Fantasy: Unlimited Investment, The Heroine Becomes The Villain

Chapter 290: The Light That Breaks Through All Things

Not long after walking, Lin Yuan saw the hill in front of him.

Unlike the sand pile, this mountain pile was strangely built in the deep forest and exuded a stench.

Getting closer, Lin Yuan saw that there were countless flies working hard on the hill. On the surface of the hill, there were some wriggling insects scurrying up and down, and there were even some white ones. There was a bit of blood on the insect's body, and it looked extremely ferocious.

After seeing the entire mountain pile clearly, Luo Qinghan's slender fingertips clenched tightly, with a hint of coldness in her voice.

"You call this a little bit of people?"

These people were entangled together in various weird postures, and were finally packed and delivered to this place like a ball. Then, like a foundation, they leaned up layer by layer, forming the landscape in front of them. .

Just looking at it with the naked eye, it is impossible to see how many people are in the pile of dead people in front of them, but what is certain is that there are at least a hundred people here.

The man thought that Luo Qinghan was just a woman following Lin Yuan and that she did not pose much of a threat. He never thought that this woman's power was comparable to Lin Yuan's.

He smacked his tongue again because of his blindness, and then felt a burst of joy in his heart.

Fortunately, he didn't pick Luo Qinghan to fight, otherwise the end at this moment might be even worse.

But even so, they could not escape the problem of the pile of dead people in front of them. At least in front of Lin Yuan and the two of them, even if they wanted to escape, they had no way.

The man said quickly.

"You two young heroes, these dead people don't care about our affairs! We all act according to the rules!"

He shouted at the top of his lungs, trying to distance himself from the hundreds of lives in front of him, but Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan heard his words and turned a deaf ear to them, not listening at all.

Those who stand by and watch are all accomplices. These people are really embarrassed to say that they have nothing to do with them.

Lin Yuan sneered.

"What do you need so many people for?"

He remembered what the woman had said before, that she wanted a boy and a girl, but when he looked at the people in the pile of dead people, it seemed that they were just one person.

He can find traces in the crowds of people, whether they are old or young, from eighty to children, regardless of gender.

"Sacrifice to the mountain god, and the mountain god will grant us endless power!"

"Mountain God? Power?" Lin Yuan paused, "Please make it clear."

"Through the sacrificial array, the military strategist can use these people to sacrifice, thereby gaining the abilities of the mountain god."

"What ability?"

"This is it!"

The man demonstrated for Lin Yuan, and it was just now that Lin Yuan and others noticed something was wrong.

It was just a quick peek before, so even if they were sure, they didn't have a second chance to compare. Now the man's move just gave them a chance to test it.

Lin Yuan and Bai Ze compared it carefully and confirmed that it was correct.

Although it is very small, this spiritual power does contain a trace of Qiongqi. In this way, the tricks of the people behind it can be narrowed down to a large extent.


According to what the man said, it was a magic circle drawn by their military advisor...

"Who are your military advisors?"

"We don't know this. Every time when a sacrifice is made, we can only stand below. In addition, the military advisor wears a mask on weekdays, so we can't see clearly what the military advisor looks like."

Lin Yuan's lips pursed into a straight line.

"Where is the place of sacrifice?"

"In Langlan Mountain."

Lin Yuan suddenly raised his eyes, picked up the bamboo slips in his hand and looked at them.

If he remembered correctly... Langlan Mountain is in...

Lin Yuan followed the map information bit by bit and found Langlan Mountain near the volcano.

The distance between the two is not far. If the magic circle is used as a springboard, the range of the magic circle can just cover the volcano.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan's frown gradually became relieved.

After confirming what they were thinking, Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan immediately set off towards Langlan Mountain.

As for the people who just came to make a fuss...

Naturally, Lin Yuan would not make it easy for them. There was no way there would be no punishment for doing something wrong.

Click click click.

With a thought, Lin Yuan tied those people to the tree. In the blink of an eye, they had a piece of wet cowhide on their bodies.

"no, do not want!"

Those people recognized what was wrapped around them, their faces changed drastically, and they immediately asked for help from Lin Yuan, who was about to leave.

"Young hero... young hero! We know we were wrong! We will atone for our sins! Don't treat us like this!"

"We really know we were wrong, and I'm sorry! Please, sir, please let us go!"

"After that...after that we will definitely change our ways and help those in need..."

They cried bitterly one by one and roared at the top of their lungs, trying to stop Lin Yuan from leaving. However, just as Lin Yuan did not listen to their explanation, his footsteps when leaving were as fast as ever. It seemed that there was no I heard what the people behind me were shouting.

At this time, a ray of sunlight penetrated the intersection of thick branches and leaves, projected down, and fell mottled on the ground, as if it brought a ray of light to this dark world.

Lin Yuan stopped moving forward and looked up into the sky.

"The sun is shining through."

The soft light is cast in the forest, the slanting light is like a musical score, and the shadows that fall on the musical score from time to time are like the keys that accidentally enter. Although they are unintentional, they together form a beautiful piece of music.

Luo Qinghan followed Lin Yuan's gaze and looked over.

"Yeah...Toru came in."

For both of them, it was a ray of hope.

But for those people who were tied to the tree, this was the reflection of the falling sickle of death before it came.

The cold and wet cowhide was tied to their bodies, and the sunlight shining down on them brought a moment of warmth, which also intensified the time of their death.

The cowhide that was filled with water and became loose, the water injected into it dripped down little by little as time passed, and the cowhide that was originally full of water gradually became shriveled.

The huge piece of cowhide gradually shrank from the ground-reaching position, and the huge contraction force brought about made them uncomfortable at the beginning, and then began to have difficulty breathing later.

The cowhide finally changed into a shape that fit the human body, and the person wrapped in the cowhide had already expired, and his face had turned the color of pig liver. Looking from a distance, he thought it was something purple growing under the tree trunk. of fruits.

There are just a few things standing in the deep forest, accompanied by a gust of wind blowing from time to time. They look particularly creepy, adding to the desolation of the deep forest.

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