see that all my dear friends haven't eaten and said too much. Mo Yue feels that I can't let go here?"

Everyone was terrified.

"No, it is an honor for us to have dinner with the Lord."

"In that case, just eat slowly. There's no need to give it away."

Zang Anya waved his hand, and before everyone could say goodbye, his figure disappeared into the vast night.


Everyone on the table breathed a sigh of relief.

Without Zang Anya sitting at the main seat, the atmosphere at the dinner table has relaxed a lot.

However, the three-party confrontation suddenly collapsed, leaving Yuffie and another old-school person staring at each other.

Yuffie didn't seem to notice the dark waves surging on the table, but ate the rice in her bowl calmly, showing the royal temperament in her every move.

"your Highness."

After a long silence on the table, someone finally spoke.

Yuffie paused, looked up, and found that the person to her left was speaking.

She relied on the dim moonlight to see clearly the speaker's appearance, and then she said leisurely.

"Master Yushi, what's the matter?"

"Your Highness, Northern Xinjiang and the wizards have always been in an antagonistic relationship. If we can ask the two young heroes to help, the unification of Northern Xinjiang will be just around the corner."

"What do you mean by helping?"

"Of course we must eradicate them. In this way, our country, Cang, no longer has to be restricted by wizards."

Yuffie suddenly felt her mouth was dry, so she picked up the water on the table and drank it.

As soon as she entered the mouth, the seemingly transparent liquid actually had a strong and choking smell of alcohol. Yuffie was unprepared, and her eyes instantly turned red from the heat. However, she still strongly restrained her physiological reaction and filled her chest. The cough that was about to burst out was suppressed again.

Due to the dim moonlight, others could only see Yuffie's outline, but could not see clearly the appearance of her face, let alone the redness at the corners of Yuffie's eyes.

When Yuffie spoke, her vocal cords seemed to be stretched tight, and her voice was slightly low and hoarse.

"Could it be that your actions, Master Yushi, will plunge my father and me into a quagmire?"

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