The deepening sea of ​​fire was filled with silence, as if everything in the outside world was cut off. No sound from the ground could be heard at all. Only the sound of his own heartbeat seemed particularly abrupt in this environment.

If we say that the deep sea is so black that you can't even see your fingers, then the sea of ​​fire is so dazzling that you can't even open your eyes.

Even if it is wrapped in Hades, it is difficult to resist the scalding heat of the magma outside Hades.

"Is this thing... going to be okay?"

Bai Ze looked around worriedly, especially when he saw the red light on the walls of Hades, the uneasiness in his heart became even stronger.

When Lin Yuan saw this, he thought of playing tricks on it and teased.

"Yes. If the red liquid scalds the outer wall of Hades, we might be buried deep in the sea of ​​fire."

"Don't scare me!"

"I didn't scare you."

Lin Yuan shrugged, as if what he just said was not a big deal.

Bai Ze's pupils shrank at first, but after seeing the speechless Luo Qinghan next to her, she instantly understood that Lin Yuan's words just now were just a lie. She immediately showed her fangs and smacked them at Lin Yuan, pretending to want to Teach him a lesson.

As a result, Hades hit some hard object during the fall. There was a "clang" and the entire mansion began to shake.


Bai Ze was so frightened that all the hair on his body exploded. He tremblingly grabbed the pillar on the side, trying to keep his huge body stable.

After shaking for a while, Hades finally stabilized.

Bai Ze breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. When he was about to talk to Lin Yuan, he found that both Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan looked a little solemn at this time.

"What are you..."

Before she could finish speaking, her voice suddenly stopped.

Because outside Hades, there are no traces of lava, and even the red light that was lingering around him at the beginning has long since disappeared.

Bai Ze murmured to himself the doubts in his heart.

"What is the situation now? Have we fallen into another world? Or have we fallen to the bottom? But this is impossible..."

Even if it reaches the bottom, it should be the bottom of the sea of ​​fire. How could it be like this now? There is no color outside, only indescribable darkness.

It's like a lonely lost place, without any life.

Jingle bell, jingle bell——

The melodious bells came from nowhere, lingering around Hades, and fell into everyone's eardrums as if there was no obstacle.

Lin Yuan used his spiritual consciousness to sense the outside environment, and after confirming that there were no problems, he put away Hades.

As Hades sank into Lin Yuan's arms, all the scenes that had been blocked were displayed in front of everyone.

Although it is not a lush forest, it is much better than the terrifying sea of ​​​​fire just like purgatory.

"I didn't expect there was a Grotto-Heaven under the sea of ​​fire."

Lin Yuan knew that there would be another world under the sea. Just like the earth itself is round, it would always change into another world at a certain Schrödinger moment. However, volcanoes are originally formed by geological movements. If the earth is not transmigrated, To be honest, wanting to reach the other side is really wishful thinking.

But now...

After Lin Yuan thought for a moment, he shook the thoughts out of his mind.

Never mind it!

This is a world beyond common sense. He should still think about how to survive under the halo of Yan Jiuxi and the protagonist...

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan began to take stock of this unfamiliar environment.

From time to time, melodious music could be heard in his ears, accompanied by a few bells. If they hadn't been in the twilight forest at the moment, he might have thought that a temple had appeared nearby.

Bai Ze looked around with a solemn expression, and the smile on his face gradually faded away.

"I sensed Qiongqi's aura."


"have no idea……"

"No... don't know?" Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, "What's going on?"

Bai Ze paused, his eyes rolled for a while, and then he slowly spoke.

"Everywhere here is full of Qiongqi's atmosphere, but nowhere is it. It's like everything here is integrated with Qiongqi..."

Lin Yuan immediately retorted: "This is impossible."

If the aura filled the surroundings, he could understand it, but if everything was strange, it would be a bit thought-provoking.

"I also think it's unlikely. Maybe it's the same as Chaos before. It's all an illusion created."

Bai Ze paused for a moment and quickly reacted.

As far as it is concerned, these four imprisoned ferocious beasts are no match for it at all. Even if they set up fists, it will be in vain in the face of absolute strength.

What's more, these guys have been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years.

Maybe Bai Ze was no match for them at his peak, but now it's different from the past. It's not easy to subdue them, but the most difficult thing is the iron ropes on their bodies.

Thinking of this, Bai Ze looked at Lin Yuan, feeling a little suspicious.

I don't know what kind of ability this kid has, but he can actually break the restrictions on the beast. You know, even my sister can't do anything about those things.

Lin Yuan noticed Bai Ze's gaze and looked over with a faint smile.

"What? There's something on my face? Or did I suddenly realize that I'm too handsome?" Lin Yuan said metaphorically: "Just tell me, I'll just show it to you. As for this..."

Bai Ze shook his head, withdrew his gaze, and said without revealing any trace: "You think too much, please save some shame."

After saying that, Bai Ze turned around.

What it didn't know was that the moment it turned around, the smile on Lin Yuan's face suddenly retracted, and he stared at its back dimly, his eyes so deep that they were unpredictable.

This scene was watched by Luo Qinghan on the side, but she just pursed her lips and didn't say anything.

After Bai Ze found the direction of progress again, Luo Qinghan stepped forward and touched Lin Yuan with his arm.

"If you don't leave, someone will become suspicious."

Luo Qinghan's voice was very low, and only the two of them could hear it.

Hearing this, Lin Yuan's eyes flashed with surprise.

He covered it up very well...why...

Looking at Luo Qinghan's leaving figure, no matter how many questions Lin Yuan had in his heart, they were all suppressed by him.

For some things, it's better not to ask too clearly. After all, both of you have an idea.

Thinking about it, Lin Yuan threw all the thoughts out of his mind, and took three steps in succession and followed Luo Qinghan's footsteps.

The most urgent task now is to get rid of the prodigies.

I don’t know what kind of surprise this last ferocious beast will bring to me?

Lin Yuan's eyes were shining, and his palms began to rub together.

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