Fantasy: Unlimited Investment, The Heroine Becomes The Villain

Chapter 291 The Volcano That Nourishes All Things

As we walked towards Langlan Mountain, the dark and cold deep forest began to slowly heat up.

Lin Yuan didn't take two steps when he felt that his forehead was covered with sweat. It was as if there was no warning. The sweat beads had just appeared in the gap, then slid down along the outline, and finally gathered between the chin. , dripping into the soil.

He felt the heat in the air, and when he looked up at random, he found that the branches and leaves that should have been green seemed to be turning yellow. He even felt that if there were sparks falling around him, maybe the entire ancient tree would be destroyed. They will all burn.

"This is a really strange place..."

Bai Ze stuck out his tongue. Steam was still rising on his tongue, but the white fur on his body had become a burden to dissipate heat.

Lin Yuan watched Bai Ze wrap himself up with spiritual power, which reduced the heat a little, but even so, the heat hidden in the air could not be driven away in an instant.

He found it a bit funny.

Although using spiritual power to protect the body is indeed a good method, the further you go, the less effective it becomes.

However, Lin Yuan did not expose this white lie too early, so he might as well let it be happy for a while.

Everyone walked inside for a few more miles.

Different from the circle of trees and jungle just outside, when I first stepped into it, a wave of heat hit me.

The heat wave was fierce, not gentle at all, and even a little impatient, like bloodthirsty violence, falling on Lin Yuan and the others without any modification.

Lin Yuan was the first to react and protected Luo Qinghan, resisting the mental attack contained in the air.


Luo Qinghan saw Lin Yuan standing in front of her, and her mind didn't even have time to realize what happened. The subconscious mind buried deep in her heart thought one step ahead of her, and she was filled with emotion.

Lin Yuan had his back to Luo Qinghan, so naturally he could not clearly see the expression on Luo Qinghan's face. Moreover, the spiritual power here was chaotic, and there were other violent sounds mixed in from time to time. He felt that he could hear Luo Qinghan's face. Han's words of thanks were enough, but how could he expect that Luo Qinghan's eyes would turn red.

"Master, hold on to my hand, don't let it fall."

Lin Yuan sensed that someone among them had set up a mental barrier, and the strength was not small. Although Luo Qinghan could withstand a lot of mental attacks, if there was a sudden mental attack, he could not guarantee that Luo Qinghan would be safe and sound.

In this case, it is safest to stay by your side.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan subconsciously squeezed Luo Qinghan's hand tightly and tightly circled her next to his body, fearing that something might happen accidentally.

Luo Qinghan noticed the hand that suddenly gathered due to external force. The man's hot body temperature fell on the back of her hand. The heat made her feel a little hot and a little tight...

Her hand struggled for a moment in Lin Yuan's palm. Who knew that her move would result in Lin Yuan's stronger grip?

Luo Qinghan raised his eyes and met the unquestionable look in Lin Yuan's eyes.

The two of them just looked at each other, but it seemed like they had been looking at each other for an eternity.

Suddenly, Luo Qinghan's heart relaxed, and all the strength in her hands that had been struggling just now was exhausted, and she allowed Lin Yuan to pull her forward.

The surrounding trees may have been affected by the long-term high temperature, losing their original green color, and even the bark has become dry. The protruding and rugged bark is like paste that has been wrapped around it, gently With one tear, you might be able to tear off the entire piece of bark.

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment.

I thought that as we moved toward the center of the volcano, the number of plants that could grow would be drastically reduced due to the high temperature.

Unexpectedly, as we go inside, the types of plants begin to become richer. Plants of different colors are blooming among them. Even in this place where few people set foot, they are doing their best to play with their flowers. She showed an aura of unwillingness to admit defeat and competed with the sisters around her, unwilling to fall behind the other flowers.

Maybe it's not to bloom for others, but to please yourself.

Lin Yuan glanced around and took them all into his pocket without any ceremony.

You must know that these are rare therapeutic medicinal materials. They are nourished by pure Yang energy all day long, and their warming and tonic effects are even more remarkable.

There are countless pharmacists out there who are obsessed with fire plants, to the point where it is hard to find one.

But here, plants that are astonishing to glimpse are scattered all over the ground, just like wildflowers and grasses on the roadside, ready for you to pick.

Lin Yuan harvested the medicinal materials according to the rules, and did not sweep them all away.

One is because there is no shortage of these medicinal materials in this place.

Secondly, these plants have taken root here a long time ago, and it can be said that they have become an inseparable whole from the land under their feet.

Besides, it's not like he doesn't understand the principle of fishing from the lake.

When you don’t need so many things, it’s better not to touch its original environment as much as possible. If you want to use it in the future, you may not be able to find it so quickly.

A trace of surprise flashed in Luo Qinghan's eyes.

"If you don't refine medicine, what do you need these for?"

"Maybe one day we will have to hang ourselves like this again!"

Luo Qinghan looked at Lin Yuan on the other side speechlessly, talking nonsense seriously, and couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

But Bai Ze was more straightforward and directly exposed Lin Yuan's lies.

"If we get to the point of hanging our lives, the world won't be much better."

Lin Yuan curled his lips, and with a flash of inspiration on his fingertips, he dropped the medicinal herbs he had just cut into his storage ring.

"I didn't expect you to think highly of me."

Bai Ze snorted softly in his nose and walked forward with his head held high.

"Who told you that this guy is actually quite talented? I'm so envious of him."

Bai Ze's words are true. As Auspicious Beasts, their talents are innate. The destination that others spend their entire lives to reach, or the height that they cannot reach, is just a matter of time for them. It’s just the starting point of birth.

However, Lin Yuan was like a monster, breaking his understanding of the human race.

Yan Jiuxi is an exception. After all, the encounter between them was based on absolute strength, so Bai Ze didn't understand how Yan Jiuxi got through the first half of his life.

But this kid Lin Yuan is completely different.

At any rate, he had watched him come through step by step, not to mention his almost abnormal level improvement, and the endless treasures on Lin Yuan's body, which made it refreshing every time.

It is obviously just an insignificant human race, but it is like a treasure house, and many unexpected things appear one after another.

Bai Ze even had the illusion that given time, it might not be Lin Yuan's opponent...

Thinking of this, Bai Ze shook his head suddenly, feeling incredible about his thoughts.

How can this be!

I am the Supreme Realm. If that guy Lin Yuan wants to catch up with me, please wait another eight hundred years!

Bai Ze was thinking this in his heart, but looking at Lin Yuan's back, his originally firm thoughts began to waver a little.

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