They thought the forest was extremely open, but when they first stepped in, they were blocked by thorns all over the ground.

The thorns all over the place are like weeds. Because no one has cleaned them, they grow wantonly in this dark place without caring about anything.

Lin Yuan took a look, took out the Black Demon Halberd, and swept across the weeds in front of him.

In an instant, Lin Yuan forcefully blasted out a passage from the thorns that were stuck in front of him just now. It's just that the path he made was a bit unsightly.

As soon as Lin Yuan thought, the black magic halberd in his hand disappeared. He raised his legs and walked forward. However, he just took two steps and found that the person behind him had not reacted. He stopped, turned around and said .

"Why are you still standing there, why don't you leave? It's the road that I worked so hard to open."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Qinghan reminded him.

"Lin Yuan...look around you first."

"What's wrong..."

Lin Yuan was a little confused, but he still looked sideways. After seeing the scene around him, the words he had not finished speaking were instantly blocked in his throat.

The split thorns in front of him were like turbulent waves, opening their mouths wide at the passers-by, and a little liquid was still bubbling out from the neat cross-sections of the thorns. They gathered together and then fell on them. on the ground.

Countless thorns finally flowed on the ground to form two ditches, as if telepathically, flowing slowly. Lin Yuan didn't know where the front and back led.

A pungent and rusty smell spread out in the deep forest, mixed with the rotting smell of corpses.

Lin Yuan frowned and moved forward to see clearly what was in front of him.

The juice flowing from the incision of the thorn is actually red!

And this juice is indistinguishable from human blood...

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan reached out and touched the dripping juice.

From the touch, smell...and viscosity, he was sure that the thing in his hand was indeed human blood.

But how come human blood is on these plants?

Lin Yuan's thoughts couldn't help but spread.

If he remembered correctly, Qiongqi liked to eat people, and combined with the pile of corpses they saw before...

Lin Yuan's eyes flashed, and the outcome of the matter was naturally very obvious.

Although it is a bit incredible, these savage growths in front of you may be irrigated with human blood, otherwise they would not grow into what they are now.

Lin Yuan snorted coldly. The Black Demon Halberd appeared in his hand at some unknown time. He took a deep breath and poured all his spiritual power into the Black Demon Halberd as if he was going to exhaust all his strength.

The aura on his body suddenly rose, and the spiritual energy that had been silent in the air seemed to feel the breath from the abyss. It was a stronger force... and it made all spirits feel afraid and trembled.

The next second, Lin Yuan raised the weapon in his hand, held the handle of the Black Demon Halberd with both hands, and formed a full moon around his body.


With Lin Yuan as the center, explosions sounded one after another.

The group of thorns blocking the way and obstructing people's sight were all swept away by Lin Yuan. Even the ancient trees entangled with thorns did not escape this disaster. Like the thorns everywhere, they were turned into ashes.

Luo Qinghan and Bai Ze only felt their eyes light up. After the explosion, their vision suddenly became clear, and it was as if the scenes covered by God were all displayed in front of them.

I thought that the forest would be dark all day long, but I never thought that these wildly growing thorns climbed up the branches and leaves along the trunk of the ancient tree, entangled in the sky like a spider web, densely intertwined and intertwined. It blocked the reflected light, making it very dark below.

Now that those obstacles have been cleared away, the sun is pouring down, and the world below is illuminated in an instant.

However, things hidden in the darkness gradually surfaced.

When the smoke cleared, everyone saw clearly what was on the ground in front of them, and couldn't help but take a breath.


What came into view was the white bones all over the ground, and some liquid was left behind because it seeped into the soil, thus escaping the disaster, but among the charred ashes, the dark red traces remained on the soil. , seems particularly abrupt.

Lin Yuan's eyes gradually focused.

It seemed that his guess was good. The thorns that blocked them just now were indeed irrigated with human blood. If they wanted to reach the point where even the overflowing juice turned into human blood, how many people would be needed to reach this level?

While Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan didn't know how to move forward, Bai Ze took the lead and walked to the front to find out the direction for the two of them.

After a while, she put away her spreading deep knowledge, determined a direction and walked over.


Bai Ze's tone was filled with surprise, presumably because he had found Qiongqi's whereabouts.

This new road was completely different from the one he had just taken. If they were not in the same place, Lin Yuan would not have been able to think of anything in common between them. Even now, it is difficult for him to distinguish between the two. Places are connected.

Different from the savage growth scene there just now, there was more of a sense of contentment here. If they weren't still on the way to find Qiongqi during this trip, he would have even thought that they were going to live in seclusion in the deep forest.

But before they had walked a few steps, several mixed smells suddenly came from the air, heading straight towards them without any cover.

Lin Yuan stopped and looked forward with a slight frown.

The person on the opposite side seemed to have sensed Lin Yuan's scrutiny, so he simply didn't cover up and walked out openly.

"Master Lin~"

The leader held a big knife on his shoulder and a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth. He was very leisurely. However, after seeing Lin Yuan, his pupils shrank slightly, but then they recovered. calm.

"I didn't expect it was really you."

After listening to his words, Lin Yuan frowned more and more. From the man's tone, it seemed that he still knew him?

"who are you?"

"Haha." The man chuckled and spat out the dog's tail grass in his mouth, "That's right. Mr. Lin is very busy on weekdays, so how can he remember little people like us? But it's not a big problem... …”

As the man spoke, he took off the big knife on his shoulder, turned it leisurely in his hand, then raised his wrist and pointed the knife end at Lin Yuan in front of him.

"Today I will beat you down here to show you that not everyone can be treated arrogantly by you..."

Lin Yuan was stunned. A vague outline in his mind overlapped with the person in front of him, and finally became clearer.

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