Fantasy: Unlimited Investment, The Heroine Becomes The Villain

Chapter 294 Hades Enters The Sea Of ​​Fire


Lin Yuan couldn't help laughing when he saw Bai Ze's cowardice.

"You are a strong man in the Supreme Realm. How come this little sea of ​​fire scares you?"

"What kind of sea of ​​fire is this? This is clearly the eighteenth level of hell that eats people without spitting out their bones!"

Bai Ze spoke more and more excitedly, and the words in his tone trembled along with it. Its claws grasped the limestone on the ground tightly. Even if the top layer of ash broke with just a scratch, it still She feels that being down-to-earth now makes her feel more secure.

"Only when we go down will we know whether Qiongqi is there or not."

"I won't go down! If you want to go down, go down yourself!"

Lin Yuan looked at Bai Ze's arched back and thought that she was really scared, so his tone softened a lot and his voice dropped several decibels.

"Instead of letting you throw yourself directly into the sea of ​​fire, I have something that can protect you."


Bai Ze looked at Lin Yuan warily, obviously not believing what Lin Yuan said.

After all, this guy often deceives me, so how could someone fall for it again and again?

When Bai Ze was still feeling lucky for his clever behavior, the next second Lin Yuan took out Hades, and the breath emanating from it was like a loud slap, and he breathed out, " "Hit" Bai Ze felt that his face was burning and painful.

"What's this?"

After Bai Ze saw the underworld in Lin Yuan's hand, his eyes instantly lit up, as if the haze in front of his eyes had been wiped away instantly. 1.

"Hades, you can think of it as a mobile mansion." When Lin Yuan introduced Bai Ze, the weapon spirit ran out.

The weapon spirit wandered around in front of Bai Ze, as if sizing up something, and then slowly spoke.

"Bai Ze, long time no see."

It was like meeting an old friend again after not seeing him for a long time, and he was able to blurt out the words easily.

Bai Ze turned his head sideways and looked at the weapon spirit floating in front of him. He thought about it in his mind for a long time and asked doubtfully.

"who are you?"

"It turns's already reached this time..."

There was a clear difference between the cold words and Qi Ling's words just now, but Lin Yuan did not see the slightest bit of surprise on Qi Ling's face, and that expression was more like... He knew the current result a long time ago, but when the result When I got the affirmation, the feeling of relief was difficult to express in words.

Qi Ling quickly concealed his feelings and said loudly.

"I am the weapon spirit of the underworld, you can call me Ayin."


Bai Ze moved his lips and slowly read out the name of the weapon spirit.

Somehow, as soon as she finished speaking, some intermittent melody appeared in her mind, and vaguely, she seemed to hear someone singing this melody.

In the melody, the human voices mixed in it are very blurry, and it is impossible to hear clearly the singing voice of Qing Bing in it.

But for some reason... Bai Ze felt that his eyes suddenly became moist.

Because she seemed to be feeling sad about that sound, but why was she sad?

Tears fell without warning.

A feeling of compassion arises spontaneously...

Bai Ze couldn't stop his tears, but Ayin in front of him sighed softly and stretched out his little hand, thinking of helping Bai Ze wipe away the tears on his face. As a result, when he just stretched out his hand, his hand fell straight Passed through Bai Ze's face.

Ayin could only watch helplessly as Bai Ze's tears fell from her empty palm.

"Don't cry..."

Bai Ze looked at the sadness in Ayin's eyes, pursed his lips tightly, and answered subconsciously.

"Okay...I won't cry..."

Lin Yuan, who was standing behind them, seemed to know something, pursed his lips, and finally said nothing. This was a matter between the two of them, and as outsiders, they were too embarrassed to say anything.

When Bai Ze's mood gradually stabilized, Lin Yuan spoke again.

"Have you thought about it? We'll go down in a moment."

"I have no problem, just... go down."

When Bai Ze said this, he looked into Ayin's eyes, a bit of dependence overflowing from them, and whispered in his ear like a hiss.

"I'll listen to you."


Lin Yuan immediately held Luo Qinghan's hand, and Luo Qinghan also held Lin Yuan's hand tacitly. The two of them looked ahead firmly, as if what they saw in front of them was not the terrifying sea of ​​fire, but a gorgeous sea. Like a flower field.

Then, with a thought in his mind, the underworld that was originally suspended in the palm of his hand like a small ball suddenly expanded dozens of times. Finally, it looked like a mansion.

But Lin Yuan did not show the whole picture of Hades. After all, the excessive size would not only fail to protect them well, but would even overdraw Lin Yuan's spiritual power in advance, increasing the threat to them from the volcanic lava.

After much deliberation, I decided to be prudent and just open up the tip of the iceberg.

Ayin led Bai Ze in, and Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan held hands together, turned into two beams of light of different colors, and went straight into the underworld.

All the personnel were ready. Lin Yuan, who was staying in the Hades Palace, controlled the Hades Palace to shrink in size, and then slowly fell into the sea of ​​fire.

Zila Zila.

When Hades first entered, the low temperature around it cooled down the hot magma by more than half. With Hades as the center, the sea of ​​fire became dim, and this situation continued for a long time.

It wasn't until Hades completely escaped into it, and the hot magma covered all its parts, that the temperature of the areas that had originally turned gray gradually increased and returned to their previous appearance when the rest of the magma merged together.

Inside the sea of ​​fire.

Hades is like a lead mass falling into water, sinking slowly.

Lin Yuan spread his body around the periphery of Hades, constantly sensing the situation in Hades. If cracks suddenly appeared in any place, he could come up with a solution as soon as possible and save everyone's lives as soon as possible. All protected.

But when he came inside the sea of ​​fire, Lin Yuan suddenly felt that his worries seemed to be a little overblown.

Hades is the Emperor Weapon of Hades, so how could he be defeated by a mere magma?

It would be better to say that Hades is as comfortable as a fish in water in the sea of ​​fire, because its low temperature also reduces the hot temperature around it so much that after everyone stays in it, they feel like... It is as comfortable as staying under the shade of a tree on a hot summer day.

But the immediate comfort lasted only for a moment.

Lin Yuan's eyes became more serious. After all, the real trouble was not the magma...

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