Qiongqi's angry voice echoed in the forest, causing the ground beneath their feet to tremble.

Lin Yuan asked suspiciously: "What do you mean?"

"Still pretending? Hypocritical human beings." Qiongqi said "ha", and a stream of cold air emerged from his nose, and a few flakes of frost condensed near it, "Back then, you humans were able to deceive us and put us The four brothers are scattered in four places around the world, guarding the four places for you. To put it mildly, it is guarding. At worst, it means imprisoning us in this ghost place."

Lin Yuan's heart was filled with uproar.

I thought that the human race imprisoned the ferocious beasts because of their evil deeds so that they could not do evil, but I never thought that there was actually this story behind it.

However, Lin Yuan did not blindly follow Qiong Qi's words. After all, everything is not as true as what he sees.

Lin Yuan said leisurely: "How can I trust you?"

"Believe it or not, if you can, let me stay in this place. Even if I die here, I will not join in the same deeds with you."

"you sure?"

"I do..."

Before Qiongqi could say anything, he suddenly choked up.

An immense pressure came from all directions, making it unable to breathe for a while.

Lin Yuan blinked, naturally feeling the change in the pressure of the space, and naturally knowing that Yan Jiuxi had arrived nearby.

Can't wait any longer!

"If you cooperate with me, I can guarantee your freedom in the future, but if you don't come with me..."

Qiongqi looked at Lin Yuan in front of him, and his eyes fell on somewhere again.

For a long time, it acquiesced to Lin Yuan's proposal.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan unlocked Qiongqi's body, and what followed was the system prompt in his mind.

[Congratulations to the host for investing in Qiongqi and obtaining Qiongqi’s accompanying skill - Parasitism! ]

Lin Yuan did not dare to take a closer look. He just glanced at the information on the system panel and accepted the details page.

Turning around, he seemed to have just realized that Yan Jiuxi was coming, and pretended to be a little surprised.

"Empress, why are you here?"

Yan Jiuxi glanced at Lin Yuan and said nothing, but Lin Yuan clearly felt that the aura on Yan Jiuxi's body was disordered, as if something had backlashed him.

This discovery surprised Lin Yuan.

In today's world, it's really unbelievable that anything can hurt Yan Jiuxi.

Yan Jiuxi took Qiongqi into his pocket just like before.

After taking care of Qiongqi in front of her, she was willing to cast her gaze on Lin Yuan beside her.

"You did very well."

Yan Jiuxi praised Lin Yuan without hesitation, and then waved his hand, and two more pills fell in front of Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan.

"This is the reward."

Her words were concise and to the point, and she didn't even want to say two more words. After saying this, she tore apart the space and left through the universe.

Bai Ze, who was waiting next to him, also left with Yan Jiuxi.

In an instant, the place that was bustling just now was now filled with devastation, and it was so gloomy that only the two of them were still standing in this place.

Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan both noticed something strange about Yan Jiuxi.

"She actually left in such a hurry this time. Could something have happened?"

"It's very possible..." Lin Yuan grabbed the elixir suspended in the air in his hand, "But now is not the time for us to take care of it. Improving our strength as soon as possible is the top priority."

Luo Qinghan looked around and said slowly.

"This place is not suitable for a breakthrough, so let's find another place."

As they spoke, the two men's figures flashed and disappeared into the jungle the next second, leaving only fragments of iron chains on the ground recording what had just happened.

Cang country.


A man with a red flag on his back was flying in the palace, and his loud sound was so startling that all the birds in the palace flew up.

When the people in the palace saw the soldiers' panic, they became suspicious. However, the palace was surrounded by other people's eyes and ears, and no one dared to say a word, so they had to lower their heads and leave.

When Yuffie, who was staying in the palace, heard the news, she didn't even have time to change into formal clothes and hurried to Jiangshan Palace.

"What happened?"

While walking, Yuffie kept asking the attendants next to her, but the news came too suddenly. Their subordinates did not find out the news at all, and now they could only shake their heads helplessly.

Yuffie sighed, as if she had a guess in her mind.

In such an urgent situation, there may be nothing else but an attack by the wizards.

Thinking like this, Yuffie's footsteps have already arrived in front of the Jiangshan Palace.

Before she could enter, she heard the voices of several generals discussing from the cabinet.

"Lord, let me tell you, we can't wait any longer. Now those wizards are bullying us at our doorstep. If we don't send troops to fight against them, won't we be the laughing stock of our huge Cang Kingdom? "

"The two powerful men invited by Her Highness the Princess will not help us at all. The first priority is to resist their attack. As for the two reinforcements, the Princess must ask them to come forward."

"The princess also said before that worldly affairs should not affect monks..."

Everyone was talking to each other, and Zang Anya, who was sitting in the main seat, felt his head growl, but the current situation was really urgent, the incident happened suddenly, and he couldn't think of a good way to deal with this incident. , amidst the discussion among several people, he seemed to subconsciously feel that Lin Yuan should be invited back.

But thinking of Yuffie's tone... this simplest shortcut turned into a dilemma for him.

What to do...

Just when Zang Anya was at a loss, a figure came out from behind the screen.

Zang Anya subconsciously looked over and saw that Yuffie's figure had arrived, and a hint of joy flashed in his eyes.

"Yuffie is here!"

The generals who were still arguing heard Zang Anya's words and turned around to salute Youfei.

"your Highness."

Yuffie nodded, agreeing.

Then, she walked to the center of the main seat and saluted Zang Anya who was sitting on it.

"My son, please pay homage to the Lord."

"No courtesy, get up quickly!"

When Zang Anya saw Yuffie appearing, her brows that were originally frowning suddenly became relieved, and even the corners of her eyes were raised a little more.

Yuffie stood up from the ground and bowed again.

"My lord, I sincerely request you to send troops to annihilate all the wizards."

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