Yuffie's words were lightly blown away by the passing wind, leaving only a few faint sounds lingering in the air.

By the time the maid came to her senses, there was no sign of Yuffie in front of her.

"your Highness……"

The maid grabbed the hem of her clothes helplessly, bit her lip, and walked back along the same path like a zombie.

The news of Yuffie leaving the palace quickly reached Zang Anya's ears.

When Zang Anya heard this, his expression suddenly turned cold.

"No one stopped me?"

"Her Royal Highness the Princess insists on leaving, and the servants... the servants can't stop her!"

"..." Zang Anya paused for a long time and sighed heavily, "That's all, not even Gu can stop her from what she wants to do."

The eunuch behind him saw Zang Anya standing up and quickly stepped forward to help him.

"My lord, your highness the princess also wants to share more affairs with you."

Zang Anya did not refute the eunuch's words, but followed his words.

"I hope she can learn to be a female celebrity like girls from other families, and go out with her sisters in her spare time, instead of looking like this."

"My lord, your highness the princess is already a good person among people. Maybe this is the path that suits her."

"What you said is true..." Zang Anya's eyes came back with some memories, "Yuffie has always been like this..."

Thinking about it, Zang Anya changed his steps and walked back to the palace.

"Lord, what are you doing?"

The eunuch saw Zang Anya trying to get the armor from the stand, and quickly stepped forward, took the armor in his hand, and then motioned with his eyes to the servants in the palace to come forward and help.

Zang Anya opened his arms and let his servants change his clothes.

"Yuffie has passed. As a father, I can't hide behind it, right?"

"Lord, this is impossible..."

"Stop talking nonsense, there is nothing to be reluctant to part with."


The eunuch wisely closed his mouth and said no more.

After a long time, after the belt around the waist was tied, everyone stepped back.

The eunuch looked at Zang Anya, whose eyes were slightly closed, and called softly: "My lord, I'm healed now."

Zang Anya made a sound in his nose and finally responded. Then, he opened his eyes and looked at himself in the bronze mirror.

A suit of golden armor came down, and a sapphire-colored sword was attached to his waist.

"It's too expensive..."

Zang Anya murmured a few words, but instead of letting his servants do any more work, he walked out the door.

When he went out, there were already soldiers at the door leading the royal horse.

The red jade rabbit couldn't help but hiss when he saw Zang Anya's wartime equipment, and the fighting spirit in his blood surged, as if he knew what he was about to do.

Zang Anya touched Jade Rabbit's head happily, then put one hand on the saddle on the horse's back, and with a little force, she landed lightly and steadily on the horse's back.


The Jade Rabbit's front hooves rubbed their hands on the ground excitedly, and they couldn't wait to get ready to go.

Zang Anya took the reins from the soldier's hand, with a look of awe in his eyes.


The reins fell on Jade Rabbit's back. He clamped the horse's back with his feet and kicked hard. The blood-red Red Rabbit jumped out instantly like an arrow off the string.

city ​​gate.

Yuffie stood on top of the city gate wearing this soft silver armor, overlooking the city below.

The men and horses from both sides fought together, the sounds of weapons intertwined, and the screams were deafening.

"How's the situation?"

The general standing behind Yuffie took a step forward and said respectfully.

"We have stopped the opponent's troops thirty miles away from the city gate, but their tactics are so weird that it is difficult for our people to capture them all."

Yuffie nodded, "Where's the military advisor over there?"

"Go back to Your Highness Princess, our people haven't found any trace of him yet, maybe he didn't come."

"It's impossible..." Yuffie's eyes darkened, "It's impossible that he didn't come at this time. He must be hiding in a corner. Send an order to make our people more vigilant and don't let anyone with serious intentions take advantage of it."

"My subordinate understands!"

The general retreated after receiving the order, and Yuffie looked at the situation below, her palm gradually covering the sword on her waist.

"your Highness……"

A maidservant was coming up with a fruit plate. When she saw Yuffie's figure and was about to shout, the beautiful figure jumped from the city gate and jumped down holding her own sword.

"your Highness!"

The maidservant was so frightened that the fruit plate in her hand fell away, and the fruits in it were scattered on the floor.

But at this time, she didn't care about the situation on the ground at all. Instead, she quickly lay down on the opponent where Yuffie jumped, trying to see Yuffie's situation clearly, but she saw the white figure moving back and forth with ease. In the flow of people, a bloody mist rolled up wherever they went.

At this moment, a sharp voice came from her body.

"Lord, come up-"

The maid didn't care about Yuffie's condition, and quickly knelt on the ground, lowering her head, not daring to raise her head.

When Zang Anya walked up, she first looked around, but she didn't see Yuffie on the city wall. After checking carefully for a week, she finally laid her eyes on the person kneeling on the ground.

After staring for a long time, he recognized this person as Yuffie's maid, and he asked.

"Where's the princess?"

The maid who was lying on the ground trembled when she heard this. She didn't dare to raise her head and answered timidly.

"Princess... Her Royal Highness jumped down."


Zang Anya quickly walked to the edge of the city wall and looked at the scene below, just in time to see a figure in the crowd coming and going with ease.

He paused, his beard fluttering with anger.

"Nonsense! It's really nonsense!"

Zang Anya was so angry that he rolled up his sleeves and scolded everyone around him.

"What do you people do? Just let the princess go alone!"

He cursed everyone present. Everyone lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

Zang Anya looked at the group of trash around him and felt panicked, but there was absolutely no way he could go down easily.

He took a deep breath and said: "Why are you still standing there and not going to help? If there is anything wrong with the princess, I will ask you!"

When everyone saw this, Nuonuo responded, then picked up his guy and rushed out of the city gate.

After all, the Lord has never lied about anything about the princess. If those bastards really hurt the princess, they couldn't guarantee whether Zang Anya would attack them.

If you want to keep yourself safe and sound, the only way to protect the princess is to protect her.

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