The temperature suddenly rose, and the originally dim surrounding environment was also lit up.

The green faded away, leaving only a faint red light reflecting the branches and leaves, just like the sun's rays, but its light was more red, making it a bit daunting at first glance.

Gulu gulu——

The sound of boiling liquid rolled up and down in the deep forest. The bubbles that emerged turned into a flower at the moment of blooming. The flower appeared briefly and then dimmed and fell.

Lin Yuan walked in the direction pointed on the map, and the voice became more and more obvious.

Not long after, everyone saw a certain peak glowing with a red light that reached the sky. The light could be reflected even in the paper-like sky during the day.

"It should be there."

Lin Yuan looked down at the address in his hand, then looked up at the red-lit concave pool in front of him.

The few of them looked at each other, jumped up, and landed next to the volcanic cave entrance.

Luo Qinghan stuck her head out, thinking about taking a look below. Unexpectedly, as soon as she put her head out, the heat wave rolled up by the volcanic lava was like an unstoppable tsunami. Luo Qinghan was not paying attention and was almost blown away by the hot wind. .

Lin Yuan, who was standing next to him, saw this and quickly reached out his hand to help Luo Qinghan, who was about to fall.


His words floated into Luo Qinghan's ears, but Luo Qinghan felt as if there was a cotton ball next to her earlobe, making her feel itchy.

When he thought of this, Luo Qinghan's face suddenly turned rosy. The hand that had no place to rest outside could only rest on Lin Yuan's shoulder, slightly supporting his body. So that his body would not completely fall into Lin Yuan's arms.

She lowered her eyes and said in a low voice.

"Master knows, let me go..."

Lin Yuan was only focused on grabbing Luo Qinghan's body at that time, for fear that she would accidentally fall into the volcanic lava. As a result, he was not paying attention. He wanted to grab Luo Qinghan's hand but somehow, he stretched out his hand. In the process of going out, it turned into holding Luo Qinghan's waist.

The bodies of the two were separated only by a few thin pieces of fabric, and then they stuck together tightly. In Bai Ze's view, this posture was really ambiguous, even a bit of a look-alike scene.

The distance between Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan was infinitely shortened, and the skin touching each other quickly heated up. Lin Yuan lowered his head and could see the rosiness in Luo Qinghan's fair skin.


Bai Ze couldn't stand it any longer, so he made a sound appropriately, interrupting the atmosphere in which the two of them were about to make pink bubbles.

"I say you two, even if you are flirting, you should pay attention to the occasion. There is another person here, don't treat me as if I don't exist."

Lin Yuan smiled and had no intention of relaxing Luo Qinghan's waist. However, after being reminded by Bai Zeyi, Luo Qinghan's rosy face instantly turned red like a cooked shrimp. .

She quickly pushed Lin Yuan away and stood there at a loss, but the temperature on her red face could not drop.

It's like a ten-thousand-year-old iceberg. In the warm spring, the ice and snow melt in an instant.

Lin Yuan just wanted to raise his hand to touch Luo Qinghan's head, but the next second his raised arm was stuck in mid-air, and then he dropped his hand again, hanging gently by his leg.

"Bai Ze, if you keep talking nonsense, my master will run away, and you can find the remaining Qiongqi yourself."

Bai Ze pursed his lips, knowing that he was in the wrong.

It naturally knew about the relationship between Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan, but the two did not talk about it directly on weekdays. In addition, everyone in Luoshen Palace seemed to have acquiesced in their relationship, so this was originally a normal thing. It couldn't be more normal.

But when Jean saw that scene, he always wanted to catch the two of them.

Who knew that his joke seemed to have touched the bottom line of the two of them. Bai Ze clicked his tongue, knowing that he was out of touch, and the airplane ears that had been set up drooped at this moment, showing his strength to the two of them. Show weakness.

Lin Yuan saw Bai Ze's attitude, so naturally he would not deliberately embarrass him.

After all, Bai Ze is an Auspicious Beast at least, and a strong man in the Supreme Realm. If he offends it, no one can guarantee what will happen next. Now that it has been taken down, if they don't follow Bai Ze's will As he continued to talk about his thoughts, he became more or less ungrateful.

Besides, Lin Yuan didn't want to have a fight with Bai Ze, but just wanted to teach him a small lesson. After all, this little kid was too arrogant. If he didn't scare her, what would happen next It will be lawless.

Naturally, he wanted to snuff out the signs of Bai Ze before that happened.

Otherwise, he won't be able to beat Bai Ze in the future, and things won't be that simple.

Bai Ze lowered his head and glanced at the two people in front of him with his peripheral vision, but found that they had not spoken, and his already panic became even more panic.

After being quiet for a while, Bai Ze gritted his teeth and said, "It's my fault, don't ignore me!"

After getting along with Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan for a period of time, it has developed a situation of relying on the two of them. Even if these two people do not think so, in Bai Ze's view, the two of them are in her heart. It’s already half a family,

If even Lin Yuan and the two of them are unwilling to leave her...

Then I feel really lonely...

After thinking about it, Bai Ze decided to trick himself. Obviously, before Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan had time to say anything, Bai Ze started to burst into tears.

The redness on Luo Qinghan's face and ears gradually faded away, and her thoughts gradually stabilized. As a result, when she looked up, she saw Lin Yuan and Bai Ze with red eyes.

With just one glance, she knew what was happening.

Without saying anything, Luo Qinghan first glared at Lin Yuan, and then withdrew his gaze.


Lin Yuan felt Luo Qinghan's gaze immediately, but it was a bit too different from the fiery gaze he wanted.

He suddenly felt that he was feeling so miserable... It was obviously a certain little green tea's fault, but Luo Qinghan still blamed it on himself. A mute who eats coptis may not suffer as much as he does.

Bai Ze, who was lying on the ground, saw this and took advantage of Luo Qinghan's strength. He also imitated Luo Qinghan and looked up at Lin Yuan, then walked over to Luo Qinghan with his own cheerful steps. .

Although he was the one who spoke to Luo Qinghan just now, but Luo Qinghan spoke for him, that didn't mean that Luo Qinghan also liked him...

Before it could finish the thought in its mind, a chill suddenly hit its neck, and it hadn't remembered to completely conceal the panic in its eyes.

As a result, the next second, it felt Luo Qinghan's hands tugging on its ears. When it raised its eyes again, it noticed that Luo Qinghan's eyebrows had become crescent-shaped because of his smile.

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