
Bai Ze swallowed his saliva, and the panic in his eyes gradually became more intense as time passed.

Especially with someone as beautiful as Celestial Immortal right in front of him...

Bai Ze finally understood what his sister had said before - the more beautiful a woman is, the more deadly she is with her hands. Even the smile that seems to be able to cure all the unhappiness in the world has now fallen on Bai Ze's face. In his eyes, it was like a smile hiding a knife.

This is where the iceberg is melting... this is clearly an avalanche on the iceberg!

Along with the smile, there was an ice blade, and the chill that Luo Qinghan inadvertently showed on her body made her shudder.

"Luo...Palace Master Luo..." Bai Ze's teeth were chattering, "What...what happened?"

Although she is also a female on a physical level, there is no comparison at all between women in the orc tribe and women in the human race. It is said that women have a deep heart, and now at first glance, this is indeed the case.


Luo Qinghan was a little dissatisfied with the title Bai Ze called him.

"What did you call me?"

She narrowed her eyes and gradually approached Bai Ze.

This guy, when he was called Lin Yuan before, he said it by his first name and surname. How come he had such an identity when he came here? After all, they had been fighting side by side for so long. With such a title, all of a sudden, The relationship between the two became more and more estranged.

Thinking of this, Luo Qinghan's heart felt as if the five-flavor bottle had been knocked over.

Bai Ze leaned closer to the beautiful face, and his heart was stirred. An idea came to his mind, and he immediately realized what his problem was, and he quickly changed his name.

"Miss Luo."

Luo Qinghan paused, and his eyes slowly turned under Bai Ze's gaze.

Just when Bai Ze thought Luo Qinghan was going to be angry, he didn't expect that the strength that was originally holding on his ears suddenly loosened, along with the chill he had just felt.

It looked forward blankly, its eyes full of confusion.

Luo Qinghan looked at the two of them, and the expression on his face had returned to its previous look. 1.

"Why are you still standing there? Aren't you looking for Qiongqi?"

"Oh oh oh..."

The thing happened so suddenly that Bai Ze couldn't get over the emotion just now. It wasn't until Luo Qinghan reminded him that he reacted belatedly.

Lin Yuan fell behind the two of them and watched everything quietly.

After thinking for a moment, he threw the idea away.

That’s all.

If you have anything to think about, just let nature take its course!

"You two wait for me!!"

Lin Yuan only stayed there for a moment, and in the blink of an eye the two of them were already far away.

Seeing that the two of them had no intention of slowing down, Lin Yuan walked over quickly and kept up with their pace.

Everyone did not rush into the magma, but watched around the crater.

The hot lava is just around the corner, and the cannons are coming out "gurgling".

There are some small bubbles that are just like warm water boiling porridge, slowly emerging on the surface of the waves, one after another. If the scorching temperature inside does not force people to take a step forward, perhaps no one will find it scary. .

But those big fire bubbles next to it are different.

They emerged from the viscous lava at the bottom, like bamboo shoots buried in the ground, breaking through the layers of soil, and then they were able to see the light of day again.

As there is more and more air in the fire bubble, its volume becomes larger and larger. Finally, the fiery red appearance is stretched into a transparent shell. If you look carefully, you can still see The magma wrapped in it is surging inside.

Then, there was a snap.

The huge fireball exploded, and the magma inside flew everywhere. The magma that fell into the sea of ​​​​fire will soon merge with it, preparing for the next accumulation.

The molten liquid did not fall inside, but splashed out. After the sizzling sound on the shore, the light glowing in the red liquid gradually dimmed, and finally turned gray, blending with the mountain wall here. One body.

If no one had witnessed its transformation with their own eyes, no one would be able to associate the hot lava inside with the blackened mountain walls surrounding them.

After a round of inspection, Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan found nothing.

Just because they couldn't see it didn't mean that Bai Ze couldn't see it. Maybe Bai Ze knew something, so they focused on Bai Ze.

"Any clues?"

Bai Ze frowned, and his originally huge face was squeezed together because of the wrinkles. In the eyes of Lin Yuan and the others, it looked particularly funny.

Seeing that Bai Ze did not answer immediately, Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan were not in a hurry and found an empty place nearby to sit down.

Luo Qinghan looked at the surging fire Mountain and Sea quietly, then cast his eyes on Lin Yuan and asked loudly.

"Is Qiongqi really down here?"

Lin Yuan shook his head, "I don't know... I can only say that the probability of it down here is greater than in other places."


When Luo Qinghan wanted to ask more questions, Bai Ze's voice interrupted her.

Bai Ze sighed heavily and walked over with a slumped face.

"No... that thing is so powerful that it can burn away all traces of passing by. Not to mention Qiongqi, I didn't even smell the breath of other things." As he spoke, Bai Ze pinched his nose and mouth, "Besides, the smell is really unpleasant. Even if it's pungent, why does it make people feel sick all over from the smell..."

Lin Yuan could only smile dumbly.

It cannot be said that volcanoes contain a variety of rich chemical substances, and these substances are poisonous when mixed together...

"Since there are no clues, let's go down and take a look."

"Okay..." Bai Ze responded subconsciously, but only later did she realize the exaggeration in Lin Yuan's words. Her tone suddenly increased a lot, and she repeated Lin Yuan's words in surprise, " What did you just say? You said we were"

Bai Ze subconsciously looked at the boiling and scalding magma around him, and then saw bubbles constantly blowing out of the thick magma. It was as if something was cooking him.

As he was thinking about it, Bai Ze actually trembled, and the whole beast's hair suddenly stood up in fear, as if it was being provoked.

"This thing is so scary. If we go in, we'll probably be cooked until there's not even a dregs left, right?"

When Bai Ze said this, his voice began to tremble.

What would it feel like if you accidentally fell down?

Stop it!

Bai Ze shook his head quickly to drive away this terrible thought.

If possible, it is better not to have this experience...

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