When the Censor heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, but he still had a smile on his face.

"Your Highness, what are you talking about...Old minister...How can I put the Lord and the Princess into trouble!"

He hurriedly defended himself, and the long beard on his chin was blown away by his breath.

Yuffie moved her hand around the table, and when she removed her wrist, a circle of water was left on the table.

"Do you know, Lord Censor, that practitioners cannot interfere with secular political power?"

The Censor raised his head and found that Yuffie's eyes had been fixed on him. The coldness from those cold eyes penetrated from his feet and gradually froze all his limbs.

Cold sweat broke out from his forehead uncontrollably. He had been writing about the world all year round, and he was only good at talking on paper, but if he really faced something, he wouldn't be able to withstand it at all.

Especially under Yuffie's pressure, before Yuffie could say anything serious, his legs were already shaking up and down, and he was desperately wiping the sweat on his forehead with his wide sleeves.


Master Yushi gritted his teeth and squeezed out two words from his mouth.

"Now that I know it, and with the instigation of the Imperial Censor, do I have to take a part in your work in the history of the country?"

When the censor heard this, he immediately knelt down and wiped away all the sneaky thoughts in his heart.

"Your Highness Princess, I am a quick talker and I made a mistake!"

Yuffie narrowed her eyes, not intending to let the old man go so easily, and said in a strong voice.

"You can eat food indiscriminately, but you can't say random things. If you can solve the problem by saying something wrong, then why do you need national laws?" Yuffie walked over and squatted down in front of the censor, "Censor Sir, do you think what I said is right?"

The censor noticed Yuffie's approach and complained in his heart.

However, he stepped on Yuffie's minefield himself, and now there are so many people here to see it. If he doesn't give an explanation, the end will definitely not be much better.

But if I were given an explanation...

The censor recalled that Yuffie's voice had penetrated his eardrums like a ghost just now, and the coldness in it made all the goosebumps on his back rise.

There is an abyss everywhere.

The censor gritted his teeth and said in fear.

"Old minister voluntarily accepts the punishment. Please give me the punishment, princess."

When Yuffie heard the censor's answer, the expression in her eyes did not waver at all, as if what the censor just said was just an insignificant greeting and could not make any waves at all.

"Since the Censor said so..." Yuffie stood up and paused for a moment before continuing, "Then let's fight with ten sticks."


After Yuffie's guards took the order, two people walked out of the darkness, one on each side, holding the censor's old and thin body.

"Wait a moment!"

When they were about to drag the censor down, Yuffie suddenly stopped his two guards.

At this moment, the rest of the people at the table also focused on Yuffie, because they did not believe that Yuffie would really dare to do such a thing to the historian, so many people speculated that Yuffie was just putting on airs. It's just a cover to show off to everyone.

As a result, what Yuffie said next really shocked the people who were guessing.

"Master Yushi is the one who governs the country's political affairs. Remember, tell those people not to hurt his hands."


The censor thought that Yuffie was letting him go by calling the guards, but he didn't expect that instead of letting him go, the princess actually wanted her men to fight without mercy.

He is just a civil servant, and as he is older, his body and bones are naturally not as strong as those of young people. If he is beaten by these big things, he will lose half his life, if not death.

"your Highness!"

The censor seemed to have realized something and shouted Yuffie's name. He thought about begging for mercy, but he never thought that Yuffie didn't give him the time to beg for mercy. He quickly waved his hand and asked his men to take the censor to him. Go down.

Not long after, a groan that penetrated my heart came from not far away.


There was a bit of trembling in the old voice, and the sobs were intermittent. The sharp sound at the beginning gradually became quieter until there was no sound.

At this time, a dark shadow ran over and knelt in front of Yuffie.

"Your Highness, the ten major boards have been played. What should we do next?"

"Find an imperial doctor to hang on to the censor's life and don't let him die. After all, it is quite troublesome to deal with a dead man."


The conversation between Yuffie and her subordinates almost frightened everyone present.

Who dares to believe that this expressionless person, who talks about a person's life and death with open mouth, can actually be the princess of their Cang Kingdom.

When Yuffie looked back, she realized that there was silence.

She took her seat as if nothing had happened and started eating again. After taking two bites, she looked up at the ministers in front of her.

"Everyone, if you have enough to eat, go back as soon as possible. It's late at night, so please pay attention to safety on the way back."

Yuffie said coldly, but it was like an ice blade piercing everyone's hearts.

Even a fool could hear the implication of this eviction. Everyone had no intention of eating and left one after another, fearing that if they took a few steps too slowly, the censor's fate would befall them.

After everyone was almost gone, Lin Yuan looked at Yuffie next to them and said.

"Why are you doing this?" Lin Yuan thought about the scene just now and found it a bit funny, "You two, father and daughter, it's true that one person vents his anger, the other two have to take turns, so Once this happens, those who want to cause trouble don’t dare to move.”

"In the field of power, kindness is not a good thing. If I want to be alone, if I don't be cruel to them, maybe one day they will be able to surpass my father and suppress me."

When he said this, the look in Yuffie's eyes dimmed a little.

"I am the last hope of Northern Xinjiang. If I don't resist the old sect, I am afraid that the country of Cang will change hands."

"You're not such a bachelor commander, right?" Lin Yuan changed his posture, "It's just a few minions who have sneaked into the top management. I'm afraid you underestimate your father's chess game. There is no chess board in the world." It won't change just because there are a few more black men among them. Instead of fighting alone, you might as well try to trust your father."

Yuffie bit her lip.

"No one should believe it. This is the truth my father gave me."

Lin Yuan took a deep look at Youfei and changed the subject when he saw that she didn't want to discuss this topic.

"But then again, how could you let the wizard's people sneak in?"

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