Fantasy: Unlimited Investment, The Heroine Becomes The Villain

Chapter 300 This Is A Responsibility And An Obligation

As soon as these words came out, everyone in Jiangshan Hall was stunned.

They originally thought that Yuffie would unite with Zang Anya, but now that they saw it, the facts seemed to be somewhat beyond their expectations.

Is it possible that there is some gap between the Lord and the Princess?

Everyone was making up the reasons in their minds, and their thoughts were written on their faces, but no one pointed it out, but there was suddenly more eye contact in private.

"Yuffie, why are you..." Zang Anya's mouth was half-opened, a little surprised by Yuffie's proposal, "Didn't you say before that you don't have to worry about this matter for a while?"

He had previously advocated directly annihilating all the wizards and other people. After all, these people were the enemies of the Cang Kingdom, and they could not be allowed to act recklessly under his eyes.

Not long ago, after he learned the news, he originally thought about sending troops, but when he thought about it, he remembered what Yuffie said to him before, and the idea of ​​sending troops was suppressed by him again. Go down and overcome all difficulties to stop the army that is ready to go.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be a few major generals who came to persuade me to think about this matter again.

Now that Yuffie is saying that he wants to send troops, isn't he obviously throwing a stone at his own foot?

Yuffie looked at Zang Anya's expression that had remained unchanged for thousands of years. Naturally, she didn't know what Zang Anya was thinking, so she said what she had thought of on the way.

"If the wizard faction does not move, our country's initiative to send troops will be unreasonable and allow others to take advantage of it. Therefore, I did not advocate that the Lord send troops before. But now, it is different from the past. It is the wizard line that sends troops first. We Cang Country is just acting in legitimate self-defense. Even if someone wants to add insult to injury, they can't find a legitimate reason to overpower us. From this point of view, now is the best time."

"in this way……"

There was some hesitation in Zang Anya's eyes, and then his eyes flashed, and the figures of two people suddenly came to mind.

"What about the two people you mentioned? Didn't they promise to help?"

Yuffie lowered her eyes when she heard this.

"This is our own business, so don't bother outsiders."


Youfei thought of the scene when Lin Yuan and the two left. They must have more important things to do. If they were interrupted because of a trivial matter in their own country, they might be displeased. .

Thinking like this, Yuffie did not take Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan into consideration at all.

Seeing Youfei's reluctance to say anything, Zang Anya naturally wouldn't expose what she was hiding. Then, he sat up slightly and said in a deep voice.

"Pass my order and send out troops!"

When the generals heard this, they all responded with joy.


Not long after, the sound of galloping hooves spread throughout the town. When the onlookers on both sides of the road saw this, their eyes were filled with doubts as to what was happening outside the city.

"What exactly happened here?"

After staying at the emperor's feet for a long time, they had never seen such a formation at all. With the horses galloping past, many people's minds became even more confused.

"Is something going on?"

A few locals who had been staying there did not care much about these things. Instead, they said somewhat relaxedly: "What can happen? The biggest thing now is that the wizards have defeated the enemy and are preparing to attack the city."

"You..." Others saw that his relaxed look was completely different from the words coming out of his mouth, "We are already approaching the city, aren't you anxious?"

"Why are you so anxious? Can you go up and help, or can you run out of the fighting range before the battle?"


Everyone was stunned by the man's words, and for a while they couldn't find any words to refute.

After all, if you think about it carefully, what the man said makes so much sense...

Looking at the situation in front of them, they have already reached their doorstep. Even if they want to escape, it is simply impossible. Instead of being unable to help inside, it is better to do their own thing now and go smoothly. It's natural.

The black-armored cavalry rushed out toward the city gate, leaving a mess on the ground.

Many people on the street noticed the abnormal atmosphere, and one by one they began to close their stalls early and go home to stay.

The originally prosperous city scene has now become somewhat depressed.

In the palace, another person began to wear a battle armor.

"Princess! There is absolutely no way you can do this with your body of gold!"

The eunuch's sharp voice instantly broke the tranquility of the palace.

Yuffie frowned and did not stop moving her hands.

"What's your name? It's so noisy."

"Oh, my princess..." Seeing Yuffie's disobedient look, the eunuch was so anxious that he almost burst into tears, "You are going to put the slave on the fire rack to roast! After that, my lord, I know, this slave cannot bear this responsibility."

Yuffie still had an indifferent look on her face, not showing any signs of relenting.

"Father, this princess will explain that this is my own decision, and I will not drag you into the water together."

"your Highness!"

Even after hearing what Yuffie said, the eunuch did not dare to let Yuffie out. He blocked her along the way, hindering her progress.

"Even if you say so, I can't let you go."

"Step aside."

Yuffie said coldly.

When the eunuch heard this, his whole body couldn't stop trembling, but he refused to move even if his two legs were fighting.

Yuffie looked at the eunuch in front of her calmly and shouted to the guards outside.

"Come here, Eunuch Li is feeling unwell. Take him back to recuperate."


Two burly soldiers walked in quickly outside the door. Each one grabbed Eunuch Li's arm, like grabbing a chicken with weak hands, and took Eunuch Li out of the palace.

"your Highness--"

When Eunuch Li was taken away by the attendants, he was still calling Yuffie's name. It was just something she had already decided to do. Even if Zang Anya personally came to persuade her, it would be difficult to shake her heart.

Without the eunuch's obstruction, Yuffie's journey to the palace was relatively smooth.

However, as he was approaching the palace gate, the maid accompanying him bit her lip, with some tears flashing in her eyes.

"Your Highness you have to go?"

They may not have had much contact with Her Highness the Princess. After all, their master has a cold nature, and his attitude towards the servants in the palace and the master of Cang Kingdom is the same.

As for the difference, it is only caused by their identities.

Even so, they didn't want to see Yuffie put herself in danger.

This is not only for myself, but also for Yuffie.

Yuffie suddenly stopped as she walked out. She turned around and looked at the face of the maid behind her for a while. She felt a little strange. She guessed that during her absence, the people in the palace were changed again by her nanny. .

Thinking of this, Yuffie softened her voice.

"I am the princess of Cang Kingdom. This is my obligation and responsibility."

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