Fantasy: Unlimited Investment, The Heroine Becomes The Villain

Chapter 297: A Good Dog Doesn’T Block The Road

Alarm bells rang in Lin Yuan's heart.

He remembered!

Lin Yuan locked his eyes tightly on the man, hesitated for a long time, and called out his name.

"Chen Jianghe..."

The man was stunned for a moment, then smiled as if he was mocking himself.

"I didn't expect that Young Master Lin would still know me, and I would look like this..."

Chen Jianghe stretched out his hand to touch his face. Unfortunately, his face, which should have been smooth, now had many protruding ridges, like ugly reptiles, stuck on his face, like several lines that could not be wiped off. The scars are gone.

When Chen Jianghe said this, an almost dangerous light appeared in his eyes, and his expression was almost crazy.

"The reason why I can become like this is thanks to someone!"

Looking at Lin Yuan not far away, Chen Jianghe just spoke softly at first, as if he was telling an insignificant matter. The more he talked about it, the more he became more and more excited, and his eyes were filled with tears. He looked at Lin Yuan with hatred in his eyes.

"It's not you yet!"

After these words fell, the sound waves were like landmines falling in the water, quickly smashing open in the forest. Because of the impact, the ancient trees around them pressed towards both sides, almost almost It will be uprooted.

Lin Yuan looked at Chen Jianghe calmly, not at all overwhelmed by his momentum.

In terms of strength, he may not be as good as Chen Jianghe, but that doesn't mean he can overpower him.

Lin Yuan slightly exuded his momentum and brushed away the pressure pouring down on him.

Chen Jianghe's eyes flashed with viciousness.

"You... you are really a monster!"

He recalled the first time he saw Lin Yuan. At that time, he was still a little boy, and his realm was even more ignorant. He didn't expect that Lin Yuan would reach this point in just a few years.

This child absolutely cannot be kept!

Chen Jianghe thought of that person's instructions, and when he thought of his poor disciple, the anger in his heart slowly surged into his heart.

"Stop talking nonsense and suffer death!"

Chen Jianghe no longer hesitated, and stabbed Lin Yuan sharply with the knife.

The originally stable space was like a fish suddenly falling into a hot oil pan. Suddenly, the fire was radiating, and the body of the fish, which was painfully hot, was flipping as hard as it could in the oil pan, stirring up the gradually hot oil. , mixed it up and turned it upside down.

Lin Yuan felt that there was suddenly a huge boulder pressing down on his shoulders, and the increasingly dark clouds seemed to have lost their balance and were pouring down together.

When he was about to retreat, he found that Chen Jianghe had already blocked all his escape routes.

This guy……

Lin Yuan raised his head, with a troubled look in his eyes. When Chen Jianghe saw it, the madness in his eyes became more obvious, and he said a little smugly.

"I didn't expect it...Isn't it unpleasant to have no way out?"

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment at first, but he quickly came to his senses and asked: "Chen Jianghe, you are no better, are you? After signing the contract, you will still be at the mercy of others for the rest of your life. The once glorious Holy Master Chen, Now you have ended up like this and engaged in this kind of business. If this spreads out, it will not feel good on your face, right?"

" do you know."

There was a trace of panic in Chen Jianghe's pupils. Although he covered it up well, this slight change in emotion did not escape Lin Yuan's eyes, and he looked past it.

Lin Yuan's heart was relieved a lot.

It seems that my guess is correct.

When he signed a contract with Ayin before, he also learned about another so-called contract.

The Spirit Beast swears by its own soul and can turn part of its body's abilities into the power of others, entrenching them. As long as the contractor does not violate the content of the contract, then this power can make them Continuing to use it is like squandering your own power.

But after this person dies, his soul will belong to the contractor, and he will not even be able to rest in peace after his death.

No matter how quickly the results of this kind of contract are achieved, no one will choose to embark on this path unless they are forced to do so. Obviously... Chen Jianghe is an anomaly in the norm.

He knew Chen Jianghe's strength. With his talent, it was simply impossible to reach the Dao Severing Realm in just a few years, but in front of him, he had indeed achieved it...

In this way, combined with the aura emanating from his body, it is somewhat related to Qiongqi.

"Since you know that I will come to this place, you should understand what the purpose of my trip is."

Chen Jianghe sneered, "I won't let you succeed!"

"Then you can try. If you can't stop me, you will die."

As soon as the two people finished speaking, the sound of "clang, clang, clang, clang" sounded in the air, and the two people turned into light beams and passed quickly through the forest.

"It's really troublesome."

Just when Bai Ze was about to take action to solve Chen Jianghe's trouble, he was stopped by Luo Qinghan.

It was a little dissatisfied and turned its head to look at Luo Qinghan who was holding it.

"Why are you holding me back? Didn't you see this guy bullying others?"

"It's okay, Lin Yuan can beat him, and..." When Luo Qinghan saw the red light flashing on Lin Yuan's body, she instantly understood what he wanted to do, "If you step forward to intervene, it will be a waste." A life force."

"What's the meaning……"

Before the words came out of Bai Ze's mouth, he saw a picture that was more intuitive than a verbal explanation.

A tail like a poisonous scorpion circled behind Chen Jianghe, and then quietly approached...

When he wasn't paying attention, the shadow that turned into a tail suddenly straightened, and then thrust straight through Chen Jianghe's body.


Before Chen Jianghe had time to react, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

He looked at the blood on the ground in disbelief, and then looked down at the monster piercing his chest.

"You..." Chen Jianghe opened his mouth, and the blood foam that had been blocked in his throat surged up. He couldn't say what he wanted to say, and in the end only a gurgling sound remained.

With a thought in Lin Yuan's mind, the rattan that penetrated Chen Jianghe's body instantly transformed into a tentacle that looked like a suction cup. The small suction cup with sharp teeth turned around and clung to Chen Jianghe's flesh, and then opened the blood With a big mouth, he took a big bite.


The miserable screams spread in the forest, and the birds in the forest were so frightened that they fluttered their wings and flew up. The rapid chirping was accompanied by the screams. For a while, the forest became chaotic, and there was no separation at all. It's unclear where the sound is coming from.

As Chen Jianghe shouted, his voice gradually became hoarse, and his round and shiny skin became visibly flattened.

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